Day Off (or Harmony in My Head) is the tenth issue of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten comic book series. Written by Christos Gage and illustrated by Rebekah Isaacs, it was originally published on December 24, 2014, by Dark Horse Comics.
- With the responsibility of writing new rules in the Vampyr book, Buffy and crew are literally the bosses of all magic — but as more baddies learn who has the power, protecting the book is becoming a full-time job![1]
At their apartment, Willow is preparing for a job interview with Theo Daniels. Buffy is committed to being the Slayer full time, and doesn't plan to become a consultant for the Supernatural Crimes Unit. Spike has recently become a consultant but she declines has because the work is "spotty" and she has more bills than him
Outside, a leprechaun, Lucky Cat, and Cedric the Slime Man are outside, hassling Buffy and co about requirements involving the Slayer Handbook and the new magic rules. Willow is quite nervous, fearing she may ruin magic if they mess this up, but Buffy reassures her she's perfectly qualified to do it and she's not doing it alone.
At that moment, D'Hoffryn appears, reminding them they have his advice and that of the Magic Council, and reports he has no lead on the Soul Glutton and the Mistress; to find them, he'll need the assistance of the book. Buffy decides to save it for later, and talk to the others outside about proposed rule changes.
After talking to the leprechaun, Buffy is appalled when Vicki enters as a representative of the new vampires, along with Harmony and Clem. Vicki refuses to let Buffy use the book to strip the new vampires of their enhanced powers, but Harmony cuts in, insisting that Vicki and her associates will follow Reform Vampirism. Pointing out that they can't take away the new vampires' powers since they're already written in the book, Harmony proposes that they add a rule that the new vampires can walk in daylight, but can't shapeshift during the day (like in the old Dracula novel). While neither Buffy nor Vicki are happy with either one, both ultimately give in and accept the new rule.
With that, Buffy sits down, and Dawn reveals passes to a spa that Theo gave them to enjoy. While happy, Buffy is unwilling to leave the book in the open, but Willow assures them that her magic wards are in space and any vampire that gets near the book will burst into flame. Buffy gives in at that, and they go, unaware of a figure lurking outside the door...
In Xander and Spike's apartment, Xander is going for another session with Dr. Mike, while Spike is looking over supernatural crime case files. As soon as Xander leaves, Spike hears a knock on the door and is surprised to see Harmony and Clem, but lets them inside. He apologizes for the way he treated Harmony in the past and admits their recent London hook-up was not fair to either of them. Suddenly she bashes Spike unconscious and starts looking for the Vampyr book.
At the Pamper-U Day Spa, Buffy makes small talk with Dawn, asking how things with her and Xander are going and pointing out that if she takes too long, Xander will have moved on. Dawn retorts that the same could easily apply to her relationships with Spike, Angel, and Dowling.
Back at the apartment, Harmony declares that she wants to use the book to make Reform Vampirism a new rule of magic itself and to make herself the most beloved person on Earth. As a generous side note, she declares Buffy, Spike, and Angel will finally settle down in a happy, polyamorous relationship — which she thinks is clearly the best choice for them. At that moment, Spike regains consciousness and snatches the book back.
Harmony is furious to discover that Clem didn't write down any of the things she said. Clem explains that what he wrote down most likely wouldn't have come out right, and that planning to use it to make herself the most beloved person on Earth was wrong — Harmony deserves to be loved for herself rather than making people love her. Harmony then slaps him across the face and storms out, ranting about how Clem doesn't actually care about her... but much to her joy, she discovers that Clem did write down one of her wishes; unicorns are now real.
Overlooking the book, Spike is tempted to write down that he would fulfill the Shanshu Prophecy and live happily as a human with Buffy but knows she won’t have a choice in the decision. Xander admits he's been tempted to do the same with Dawn (even Dawn suggesting it), but won’t because it’s not real love. Spike recalls that his old soulless self would have done so in a heartbeat, but he won't; Buffy's happy, and he's content to just be friends with her and move on.
Unbeknownst to them, Buffy has overheard the entire conversation. With a sad look on her face, she sneaks back down the hall, deciding to leave them alone for now and retrieve the book later.
Down in the Black Diamond mines, the Mistress, the Soul Glutton, and a third demon are hiding out, discussing plans to defeat Buffy once and for all.
- Willow recalls that Buffy saved Theo Daniels' life (Guarded, Part Three) and her time working at Doublemeat Palace ("Doublemeat Palace").
- Willow says she's desperate for a job; she has mentioned her unemployment in I Wish, Part One.
- Spike gets to work as a supernatural crime consultant for the S.F.P.D., as Xander suggested in I Wish, Part Two.
- With the appearance of a leprechaun, this issue ends the running joke in the show that, despite all the mythical beings that existed in the universe, leprechauns were not one of them ("Faith, Hope & Trick," "Double or Nothing," "Unleashed").
- Buffy mentions her disagreement with Willow "the past year" during Season 9 due to the destruction of Seed of Wonder and consequential end of magic.
- Buffy and D'Hoffryn discuss the attacks of the Soul Glutton (Return to Sunnydale, Part One) and the Mistress (I Wish, Part Two).
- Buffy and Vicki mention their last encounter, in which the vampire helped her and the Scooby Gang fight against zompires, only to then turn the battle against Buffy and her friends (New Rules, Part One).
- Harmony meets Buffy and Willow for the first time since "Crush" and "The Harsh Light of Day" respectively.
- Clem meets Buffy and Spike for the first time since "Empty Places" and "Potential" respectively.
- Harmony mentions her Harmony Rules from (In Perfect Harmony), which Vicki and her associates had agreed to abide.
- Dawn mentions Buffy being a dedicated Slayer since she was a sophomore ("Welcome to the Hellmouth"),
- Spike and Harmony talk about their sexual encounter in Spike and Faith.
- Clem express knowledge about the Vampyr book monkey's paw propriety, explored in New Rules, Part Four.
- Spike recalls the time he and Buffy destroyed an abandoned house ("Smashed").
- Angel (Only in visions)
- Cedric the Slime Man
- Clement
- D'Hoffryn
- Theo Daniels (Only mentioned)
- Robert Dowling (Only mentioned)
- Dracula (Only in visions)
- Dullahan (Only mentioned)
- Alexander Harris
- Illyria (Only in visions)
- Harmony Kendall
- Lucky Cat
- Master (Only in visions)
- Mike (Only mentioned)
- Mistress
- Willow Rosenberg
- Sculptor
- Soul Glutton
- Spike
- Buffy Summers
- Dawn Summers
- Vicki
Organization and titles[]
- Key
- Magic Council (Only mentioned)
- San Francisco Police Department (Only mentioned)
- Scooby Gang
- Slayer
- Witch
- Banshee (Only mentioned)
- Brownie (Only mentioned)
- Demon
- Leprechaun
- Siren
- Human
- New vampire
- Unicorn
- Vampire
- Antioch
- Black Diamonds mine
- London (Only mentioned)
- San Francisco
- Sunnydale (Only mentioned)
- Doublemeat Palace (Only mentioned)
- Sunnydale High School (Only mentioned)
Death count[]
- None.
Behind the scenes[]
- The title is a reference to Buzzcocks's 1979 song "Harmony in My Head."
- This issue maintains the tradition of Harmony-centric episodes using her name in the title: "Disharmony," "Harm's Way," Harmonic Divergence, Harmony Bites, Harmony Comes to the Nation, In Perfect Harmony.
- Day Off (or Harmony in My Head) was the 151st best selling comic issue in its publishing month, with 16,448 sales in December 2014 at comic specialty stores.[2]
Pop culture references[]
- Buffy has a poster of Gustav Klimt's painting The Kiss in her bedroom wall.
- Buffy quotes "Always after me lucky charms" from the movie Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997) as well as the catchphrase of the leprechaun cartoon mascot (in the United States) of the breakfast cereal Lucky Charms.
- Harmony compares herself to Mahatma Gandhi's leadership and non-violent stance.
- Buffy says they don't make enough Hemsworth brothers, referring to Chris, Liam, and Luke Hemsworth.
- Harmony references Fifty Shades of Grey.
- Harmony mentions IKEA furniture.
- Dawn mentions the Bechdel test.
- Spike mentions Penthouse Forum.
- Clem compares the consequences of rewriting magic to the tale "The Monkey's Paw."
Cover artwork[]
- ↑ "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #10." Dark Horse Comics. Retrieved on September 18, 2017.
- ↑ "Top 300 Comics Actual--December 2014." ICv2, January 16, 2015.