Pokémon Zukan figures

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Pokémon Zukan figures of the Chikorita evolutionary line

Pokémon Zukan figures (Japanese: 立体ポケモン図鑑 Three-dimensional Pokémon Zukan) is a line of collectible Pokémon figures produced by Takara Tomy in Japan. It is named after the Pokédex since the figures are scaled to 1/40th of their listed size in the Pokédex. They are noted by collectors for their accuracy and level of detail.

In Japan, they are distributed in gashapon machines. More recently, Tomy Yujin Europe have started to sell these figures, under the title of Evolution Figures, also as Ash's Adventure, and most recently as Blockbuster Collection 1&2 which features Pokémon from the movies. In Europe a Mystery Dungeon 2 set was also released. In the United Kingdom they are usually priced at £1.99.

List of sets

Hoenn Edition

SP Edition

Zenkoku Edition

DP Edition

BW Edition

XY Edition

External links

Hoenn Edition: 第1集第2集第3集第4集第5集第6集
SP Edition: 01020304
Zenkoku Edition: 第1集第2集第3集第4集第5集第6集
DP Edition: 0102030405060708
BW Edition: 0102Movie V1Movie V203Movie V3
Movie V4Movie V504Special05Movie V6
XY Edition: 01020304

Pokémon toys
Takara Tomy: Monster CollectionPokémon mateGrabber BallDeluxe TrainersZukan figuresSuper Ball
Gacha setsDiamond and Pearl Plush CollectionDiamond and Pearl Choro-QsPokémon Egg PlushesPitaPoké
Pokémon Z-Ring
Bandai: Pokémon KidsPokémon Scale WorldBandai FriendsPocket Monsters CarddassPokémon Plamo
Hasbro: Battle FiguresBattle TrainerPoké-PacksPoké Ball BlasterDeluxe TrainersGrabber Ball
Combat FiguresPlush figuresBean-filled plush figuresElectronic figuresPower BouncerV-Trainer
Quick-Change Poké BallPull Backs!Pokémon PokédexElectronic Poké BallTHINKChipPlush clip-on
TPCi: Pokémon HousePoké DollKuttari CutiePokémon Gallery Figures
Jakks Pacific: Action FiguresBattle Dome PlaysetDiamond and Pearl Electronic Talking PokédexDiamond and Pearl vehicles
Fossil Regeneration StationReversible Poké Ball plushSinnoh Region PlaysetUnova Electronic Pokédex
Pokémon TV Games (canceled)
Jazwares: Battle FiguresDeluxe Feature FiguresPokémon SelectPokémon Surprise Attack GameSquishmallows
Other: Deluxe PokédexMighty Beanz Pokémon: AdvancedBuild-A-BearBuild 'n BattlePlay by Play plush figures
Mini-SkateboardMini-SnowboardPokémon KeychainPokémotionElectronic Yo-YoBackpack Pal
Applause Inc. plush toysCyclone 2Pokémon NanoblocksIonix PokémonMega Construx Pokémon
Toy Factory plush toysPocket Monsters Gigantic Series NEOPokémon Quest Vinyl Figures

This article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.