Memorial Pillar

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Not to be confused with Memorial Hill.
Memorial Pillar おもいでのとう
Memorial Tower
Map description
This area is not described by a map.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Five Isle Meadow
Memorial Pillar

Sevii Islands Route 0
Location of Memorial Pillar in Sevii Islands.
Pokémon world routes
Five Isle Meadow       Outcast Island

Memorial Pillar (Japanese: おもいでのとう Memorial Tower) is a location southeast of the Sevii Islands. Northwest of the area is Five Isle Meadow, while going south leads to a dead end. The area is mostly sea, with two segments of land, north and south of the area. The north segment is a small island with three Trainers and patches of grass. The south segment serves as a grave site to an Onix, nicknamed Tectonix (Japanese: イワキチ Iwakichi), that was loved immensely by its Trainer.

Route description

Northern segment

The player enters the area while surfing from the east and make their way left to the north portion of the Memorial Pillar, or can alternatively continue south on the water until their get to the south portion. The north portion of Memorial Pillar is a long strip of land with patches of tall grass. If the player makes their way down, they will face three Trainers, all being Bird Keepers with two Pokémon each, waiting for battle. There are also three hidden Berries scattered on the ground between patches of grass. There are patches of sandy beaches on the shore of the small island, that leads up to the hilly grass land. If the player travels south on the northern segment, they will reach another entry, where they may surf on the water down to the southern segment.

Southern segment

The south portion of Memorial Pillar is smaller than the northern segment. It serves as a grave site to an Onix, nicknamed Tectonix (Japanese: イワキチ Iwakichi), that was loved immensely by its Trainer. The actual memorial is a large tower-like pillar shaped like an Onix tail made from rock which was how the area got its name. If a player puts a Lemonade (by interacting with the pillar), Tectonix's favorite drink, on its grave, the mourning Trainer will give the player TM42 (Facade) as a thank-you.

The player must start on the sandy beach shore and make their way up the hilly path to the top where the great memorial is located. The player can also make their way down another hilly path on the left to a small beach, where a hidden Big Pearl can be found, and a small area of water to surf. This is a dead end, and the player must retrace their steps to get back to where they began.


Item Location Games
Razz Berry III Razz Berry Southeast of Bird Keeper Milo, on a marked square (hidden)  FR  LG 
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Southeast of Bird Keeper Chaz, on a marked square (hidden)  FR  LG 
Bluk Berry Bluk Berry Southwest of the Sitrus Berry, on a marked square (hidden)  FR  LG 
TM Normal TM42 (Facade) Thank-you gift if the player leaves a Lemonade on the memorial  FR  LG 
Metal Coat Metal Coat Southwest of the memorial  FR  LG 
Big Pearl Big Pearl Southeast of the Metal Coat, on the southwest beach (hidden recurring item; group C)  FR  LG 


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Hoppip Hoppip
Grass Grass
6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 100%
Tentacool Tentacool
Surfing Surfing
5-40 65%
Hoppip Hoppip
Surfing Surfing
5-15 30%
Tentacruel Tentacruel
Surfing Surfing
35-40 5%
Magikarp Magikarp
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
5 100%
Horsea Horsea
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
5-15 80%
Krabby Krabby
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
5-15 80%
Magikarp Magikarp
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
5-15 20%
Horsea Horsea
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
15-25 40%
Qwilfish Qwilfish
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
15-25 40%
Krabby Krabby
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
15-25 40%
Remoraid Remoraid
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
15-25 40%
Gyarados Gyarados
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
15-25 15%
Seadra Seadra
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
25-35 4%
Kingler Kingler
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
25-35 4%
Psyduck Psyduck
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
25-35 1%
Slowpoke Slowpoke
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
25-35 1%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Trainer Pokémon
Bird Keeper Milo
Bird Keeper Milo
ショウヘイ Shōhei
Reward: $1176
Vs. Seeker
Pidgey Pidgey Lv.47
No item
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Lv.49
No item
Bird Keeper Chaz
Bird Keeper Chaz
ハルアキ Haruaki
Reward: $1176
Vs. Seeker
Spearow Spearow Lv.47
No item
Fearow Fearow Lv.49
No item
Bird Keeper Harold
Bird Keeper Harold
スミト Sumito
Reward: $1176
Vs. Seeker
Hoothoot Hoothoot Lv.47
No item
Noctowl Noctowl Lv.49
No item
Bird Keeper Milo
Bird Keeper Milo
ショウヘイ Shōhei
Reward: $1320
After delivering the Sapphire to Celio
Vs. Seeker
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Lv.53
No item
Pidgeot Pidgeot Lv.55
No item
Bird Keeper Chaz
Bird Keeper Chaz
ハルアキ Haruaki
Reward: $1320
After delivering the Sapphire to Celio
Vs. Seeker
Fearow Fearow Lv.53
No item
Fearow Fearow Lv.55
No item
Bird Keeper Harold
Bird Keeper Harold
スミト Sumito
Reward: $1320
After delivering the Sapphire to Celio
Vs. Seeker
Noctowl Noctowl Lv.53
No item
Noctowl Noctowl Lv.55
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

In the manga

Memorial Pillar in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

FireRed & LeafGreen arc

Memorial Pillar was one of the locations destroyed by Carr and his Steelix during Team Rocket's Three Beasts' attack on the Sevii Islands in Put Your Beast Foot Forward.

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 回憶之塔 / 回忆之塔 Huíyì zhī Tǎ
French Mémorial
German Gedenksäule
Italian Colonna Rocciosa
Korean 추억의 탑 Chueok-yi Tap
Brazilian Portuguese Torre Memorial
Spanish Pilar Recuerdo
Vietnamese Tháp Hồi Ức

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This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.