Calyrex (game)

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バドレックス Budrex

Debuts in The Crown Tundra
Caught at Crown Shrine
Gender Gender unknown[1]
Ability Unnerve
As One (As Ice/Shadow Rider Calyrex)
Current location With the player/
At the Crown Shrine
This Pokémon is fully evolved.

Calyrex (Japanese: バドレックス Budrex) is a Legendary Pokémon and major character in Pokémon Sword and Shield's The Crown Tundra expansion. It used to rule a part of Galar, however, after losing the faith of humans and being abandoned by its loyal steed, it became nothing but a myth among the people of the Crown Tundra.

In the core series

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Character profile

Main article: Calyrex (Pokémon)

Calyrex is highly intelligent Pokémon and has a regal demeanor, speaking in a polite tone to the player, and treating Peony with care while using him as a proxy. Despite the people of the Crown Tundra having forgotten about it, Calyrex is still concerned about their future, and is only able to move on from its past with the player's help.


Calyrex once ruled Galar, specifically the Crown Tundra, in ancient times as its king. It has the power to see every known past, present, and future event. It was known as "The King of Bountiful Harvests" as it brought lush vegetation and a good harvest to the land every year. Using its right hand can cause the land to be covered in verdant glass and blooms, while the left hand can make the fields of fruit ripen and heavy.

At one point, the villagers meet Calyrex when it was injured during a time when the Crown Tundra was barren and uninhabitable. It reacted in fear when the humans opened their palms, so they closed their palms in order to make Calyrex feel safe. The King Pokémon was then healed by humans living in the Crown Tundra. Upon being nursed back to its full strength, Calyrex emitted a dazzling blue light. Then in gratitude, Calyrex turns the frozen Tundra they lived in into a habitable land filled with lush and rich soil called the Crown Plains. This allowed the people to thrive successfully in the cold region.

This act earned the respect and loyalty of the people who worshiped it. They began to refer to Calyrex as a king. At one point, Calyrex saved the people again from Glastrier/Spectrier, a ruffian who was the lord of the Crown Tundra. This also gave rise to the tradition of giving it an offering in gratitude each year— the Reins of Unity, which bonds Calyrex to the people it worshipped. The Reins of Unity were made by a radiant flower from Calyrex and mane hair from its loyal steed, Glastrier/Spectrier. The Reins of Unity allowed Calyrex to command Glastrier/Spectrier with ease. The villagers then created the Crown Shrine in order to give Calyrex and its royal steed a worthy home.

However, as time went by, people began to slowly forget about and lose faith in Calyrex. As Calyrex depends on the people's faith, it slowly lost its great power. Eventually, its steed abandoned it, leaving it with only a fraction of its power. Thus, Calyrex faded into legend and fairy tales. One such tale claims that Calyrex would steal the body of a person who misbehaved.

Pedestals inscribed with the story of Calyrex are built across the Crown Tundra supposedly by Calyrex's worshippers.

Pokémon Sword and Shield

The Crown Tundra

As the player goes through The Sacred Bonds of Sovereign and Steed!, the player meets Calyrex after fixing a wooden statue depicting it in Freezington by replacing the Wooden Crown Peony mistook for a pillow on the statue's head. Calyrex, thankful, beckons to the player, bringing them to an isolated part of the village before challenging them to a battle. After being defeated, Calyrex seems satisfied by the player's show of strength, but seems to have trouble with communicating what it wants to say. Just then, Peony, overhearing the commotion from the battle, comes to check in on the player, only to be possessed by the Legendary Pokémon's psychic powers. Using Peony as a proxy, Calyrex introduces itself to the player, explaining that people these days treat it as a fairy tale, and that its powers have diminished notably ever since it was departed from its loyal steed, which is depicted in the statue the player restored.

Calyrex, having itself forgotten the details of its legend after having lost its power for so long, asks for the player's assistance in reuniting it with its companion. Together, the two discover Calyrex's steed favored a certain type of carrot that grows in the tundra. After procuring a bag of Carrot Seeds, the player grows either an Iceroot Carrot or a Shaderoot Carrot, after which they catch a glimpse of Calyrex's steed, Glastrier (if the player grew an Iceroot Carrot) or Spectrier (if the player grew an Shaderoot Carrot). After stopping the now-untamed Pokémon from running loose in Freezington, the player and Calyrex, together with the town's mayor and Peony, make new Reins of Unity, and set forth to the place where Calyrex once lived and reigned, the Crown Shrine. There, Calyrex successfully uses the Reins of Unity to tame its steed again and regain its full power. Calyrex then challenges the player to a battle and lets itself be caught by them.


See also: List of Pokémon with form differences → Calyrex

Calyrex has three forms, its regular, weakened form, and its two ride forms; Ice Ride Calyrex and Shadow Rider Calyrex. Calyrex is in its weakened form for most of the DLC as the people of the Crown Tundra had long forgotten about it, greatly reducing its powers. After Calyrex confirmed its former worshippers indeed have forgotten about it, it decided to reunite with either Glastrier or Spectrier, which used to be its loyal steed, after taming and riding it once again using the Reins of Unity, Calyrex becomes either Ice Rider or Shadow Rider Calyrex respectively.

Ice Rider Shadow Rider


Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass
The Crown Tundra

First battle

Psychic Grass
Held item:
Calyrex Lv.???
Psychic Special
Psychic Special
Heal Pulse
Psychic Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special

Second battle
(Crown Shrine)

If the player chooses Glastrier

Psychic Ice
As One
Held item:
Calyrex Lv.80
Glacial Lance
Ice Physical
Psychic Special
Iron Defense
Steel Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special

If the player chooses Spectrier

Psychic Ghost
As One
Held item:
Calyrex Lv.80
Astral Barrage
Ghost Special
Psychic Special
Psychic Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special


Main article: Calyrex (game)/Quotes




Artwork for
The Crown Tundra
Artwork for
The Crown Tundra
Promotional artwork for
The Crown Tundra

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Sword & Shield arc

Calyrex in Pokémon Adventures

It first appeared as a silhouette in PASS37, where it helped Henry find an unconscious Bede lying in the snow. It properly debuted in the following chapter. When a horrified Peonia suddenly encountered her father floating in midair, Bede explained Calyrex was merely borrowing Peony's body in order to communicate with humans. Henry, Bede, and Peonia agreed to help restore Calyrex to its former glory in exchange for it locating the Rusted Sword.

In PASS39, the group tried reuniting Calyrex with its former loyal steed, Spectrier. Though it was unable to subdue Spectrier, Calyrex protecting the villagers of Freezington restored their faith in it, bringing back some of its lost strength. With the Black Mane Hair collected from Spectrier and the Radiant Petal Calyrex made, Henry forged the Reins of Unity. The group lured Spectrier to the Crown Shrine, but were interrupted by a Gigantamaxed Corviknight and Butterfree.

While the others fought off the giants, Calyrex used the reins to reforge its bond with Spectrier and change to its Shadow Rider form. With its strength restored, Calyrex rode off to protect Freezington from a group of rampaging Dynamaxed Pokémon. After revitalizing the village's destroyed crops, Calyrex obtained the Rusted Sword. It returned to the shrine and handed the sword to Henry, only to pass out from the poison the sword was coated in.

In PASS41, Calyrex and Peonia said their farewells to Henry and Bede as they left to put a stop to the Darkest Day.

Personality and characteristics
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Shadow Rider


  1. Calyrex is a gender unknown Pokémon species.

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This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.