Ingredients Sellers (Japanese: 食材屋Ingredient Seller) are NPCs who sell ingredients for making curry. Ingredients Sellers can be found in the Wild Area and on the Isle of Armor. They have the appearance of Hikers.
Each Ingredients Seller has a pool of ingredients to sell from, and their stock changes daily.
Rolling Fields
This Ingredients Seller sells six items at a time: three items from the $150 pool, two or three items from the $400 pool, and up to one item from the $950 pool.
The Hammerlocke Hills Ingredients Seller sells six items at a time: three items from the $400 pool, two or three items from the $950 pool, and up to one item from the $2,200 pool.
The Fields of Honor Ingredients Seller sells four, five, or six items at a time.
An Ingredients Seller appeared in A One-Stick Wonder!, supplying Ash and Goh with curry ingredients while they were camping out in the Wild Area. In the dub, he was simply referred to as a Hiker.