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Wolfram & Hart Los Angeles branch was an office building of the Wolfram & Hart law firm, located at 1127 Spring Street, Los Angeles.[1]


The office building was founded in 1791[2] over holy ground deconsecrated through a a ritual employing the blood of serial murderer Matthias Pavayne, who was able to survive as a spirit in the building for over 200 years.[3] The branch operated in the same city as Angel, who became the focus of many Wolfram & Hart projects.[4]

In 2003, the building was destroyed by the Beast after it launched an assault on their offices then slaughtered almost everyone else in the city who worked for the company.[5] After the building was quickly rebuilt and restaffed, Angel was offered stewardship of the branch, ostensibly as a reward for preventing world peace. In reality, the Senior Partners hoped to turn Angel to their side, and keep him from realizing that the firm's apocalypse was already in progress. Angel accepted the offer on one condition: in exchange, Wolfram & Hart agreed to alter Connor's memories and place him with a loving family. The remaining members of Angel Investigations also joined Wolfram & Hart, assuming control of various departments.[6]

Conviction Wesley Gunn Angel Fred Lorne

Wesley, Gunn, Angel, Fred, and Lorne in the Wolfram & Hart Los Angeles office branch.

Angel struggled with the moral ambiguities of his position as branch manager. While he was able to make some changes to the business, such as firing the more evil employees[1] and instituting a zero tolerance policy on killing humans,[2] he had to keep the business profitable in order to maintain control of the branch. As a result, Angel kept his often immoral clientele happy through creative solutions to their problems that best fit his understanding of doing good, such as arranging for a client to get out of a trial despite knowing that the client was guilty, while making sure that the legal complications that resulted would prevent the client doing anything else illegal for a while;[1] or participating in negotiations with various demon factions.[2]

After running the branch for months, Angel and the others disrupted the Senior Partners' plans by killing all of the members of the Circle of the Black Thorn, the Partners' major representatives on Earth, effectively destroying their influence and stalling their plans. Next, during a battle between Angel and the Liaison to the Senior Partners, Marcus Hamilton, the Los Angeles branch collapsed,[7] prompting the Partners to send Los Angeles to Hell and turn Angel into a human for his defiance.[8] However, after Angel was able to trick the Partners into turning back time to restore Los Angeles to Earth, the branch has seemingly ceased to have existed in the first place, with only an empty lot in its place and no trace of building permits to indicate that the firm was ever present.[9]


Behind the scenes[]




