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The canonicity of this article's subject remains dubious. Though it doesn't contradict official continuity, it has not been referenced in any confirmed canonical material.

Prophet for Profit, Part Three is the thirty-seventh issue of the Angel comic book series. Written by Bill Willingham and David Tischman, it was originally published on September 29, 2010, by IDW Publishing.


Soul-Eaters. Demon armies. Dusting limbs. Prophecies run amok. The Angel-verse is always a little bit strange. But with Connor's life in danger, Angel must step up and take back his city. The only problem? It may already be too late![1]


After finding Connor's cellphone outside of the Hyperion, Angel calls the Sisterhood of Jaro Hull by posing as a contest winner. He is able to keep the connection open long enough for Spike to trace the address, but not without Spike making fun of Angel's undercover story. With Connor being missing and Spike possibly being soulless, the snarky comment angers Angel, and he attacks Spike. Spike declares that he indeed still has his soul — he can feel it —, but he demands that Angel not take out his aggression on him.

Illyria steps in and attempts to calm Spike down. Laura and Polyphemus enter the room and declare that they may be able to determine Spike's soul problem. Illyria states that they need to seek vengeance for Dez as she was an honorable companion, to which Angel responds that the team needs to focus on finding Connor first. Angel asks Illyria to accompany him, but Illyria suggests to stay behind in case Spike turns on Laura, noting that she and Spike have "history" together. Laura says that she can handle Spike on her own.

Meanwhile, the Sisterhood has Connor tied down in their warehouse. They require Connor's blood to be ingested by their swords to become stronger as part of a sacrifice. Ragda is the first to plunge her sword into Connor's abdomen, and the other Sisters follow suit.

At the hotel, Laura and Polyphemus bounce theories off each other, and Spike, bemused, tells them they act like an old married couple. Laura proposes a theory: when Spike was non-corporeal during his first few months at Wolfram & Hart, a parasite may have latched onto his soul. The parasite can lay dormant for years and may have been awakened due to Los Angeles' time shift and the noticeable change in the supernatural world. This accounts for Spike's recent lack of judgment and explains why the soul eater wasn't able to detect Spike's soul: it was merely corrupted. Spike is eager to get the parasite removed, but Laura asks Spike to sign some release forms first.

The blood ritual is complete and Connor's body lays drained. The Sisters comment that, if they waited a bit longer, Connor may have survived, but they disregard his death as they can now assume complete protection over L.A. with their new power. Angel uses his cell phone to call the Sisterhood again and convinces them to seek out a demon nest 40 minutes away from the warehouse. When the Sisterhood departs, Angel and Illyria proceed to their rescue mission.

Alone in the warehouse, Connor's body begins to heal itself.




Organizations and titles[]




Rituals and spells[]

  • Kriasteum darkness spell (Only mentioned)
  • Relinquia vosterium (Only mentioned)
  • Shroud of infinite Drabors (Only mentioned)

Death count[]

  • Connor, stabbed by Ragda.

Behind the scenes[]



Pop culture references[]

  • Angel poses as the husband of the winner of a Sudoku contest.
  • Angel's story involves an actress from the sitcom Friends.
  • Spike describes Angel's apologize as a "Hallmark moment," a phrase used in a Hallmark Cards advertising campaign.
  • Angel associates the phrase, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me," with Star Trek, which uses the proverb in the episodes "Friday's Child" and Warhead."


  • In the single issue, the credits page lists for the writers: "David Tischment and."
  • In the single issue, the credits page lists the Eddie Hope story using the title of the eighth installment, "Gunn Smoked."



Cover artwork[]


  1. "ANGEL #37." Previews World. Retrieved on October 6, 2023.