"Blue's Beach Bonanza" is the fifteenth episode of the second season and the thirty-fifth episode overall in the reboot series Blue's Clues & You!. It's a new version of "Blue Goes to the Beach".
- Blue
- Josh
- Sidetable Drawer
- Mailbox
- Mr. Salt
- Mrs. Pepper
- Paprika
- Cinnamon
- Magenta
- Snail
- Felt Friends
- Sylvester The Seahorse
- Mimi The Octopus
- Crab
- Ocean Fish
We play Blue's Clues to figure out what Blue wants to see at the beach.
- Question: What does Blue want to see at the beach?
- Clues:
- Sand
- A Sideways Motion
- A Shell
- Wrong Answer: Fill the shell with sand and look at it sideways
- Correct Answer: A Crab
- Living room picture: The Sky
- Skidoo Location: Underwater
- Email or Letter?: Letter
Watch Episode[]
- This is the 5th episode directed by Steve Burns.
- This is the first reboot episode in which the answer was a crab.
- This is the first time Josh and Blue skidooed underwater.
- This is the first reboot episode where Blue jumps in the pool.
- The theme song, mailtime song, the We Just Figured Out Blue's Clues song, and the So Long song were all sung in a more tropical tune.
- During the songs where Josh plays his guitar, he plays a ukulele version of it.
- The music for this episode was also more beach themed than the normal music usually is.
- During the songs where Josh plays his guitar, he plays a ukulele version of it.
- The part where Josh helped Paprika and Cinnamon test which objects sink or float was similar to "Blue Goes to the Beach" when Steve helped their parents with the same situation.
- There was a whistle like the one in What Time Is It for Blue? when there was a whistle between Tickety Tock’s alarm bells and a regular bell and Soccer Practice when Joe was a coach and had a whistle with him.
- The craft stick is similar to the Popsicle and wooden stick in both Blue's Surprise at Two O'Clock and Occupations.
- There is a sponge like in Blue's Senses when Steve felt a sponge, which was squishy and Weight and Balance when Steve and Blue weighed a sponge, which was light.
- Josh called The Viewer a Sink and Float expert like Steve did in Blue Goes to the Beach.
- The part where Josh and Blue figure out where Mimi the octopus was hiding in the ocean was similar to the skidoo segment of "Animal Behavior!", which also explored camouflage.
- This is the second time where sideways was seen. The first time being What Game Does Blue Want to Learn? when Steve, Blue, Shovel and Pail played Mother Maye Eye and Steve told Shovel that he could take 5 shovel steps sideways.
- This is the third episode in the franchise in which sand was a clue. The first two were Environments and Blue's Treasure Hunt.
- This is also the first time in which sand was the first clue because in Environments, it was the second clue, and in Blue's Treasure Hunt, it was the third clue.
- A seahorse named Sylvester is similar to Looney Tunes with Sylvester the Cat.
- This is the fourth time where an octopus was seen. The first three being Blue Goes to the Beach when Steve and Blue helped Starfish, Octopus and Seahorse go through different holes in a coral reef to get to a playground, Blue Wants to Play a Song Game when Steve danced to the rhythm of the wind with octopi, and Blue's Big Costume Party when Slippery Soap dressed himself up as an octopus.
- This is the third episode in the franchise in which a shell is a clue. The first two were Blue's Birthday and Happy Birthday Blue.
- Coincidentally, this is also the third time that a shell was the third clue with the first two being Blue's Birthday and Happy Birthday Blue.
- This is also the first time in which a shell clue relates to a different animal because in Blue's Birthday and Happy Birthday Blue, it relates to a turtle, and in this episode, it relates to a crab.
- Also, the item representing the 3rd clue was technically a rock that was painted to look like a crab shell.
- This is the second episode of this series in which all three clues start with the same letter, the first being "Blue's Treasure Hunt".
- Coincidentally, like the former episode, all three clues, which were a square, Shovel, and sand start with the letter S.
- Unlike the former, the answer to Blue's Clues, a crab, does not share this peculiarity.
- Josh doesn’t wear his normal clothes in this episode.
- This is the third episode in the reboot in which an episode was written by the original host of Blue's Clues. The first two were Welcome to Blue's Bistro and Blue's Night Before Christmas.
- This is also the fifth episode in which the original host directed an episode of the reboot. The first four were Playdate with Magenta, Big News with Blue, Welcome to Blue's Bistro, and Blue's Night Before Christmas.
- This is the third episode of the reboot in which an animated clue moves above the host's shoulder and/or head differently than its normal tilting side to side movements. The first two were ABC's with Blue (a cow and the word "jump") and Blue's Big Beat Band (a beat).
- So far, this has happened more times in the original series than it has in the reboot.
- A crab was the answer to Blue’s Clues but crabs were seen in Blue Wants to Play a Song Game when Steve danced to the rhythm of rain with crabs.
- Magenta is being a crab like in both Blue's Big Costume Party and Spooky Costume Party with Blue when Blue wanted Magenta to be a mouse when Blue left three clues on little prints, whiskers and a squeak sound.
- When Josh Skidoos out of the ocean magazine, he acts like a surfer.
- During the part of Cinnamon and Paprika helping about which object can float, a blue coin was seen in the original series.
- Josh would later play his ukulele in Blue's Treasure of Clue Lagoon.