Rabbit (formerly known as Mink) is one of the four races that players can spawn with upon joining the game for the first time. It has a 12.5% chance to be granted upon first joining.
This race is widely used as it grants a good speed boost, and is effective in traveling, PvP (particularly when escaping combos), chasing people, and running. This race can be annoying to play against because the Race Awakening's Whirlwind ability has the potential to make people stuck, allowing them to be comboed. However, the increased speed that Rabbit grants when having V4 can be considered excessive when some other races also have similar buffs but have other powerful abilities.
The player has a 33% chance (25% if the player is Ghoul, Cyborg, or Draco) to get this race when changing their race, which they can do in 3 different ways:
- Buying a Race Reroll from the Shop |
- Buying a Race Reroll from tort |
- Buying a Race Reroll from certain Event NPCs | Event Shop or Death King
Stage | Method |
Completing the Alchemist's Quest. To take this quest, the player has to have completed the Colosseum Quest. | |
Completing arowe's Quest, which varies depending on the race. Rabbit's V3 quest is:
Make sure to grab the quest every time joining the game, it will reset upon rejoining. | |
Completing the Temple of Time puzzle, then doing the Trial of Speed.
Changes of Stages
Each stage will give additional buffs and make visual changes to the player's avatar.
Stage | Buffs | Visual changes | Image |
Increases the player's movement speed to 1.5x their normal speed. | Gives the player a pair of white rabbit ears. | ||
Speed & Dashing enhanced;
No visual changes. | ||
Unlocks an ability called Agility. While activated;
Lasts for 6.5 seconds, and has a universal 30 second cooldown. |
Adds a rabbit tail. |
V4 unlocks different abilities depending on what "Gears" are put in. For more information, please refer to Race Awakening.
Ancient Powers:
| |
Upgraded Version:
Lightning Cloak:
Upgraded Version:
Visual changes:
- Highest mobility out of all Races, allowing the user to dodge attacks and travel long distance with ease.
- Dashing will technically not cost any energy if the user's Melee stat is above 900.
- It actually will take a slight bit, but it regenerates faster than it can waste.
- Very good when paired with Ice because of the speed the player gets while running, if the player has a good amount of energy.
- Only provides speed buffs. (Apart from the V4 ability Whirlwind, but it still does little damage and is easily escapable.)
- The trial maze is difficult to complete. (If not the hardest of all Races.)
- The speed boosts provided by accessories and Leopard will stack with Rabbit's speed boost.
- As such, a Rabbit's V3 ability combined with the Pilot Helmet can reach a speed surpassing even Light Flight.
- If the user's skin has no hair when using V4, a white hair will automatically appear.
Change History
Released in Update 1