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Btvs The canonicity of this article's subject remains dubious. Though it doesn't contradict official continuity, it has not been referenced in any confirmed canonical material.

The Big Dustup is the thirty-first issue of the Angel comic book series. Written by Bill Willingham and illustrated by Brian Denham, it was originally published on March 17, 2010, by IDW Publishing.


While Connor tries to get his devoted army of demon soldiers under control, a new player steps up, and Illyria decides not to take Angel's continued absence lying down. Meanwhile, Eddie Hope finds out that being a force for justice has some major consequences.[1]


This article needs a plot summary.


  • A man says he heard vampires can't show up in pictures. In "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been," Cordelia commented on this myth by saying: "It's not that vampires don't photograph, it's just that they don't photograph well."
  • Illyria mentions Connor "has shown a willingness in the past to have congress with older women." He had sex with the Jasmine-possessed Cordelia at the time she was 21 and he was 18 ("Apocalypse, Nowish") and said in "Origin" he "always had a thing for older women."
  • Illyria says that Connor has a "frequent attraction" to Angel's "romantic cast-offs." Connor has expressed attraction to Cordelia ("Spin the Bottle"), Faith ("Salvage"), and Illyria ("Origin"), while Angel would later fall in love with Cordelia ("Tomorrow"), had kissed Faith to convince her he was soulless ("Enemies"), and had been target of Fred's affection ("Carpe Noctem").
  • Spike has sex with Felicia; Angel will consider it atypical and an evidence of Spike having lost his soul (Prophet for Profit, Part Two).



Organizations and titles[]



  • Night of the Long Stakes



  • Blood
  • Maulhouse (Only mentioned)
  • Revenge of the Creepers (Only mentioned)
  • Soul (Only mentioned)
  • Stake

Death count[]

  • Unknown number of vampires, staked by Connor and the Sisterhood of Jaro Hull.
  • Unidentified woman, blood drained by Felicia Valentine.
  • Unidentified vampire, staked by Laura Weathermill.

Behind the scenes[]



Pop culture references[]

  • The press and broadcast news call Angel Investigations' fight against vampires the Night of the Long Stakes in reference to the Night of the Long Knives, a series of executions that took place in Nazi Germany in 1934 to consolidate its power.
  • Illyria analyzes Connor attraction for Angel's "romantic cast-offs" as symptoms of Oedipus complex, an interpretation existent in the classical Psychoanalysis theory.




  1. "ANGEL #31." Previews World. Retrieved on October 4, 2023.