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Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Explore the Buffyverse TV series Comics Novels Video games Angel Film Audio drama Figurines Locations Demon species Artifacts Spells Characters Buffy Willow Xander Giles Spike Dawn Oz Anya Tara Riley Angel Cordelia Doyle Wesley Gunn -
Dawn Summers
Dawn Summers was a member of the Scooby Gang, sister of Buffy Summers, and daughter of Hank and Joyce Summers. Originally a mystical power of living energy known as the Key, she had been transformed -
Angel was one of the most well-known vampires in all of vampiric history, legendary for both his savage villainy and his great heroism. Born Liam in 1727 in Galway, Ireland, he was sired by -
Buffy Summers
Buffy Anne Summers was a Slayer activated in the late 20th century. Born on January 19, 1981, she was called to be the Slayer in 1996 at fifteen years old. Buffy was originally living in -
Spike (born William Pratt) was a famous and widely-feared vampire turned in 1880. He was well-known among both humans and demons for having faced and killed two Slayers during his unlife, as well -
Willow Rosenberg
Willow Danielle Rosenberg was a witch native to Sunnydale, a founding member of the Scooby Gang, and the best friend of the Slayer, Buffy Summers. Willow started out as a shy computer nerd, eventually developing -
Tara Maclay
Tara Maclay was a witch, a member of the Scooby Gang, and a girlfriend of Willow Rosenberg. Born on October 16, 1980, Tara grew up in a patriarchal family in which her father and her -
Rupert Giles
Rupert Edmund Giles was the Watcher and father figure of the Slayer Buffy Summers, the former librarian of Sunnydale High School, and the occult expert of the Scooby Gang. Born into a family who worked -
Cordelia Chase
Cordelia Chase was an agent of the Powers That Be. She attended Sunnydale High School as a teenager, where she was a popular cheerleader known for her standoffish "queen bee" personality and attitude. Since the -
Alexander Harris
Alexander LaVelle "Xander" Harris was the best friend of the Slayer Buffy Summers and the witch Willow Rosenberg and a founding member of the Scooby Gang. As a Sunnydale High School student, Xander acted to -
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a television series created by writer and director Joss Whedon, which aired from 1997–2003. It featured the exploits of the Slayer Buffy Summers and her group of friends, the -
Glorificus, commonly known as Glory (and also referred to as the Beast, the Abomination, and That Which Cannot Be Named), was a powerful goddess of unknown name from a hell dimension, banished to Earth in -
Darla was a vampire sired in the early 17th century by the Master. She was also the former lover and sire of the infamous Angelus, with whom she had a child, Connor. Darla was born -
Anya Jenkins
Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins was a member of the Scooby Gang and a former vengeance demon. Over a thousand years old, she was originally known as Aud and lived in Sweden. After cursing her unfaithful -
Faith Lehane
Faith Lehane was a Slayer called in 1998 and the last one to be called by the original succession line abolished in 2003. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Faith had a difficult upbringing and life, which -
Slayer was the title given to a human female chosen by fate in the Slayer line, bestowed with mystical powers from an ancient demon. While known primarily as the Vampire Slayer, the Slayer did not -
Drusilla was a vampire who possessed psychic powers as a human. She was tortured to insanity and sired by Angelus, who had murdered her entire family before her eyes in order to turn her into -
Scooby Gang
The Scooby Gang was the core group formed after the arrival of Buffy Summers to Sunnydale in order to battle the supernatural forces of evil, and assist Buffy in her duties as the Slayer. The -
Jasmine (also known as the Blessed Devourer, the Beast Master, and Cordelia Chase, true name unpronounceable by human tongues) was a rogue member of the Powers That Be. Jasmine was the "Big Bad" that Angel -
Connor was the half-demon son of the vampires Angel and Darla. Connor was conceived when his father, Angel, slept with Darla while going through a dark phase. After several failed attempts to abort her -
Daniel Osbourne
Daniel "Oz" Osbourne was a member of the Scooby Gang, a werewolf, the guitarist of Dingoes Ate My Baby, and a student at Sunnydale High School then UC Sunnydale. He also was the boyfriend of -
Twilight was the consciousness of a prophesied new dimension to replace Earth and its contents. Seeking a vampire and a Slayer for such evolution, Twilight manipulated Angel and Buffy Summers into giving birth to itself -
Riley Finn
Riley Finn was a covert operative for the United States Armed Forces and ex-boyfriend of Buffy Summers. For some time, he was a special agent of the Initiative then a member of the Scooby -
Kendra Young
Kendra Young was a Slayer from Jamaica activated in 1997 after Buffy Summers' temporary death. Trained by her Watcher Sam Zabuto, Kendra was completely dedicated to her calling. She was an ally to the Scooby -
Joyce Summers
Joyce Summers was the mother of Buffy and Dawn Summers and an art gallery manager. Joyce was born in 1958 and had one sister, Arlene, who would later live in Illinois along with her own
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