Hydreigon (Pokémon)

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For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
#0634: Zweilous
#0636: Larvesta
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Hydreigon (disambiguation).
Brutal Pokémon

Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Dark Dragon
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Levitate Cacophony
Hidden Ability
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
50% male, 50% female
Catch rate
45 (11.9%)
Egg Group
Hatch time
40 cycles
5'11" 1.8 m
0'0" 0 m
0'0" 0 m
0'0" 0 m
352.7 lbs. 160.0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
0 lbs. 0 kg
Mega Stone
[[|]] [[|]]
Base experience yield
Gen. IV
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 3

Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links

Hydreigon (Japanese: サザンドラ Sazandora) is a dual-type Dark/Dragon pseudo-legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation V.

It evolves from Zweilous starting at level 64. It is the final form of Deino.

The Paradox Pokémon Iron Jugulis is said to be a future relative of Hydreigon or a counterpart of it from a parallel timeline.


Hydreigon is a three-headed, draconic Pokémon with six thin, black wings that each end in two points on its back. Its body is primarily dark blue, with black fur covering its necks and shoulders. Its secondary necks are also arms with elbow and shoulder joints. The inner fur surrounding its heads is fuchsia in color, and resembles collars. Hydreigon's heads have black eyes; the main head additionally has fuchsia pupils and visible pointed teeth, while the secondary heads' eyes are simplistic and unable to blink. Its abdomen has two fuchsia stripes and its feet appear atrophied, having no claws or defined soles. Its tail also sports a fuchsia stripe and ends with a black tuft.

Hydreigon is a violent, destructive Pokémon. It will attack anything that moves, determining it a foe. However, in the Pokémon the Series: Black & White episode Cameron's Secret Weapon!, Hydreigon is depicted as fairly obedient when around its Trainer. The three heads take turns when attacking, not stopping until their target is defeated. Hydreigon can also use its three mouths to rapidly eat through anything. Despite its three heads, it is a singular entity, unlike its pre-evolved form Zweilous; its secondary heads lack brains and do not move or think of their own accord. Conversely, with its central head housing its brain, Hydreigon is said to be highly intelligent in spite of its constantly destructive thoughts. Hydreigon lives high up in the air and has been known to ambush opponents from above. Many stories described Hydreigon destroying entire villages. However, Hydreigon is afraid of Noivern during nighttime. It is said Hydreigon's reason for being ferocious is due to ancient people loathing it. The ancient people believed Hydreigon was evil incarnate, hence always attacking it.

Iron Jugulis shares a resemblance to Hydreigon. The reason is believed due to it being a possibly futuristic hybrid made from combining Hydreigon and machines together as one. It is also rumoured that Iron Jugulis is the child of a Hydreigon which fell in love with a machine.


Hydreigon evolves from Zweilous and is the final form of Deino.

(For specifics on this Pokémon's Evolution in the games, refer to Game data→Evolution data.)

 Dark  Dragon 

First Evolution
 Dark  Dragon 

Second Evolution
 Dark  Dragon 

Game data

NPC appearances

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
  • PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond: Hydreigon and Haxorus kidnap Victini at the Crag Area and take him to Wish Park, but are defeated by the player.
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity: Hydreigon is at first described by Munna as an evil Pokémon who is pure destruction in Pokémon form, devours everything in his path, and is said to be the cause of the world's balance being disrupted. Later, Munna's words about him turn out to be a lie to trick the player, and Hydreigon is really the physical embodiment of the Voice of Life, the form of the world's will to live, who called upon humans to save the Pokémon world, as no Pokémon could hope to save it. At one point, his physical form is destroyed by Kyurem, but he reforms close to the end of the game. At the end of the main game, he escorts the player partway through on their way back to the human world.
201 Spoilers end here. 201

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V Unova
 B  W : #141
 B2  W2 : #275
Black This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack.
White The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.
Black 2 It responds to movement by attacking. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path!
White 2
Generation VI Kalos
Mountain #144
X The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.
Y It responds to movement by attacking. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path!
Omega Ruby The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.
Alpha Sapphire It responds to movement by attacking. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path!
Generation VII Alola
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VII.
Generation VIII Galar
Crown Tundra #138
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Legends: Arceus.
Sword There are a slew of stories about villages that were destroyed by Hydreigon. It bites anything that moves.
Shield The three heads take turns sinking their teeth into the opponent. Their attacks won't slow until their target goes down.
Generation IX Paldea
Scarlet Only the central head has a brain. It is very intelligent, but it thinks only of destruction.
Violet It's said that Hydreigon grew ferocious because people in times long past loathed it, considering it to be evil incarnate and attacking it relentlessly.

Hydreigon in the Paldea Pokédex

Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V
Black White
Evolve Zweilous
Black 2 White 2
Evolve Zweilous
Generation VI
Victory Road
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Zweilous
Generation VII
Sun Moon
Evolve Zweilous
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII
Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror, Stony Wilderness, West Lake Axewell (Max Raid Battle)
Sword Expansion Pass
Roaring-Sea Caves (Wanderer)
Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Legends: Arceus
Generation IX
Tera Raid Battles (5★, 6★)
Tera Raid Battle Search (5★, 6★)

In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V
Rumble Blast
Tower: World Axle - B2F
PokéPark 2
Crag Area
Evolve Zweilous
Silent Tundra (Gilded Hall), Dreamy Island (Gilded Hall), Moonlit Forest (Gilded Hall), Rusty Mountain (Gilded Hall), Jaws of the Abyss (Gilded Hall), Smoking Mountain (Gilded Hall), Automatically recruited after completing the main story-line
Rumble U
Vehicle Gallery: Spike Ball Alert! (Boss), Sealed Door: The Place to Return To, Challenge Battle: Open Entry Battle Royale
Generation VI
Battle Trozei
Sacred Plains: Stage 3
Rumble World
Black Realm: Grim Rendezvous (Back Boss)
Area 30: Stage 13
Generation VII
Rumble Rush
Gengar Sea, Zygarde Sea, Greninja Sea, Zygarde SeaFinal
Generation VIII
New Snap
Outaway CaveLevel 3
Expert Stage: Stage EX41
Event: Hydreigon Appears
Masters EX
Poké Fair sync pair scout: Iris (Alt.) & Hydreigon

In events

Games Event Language/Region Location Level Distribution period
B Carlita's Hydreigon Japanese Japan
70Shiny June 17 to September 8, 2011
B Carlita's Hydreigon Korean Wi-Fi 70Shiny November 3, 2011 to January 31, 2012
ORAS Pokémon Center Occupation Plan Ghetsis's Hydreigon All Japan 52 October 1 to November 11, 2016
Wild Area News
Games Event Gigantamax Location Level Distribution period
SwSh Wild Area News No hide 60 October 1 to 31, 2020
Poké Portal News
Games Event Tera Type Location Level Distribution period
S Hydreigon and Dragapult Spotlight Various
hide 45, 75 January 6 to 9, 2023
SV Prepare the Offense Varies hide 75 August 8 to 17, 2023
August 31 to September 17, 2023

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Events* Life Orb Life Orb (100%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
152 - 199 294 - 388
99 - 172 193 - 339
85 - 156 166 - 306
117 - 194 229 - 383
85 - 156 166 - 306
92 - 165 180 - 324
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
normally by:
Ghost ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Grass ½×
Electric ½×
Dark ½×
Weak to:
Ghost ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Grass ½×
Electric ½×
Dark ½×
Immune to:
Ghost ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Grass ½×
Electric ½×
Dark ½×
Resistant to:
Ghost ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Grass ½×
Electric ½×
Dark ½×


By leveling up

Generation IX
Other generations:
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
011 Tri Attack Normal Special 08080 100100% 10
011 Double Hit Normal Physical 03535 09090% 10
011 Tackle Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
011 Focus Energy Normal Status 0000 00——% 30
011 Dragon Breath Dragon Special 06060 100100% 20
011 Bite Dark Physical 06060 100100% 25
1212 Roar Normal Status 0000 00——% 20
1616 Assurance Dark Physical 06060 100100% 10
2020 Headbutt Normal Physical 07070 100100% 15
2424 Work Up Normal Status 0000 00——% 30
2828 Slam Normal Physical 08080 07575% 20
3232 Crunch Dark Physical 08080 100100% 15
3636 Scary Face Normal Status 0000 100100% 10
4040 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 08585 100100% 10
4444 Body Slam Normal Physical 08585 100100% 15
4848 Hyper Voice Normal Special 09090 100100% 10
5454 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100100 07575% 10
6060 Nasty Plot Dark Status 0000 00——% 20
6868 Outrage Dragon Physical 120120 100100% 10
7676 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150150 09090% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Hydreigon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Hydreigon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation IX
Other generations:
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
TM001 TM001 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 085}}85% 20
TM006 TM006 Scary Face Normal Status 0000 100}}100% 10
TM007 TM007 Protect Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM008 TM008 Fire Fang Fire Physical 06565 095}}95% 15
TM009 TM009 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 06565 095}}95% 15
TM010 TM010 Ice Fang Ice Physical 06565 095}}95% 15
TM014 TM014 Acrobatics Flying Physical 05555 100}}100% 15
TM018 TM018 Thief Dark Physical 06060 100}}100% 25
TM024 TM024 Fire Spin Fire Special 03535 085}}85% 15
TM025 TM025 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM028 TM028 Bulldoze Ground Physical 06060 100}}100% 20
TM030 TM030 Snarl Dark Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM036 TM036 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 06060 095}}95% 15
TM044 TM044 Dragon Tail Dragon Physical 06060 090}}90% 10
TM047 TM047 Endure Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM049 TM049 Sunny Day Fire Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM050 TM050 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM059 TM059 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 08080 090}}90% 15
TM060 TM060 U-turn Bug Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM066 TM066 Body Slam Normal Physical 08585 100}}100% 15
TM070 TM070 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM074 TM074 Reflect Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM082 TM082 Thunder Wave Electric Status 0000 090}}90% 20
TM084 TM084 Stomping Tantrum Ground Physical 07575 100}}100% 10
TM085 TM085 Rest Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM086 TM086 Rock Slide Rock Physical 07575 090}}90% 10
TM087 TM087 Taunt Dark Status 0000 100}}100% 20
TM093 TM093 Flash Cannon Steel Special 08080 100}}100% 10
TM094 TM094 Dark Pulse Dark Special 08080 100}}100% 15
TM097 TM097 Fly Flying Physical 09090 095}}95% 15
TM100 TM100 Dragon Dance Dragon Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM103 TM103 Substitute Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM108 TM108 Crunch Dark Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM113 TM113 Tailwind Flying Status 0000 00—}}—% 15
TM115 TM115 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 08585 100}}100% 10
TM116 TM116 Stealth Rock Rock Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM117 TM117 Hyper Voice Normal Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM118 TM118 Heat Wave Fire Special 09595 090}}90% 10
TM123 TM123 Surf Water Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TM125 TM125 Flamethrower Fire Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TM130 TM130 Helping Hand Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM133 TM133 Earth Power Ground Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM140 TM140 Nasty Plot Dark Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM141 TM141 Fire Blast Fire Special 110110 085}}85% 5
TM142 TM142 Hydro Pump Water Special 110110 080}}80% 5
TM149 TM149 Earthquake Ground Physical 100100 100}}100% 10
TM150 TM150 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100100 080}}80% 5
TM152 TM152 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 090}}90% 5
TM156 TM156 Outrage Dragon Physical 120120 100}}100% 10
TM158 TM158 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120120 070}}70% 5
TM163 TM163 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150150 090}}90% 5
TM169 TM169 Draco Meteor Dragon Special 130130 090}}90% 5
TM171 TM171 Tera Blast Normal Special 08080 100}}100% 10
TM172 TM172 Roar Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 20
TM177 TM177 Spite Ghost Status 0000 100}}100% 10
TM197 TM197 Dual Wingbeat Flying Physical 04040 090}}90% 10
TM199 TM199 Lash Out Dark Physical 07575 100}}100% 5
TM200 TM200 Scale Shot Dragon Physical 02525 090}}90% 20
TM203 TM203 Psych Up Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM221 TM221 Throat Chop Dark Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM222 TM222 Breaking Swipe Dragon Physical 06060 100}}100% 15
TM226 TM226 Dragon Cheer Dragon Status 0000 00—}}—% 15
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Hydreigon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution or an alternate form of Hydreigon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation IX
Other generations:
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100% 15
Belch Poison Special 120 90% 10
Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90% 10
Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80% 5
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Hydreigon
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Hydreigon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Hydreigon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By a prior Evolution

Generation IX
Other generations:
 Stage   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
This Pokémon has no moves exclusive to prior Evolutions.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Hydreigon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Hydreigon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations

Side game data

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Body size: Standard (1 tile)
How to Recruit: Meet up with at Leafy Highlands
Connected to: Flygon
Connection Orb Set: 3

Normal Hey, long time no see! It's me, Hydreigon! Huh? You don't remember me? Oh no!
Low HP (< 50%) This is where we need to stand firm!
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●●●●
Defense ●●●●
Speed ●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Walking Speed: 1.57 seconds Base HP: 58
Base Attack: 84 Base Defense: 57 Base Speed: 60
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Strong: Weak:
PokéPark Pad entry:
He and Haxorus had accepted Gothitelle's to be strong. Since they lost against you, he doesn't mind working hard anymore.
Pokémon Conquest
HP: ★★★★ Move: Dragon Pulse
Attack: ★★★★ Ability 1: Levitate
Defense: ★★★★
Speed: ★★★★
Evolves from Zweilous when its Attack is 143 or higher
Range: 3 Perfect Links: Gotoku, Hisahide, Naoie, and Nobunaga
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★★

Pokémon Shuffle
Attack Power: 80 - 145 20


Sometimes replaces three disruptions with this Pokémon.

Pokémon GO
Base HP: 211 Base Attack: 256 Base Defense: 188
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 5 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: Bite, Dragon Breath
Charged Attacks: Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Brutal Swing
New Pokémon Snap
Photodex entry #195
Hydreigon was very threatening as it guarded the underwater lake where it’s claimed its territory. It has heads on its arms, but apparently those heads can’t think for themselves.

Evolution data

 Dark  Dragon 
Rare Candy
Level 50
First Evolution
 Dark  Dragon 
Rare Candy
Level 64
Second Evolution
 Dark  Dragon 


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V
Black White Black 2 White 2
Front Back Front Back
Generation VI
X Y Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Front Back Front Back
Generation VII
Sun Moon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Front Back Front Back
Generation VIII
Sword Shield
For other sprites and images, please see Hydreigon images on the Bulbagarden Archives.

In animation

Hydreigon in Pokémon Journeys: The Series
A Shiny Hydreigon in Pokémon the Series: Black & White

Major appearances

Hydreigon debuted in White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram, under the ownership of Carlita. It was first used during the Harvest Battle Tournament, and later during a battle against Ash's Tepig, who was powered up by Victini at the time. It then provided aerial transport for Carlita for the rest of the movies. In the former movie, Hydreigon is Shiny.

Hydreigon made its animated series debut in Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!, where it battled a wild Dragonite and injured it in the process.

In A Village Homecoming!, Shannon owns a Hydreigon that evolved from one of the two Zweilous she was raising. Soon after evolving, however, Hydreigon become confused by its newly evolution and mistakenly goes on a rampage, but it later calmed down thanks to Iris's efforts. It reappeared in a flashback in Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!.

In Strong Strategy Steals the Show! and Cameron's Secret Weapon!, Cameron used a Hydreigon during his battle against Ash in the Vertress Conference. It proved to be powerful, managing to defeat Boldore and Oshawott before losing to Pignite. In A Unova League Evolution!, Cameron used Hydreigon during his match against Virgil, but it was defeated.

In Pride of a Champion!, Lance used a Hydreigon in his Masters Eight Tournament match against Diantha. It defeated her Gourgeist before being defeated by her Mega Gardevoir.

In Ash and Latios, a Hydreigon appeared under the ownership of a Pokémon hunter who was attempting to capture Latias and Latios. The two Pokémon were rescued by Ash, who teamed up with Latios to defeat the hunter.

Minor appearances

In A Relay in the Sky!, a Trainer's Hydreigon competed in the Pokémon Sky Relay. It was in a team also consisting of Masquerain and Butterfree.

In a flashback in Valuable Experience for All!, a Trainer's Hydreigon was defeated by Remo's Mega Garchomp in the Lumiose Conference.

In Crowning the Chow Crusher!, a Trainer's Hydreigon competed in the Pokémon Grand Eating Contest.

A Hydreigon appeared in HZ075, during a flashback.

A Hydreigon appeared in HZ085, among the Pokémon living in Laqua.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
BW100 Hydreigon Ash's Pokédex Hydreigon, the Brutal Pokémon and the evolved form of Zweilous. Hydreigon uses its six wings to travel the skies. It will attack anything that moves, seeing it as an opponent.
BW107 Hydreigon Ash's Pokédex Hydreigon, the Brutal Pokémon and the evolved form of Zweilous. Hydreigon believes that anything that moves is its opponent, viciously attacking with its three heads.
Episode Pokémon Source Entry
JN116 Hydreigon Goh's Rotom Phone Hydreigon, the Brutal Pokémon. A Dark and Dragon type. Hydreigon bites down on anything that moves. There are numerous legends of it destroying many villages.

In the manga

Hydreigon in Pokémon Adventures

Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

A Hydreigon appeared in Victini - A New Friend!, under the ownership of Muteki. It was used alongside a Jellicent in a Double Battle against Monta.

Movie adaptations

Hydreigon appeared in White—Victini and Zekrom under the ownership of Carlita.

Pocket Monsters XY: The Legend of the Pokémon Dragon King

A Hydreigon appeared in LDK1.

A Hydreigon appeared in LDK2.

A Hydreigon appeared in LDK4.

A Hydreigon appeared in LDK5.

Pokémon Adventures

Ghetsis used his Hydreigon to fly to Dragonspiral Tower to meet N in The Battle Within. It was later used in a battle against Black.

Pokémon RéBURST

Fraud owned a Hydreigon.

In the TCG

Main article: Hydreigon (TCG)

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Hydreigon appears in the background of the Kalos Pokémon League stage when the stage is in the Dragonmark Chamber. It appears alongside Dragonite, Garchomp, and Axew.

Trophy information

NA: Unlike Scizor with its pretend heads, Hydreigon's three heads are real! The center head is the brains of the operation, while the left and right ones are there to consume everything they can. We wouldn't be surprised to see Hydreigon at an eating contest, but there has to be a rule against having three mouths on one body...?

PAL: Unlike Scizor's head-like claws, the heads at the end of Hydreigon's arms are the real deal. Only the head in the middle does any thinking - the other two are just for gobbling up anything in sight. If you think about it, Hydreigon would probably win any eating contest hands down, but... maybe having three mouths is against the rules...

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Hydreigon also appears as a Spirit.


  • Hydreigon evolves from its pre-evolved form starting at the highest level of all Pokémon that evolve by leveling up, at level 64.
  • Hydreigon and Goodra are the only pseudo-legendary Pokémon with a higher Special Attack stat than Physical.
  • According to interviews with Ken Sugimori in Nintendo Dream, Hydreigon and its evolutionary line were originally intended to have aspects of tanks. These Pokémon were scrapped until late in development, when they were revived and remade to be based on Yamata no Orochi.[1]
  • Hydreigon shares its category with Sharpedo. They are both known as the Brutal Pokémon.
  • Hydreigon is the only pseudo-legendary Pokémon to only have a single Ability.


Hydreigon is based on Yamata no Orochi, a red-eyed, eight-headed dragon or serpent from Japanese mythology. However, compared to Yamata no Orochi, Hydreigon was designed with fewer heads to appear less off-putting, although its wings were designed as a nod to the Orochi's additional heads.[1] Its three heads and Shiny coloration also resemble the Zmei Gorynych, a cunning and deceptive dragon or serpent in Slavic folklore with green scales and a head count of three or its multiples. The tank tread-like markings on Hydreigon's body appears to be a remnant of when Hydreigon's evolutionary line were originally designed after tanks. The presence of smaller heads on top of its arms makes them reminiscent of hand puppets.

Hydreigon may also incorporate elements from other many-headed antagonistic dragons or serpents in various mythologies, such as the Lernaean Hydra, Zahhak, or the Yelbeghen. Its role as a Dark- and Dragon-type with multiple heads, coupled with its initial appearance as the ace of the villainous Ghetsis, may be a reference to Satan in the Book of Revelation, in which he is described as a seven-headed scarlet dragon. Its body plan, with one primary or "true" head and its secondary heads being on arms rather than necks, is vaguely similar to a standard European dragon.

Hydreigon evolving at level 64 could be a reference to 1964, the year that the fifth film in the Godzilla franchise, Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, was released. The titular antagonist of said film is a three-headed dragon.

Name origin

Hydreigon may be a combination of hydra, drei (German for three), and dragon.

Sazandora may be a combination of 三 san (three), 残忍 zannin (brutal) or 残酷 zankoku (cruel), and dragon or hydra.

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japanese サザンドラ Sazandora From sa / san, 残忍 zannin or 残酷 zankoku, and dragon or hydra
French Trioxhydre From trio, Hydre and possibly a pun on trioxyde
Spanish Hydreigon Same as English name
German Trikephalo From tri- and κεφαλή kephalḗ
Italian Hydreigon Same as English name
Korean 삼삼드래 Samsamdrae From 삼 (三) sam and dragon
Mandarin Chinese 三首惡龍 / 三首恶龙 Sānshǒu'èlóng*
三頭龍 / 三头龙 Sāntóulóng*
From sān, shǒu, 惡 / 恶 è, and 龍 / 龙 shǒulóng
From sān, 頭 / 头 tóu, and 龍 / 龙 shǒulóng
Cantonese Chinese 三首惡龍 Sāamsáu'oklùhng*
三頭龍 Sāamtàuhlùhng*
From sāam, sáu, ok, and lùhng
From sāam, tàuh, and lùhng

Related articles


  1. 1.0 1.1 Nintendo Dream Vol. 205, May 2011 (Shellspider's blog (Japanese), Translation by Dr. Lava)

External links

#0634: Zweilous
#0636: Larvesta
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.