Pokémon TV Games

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Pokémon TV Games console

Pokémon TV Games is a canceled Jakks Pacific plug and play game that was intended to be released in 2007. While an image of what the game was going to look like was created, how far into development it got is unknown. It had an Item Number of JK59475. HotGen founder, Fergus McGovern, is credited as a developer.


Pokémon TV Games:

Bring all the fun of Pokémon to your TV- and no game system is required! All that's needed are 4 "AA" batteries, no consoles or cartridges are required. Simply plug in the A/V input jacks that come with the controller into any standard television set, turn on and play!

External links

Pokémon toys
Takara Tomy: Monster CollectionPokémon mateGrabber BallDeluxe TrainersZukan figuresSuper Ball
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Pokémon Z-Ring
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Hasbro: Battle FiguresBattle TrainerPoké-PacksPoké Ball BlasterDeluxe TrainersGrabber Ball
Combat FiguresPlush figuresBean-filled plush figuresElectronic figuresPower BouncerV-Trainer
Quick-Change Poké BallPull Backs!Pokémon PokédexElectronic Poké BallTHINKChipPlush clip-on
TPCi: Pokémon HousePoké DollKuttari CutiePokémon Gallery Figures
Jakks Pacific: Action FiguresBattle Dome PlaysetDiamond and Pearl Electronic Talking PokédexDiamond and Pearl vehicles
Fossil Regeneration StationReversible Poké Ball plushSinnoh Region PlaysetUnova Electronic Pokédex
Pokémon TV Games (canceled)
Jazwares: Battle FiguresDeluxe Feature FiguresPokémon SelectPokémon Surprise Attack GameSquishmallows
Other: Deluxe PokédexMighty Beanz Pokémon: AdvancedBuild-A-BearBuild 'n BattlePlay by Play plush figures
Mini-SkateboardMini-SnowboardPokémon KeychainPokémotionElectronic Yo-YoBackpack Pal
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Toy Factory plush toysPocket Monsters Gigantic Series NEOPokémon Quest Vinyl Figures
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.