“ | Golf Ball: Hm. Is it me or is it getting warm around here? Tennis Ball: Oh geez Golf Ball, I um-um well um you know uh I mean, um, I mean, I mean I think- |
” |
This article lists the interactions between Golf Ball and Tennis Ball.
Throughout the series, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball maintain a friendship. Golf Ball usually pursues her own ideas and ventures, while Tennis Ball aids and abets.
Early in the series, characters such as Coiny would suggest and tease the two that they had a "romantic" relationship, but as the series passed its first episode, any allusions to such an idea quickly disappeared. However, the concept resurfaced in "Don't Dig Straight Down", when Tennis Ball thought that Golf Ball was flirting with him while iance was attempting to escape the lava.
Episodes suggesting a friendship[]
In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Tennis Ball, Needle, and Leafy choose Golf Ball to be on their team. Golf Ball agrees with Tennis Ball's idea to have Flower on their team so she won't be as much of an enemy. Coiny claims that he always knew Tennis Ball and Golf Ball had a crush on each other, but Golf Ball corrects him, saying that she only likes Tennis Ball in a platonic way. Tennis Ball is shocked when Snowball pushes Golf Ball off a cliff.
In "Barriers and Pitfalls", they spend the entire challenge together.
In "Bridge Crossing", when Snowball threw Golf Ball down the gorge, along with knocking Needle, Ice Cube, and Leafy off the bridge, Tennis Ball comments that it was uncalled for.
In "Puzzling Mysteries", Tennis Ball says that fixing the puzzle should be easy to Golf Ball. Golf Ball agrees since there are only nine pieces.
In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", Tennis Ball chose Golf Ball for his team, saying that they are a duo.
In "Crybaby!", they work together to get their tub filled with tears. When Golf Ball manages to shed a single tear, they "low five" with their legs.
In "Half a Loaf is Better Than None", Tennis Ball cheers for Golf Ball in the bread loaf contest, even though she was doing a terrible job.
In "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", Tennis Ball tells Golf Ball one team should have the original contestants and the other should have the newbies. Golf Ball gets an uneasy expression on her face as Tennis Ball talks for some reason, possibly because he was talking closely to her.
In "Get Digging", Tennis Ball says that he's the co-manager, while Golf Ball is the manager of the team.
In "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3", when Golf Ball gets poisoned, Tennis Ball seems rather amused by the fact that she looks like a miniature version of him.
In "Zeeky Boogy Doog", when everybody is recovering everybody with the HPRC, Tennis Ball chose to recover Golf Ball.
In "Get in the Van", Golf Ball and Tennis Ball agree that W.O.A.H. Bunch needs to stop stealing their team members. Tennis Ball then promises to never switch.
In "Well Rested", when Gelatin tells Team No-Name to wave their arms to activate the motion-activated door, Tennis Ball tells Golf Ball that he'd complain, but that he's happy with having the others do all the work. Golf Ball happily agrees.
In "Intruder Alert", after Golf Ball questions why Gelatin and Firey are gone, Tennis Ball says that he made them switch teams to grab Ruby's yoylite. Golf Ball then expresses how conducting research on the rare mineral is a lifelong dream of hers. The two are later shown still talking about yoylite, suddenly realizing that their long talk distracted them from doing the challenge.
In "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4", Tennis Ball high-fives Golf Ball after he exits the Tennis Ball Recovery Center then Golf Ball praises Tennis Ball for his research paper in yoylite. Golf Ball gives Tennis Ball a straw made out of yoylite to suck the anti-poison out of the Queen Bug. She tells him to drink less loudly and avoid heat to prevent denaturing the anti-poison and then Golf Ball and Tennis Ball test the anti-poison on Book to ensure it works. They use a Fries detector to locate Fries because they plan to poison Fries using a trebuchet filled with bugs and then they stumble upon Pan Flute's musical performance but while they were fighting Fries, Needle renders the anti-poison ineffective, leading to Golf Ball and Tennis Ball getting poisoned during the chaos.
In "PointyPointyPointy ♫", Tennis Ball made a Cello joke, which Golfball said was adequately funny, rating it a C+. Tennisball later calculated her probability of winning, and questioned her nerves as she usually does it herself. he was very visibly upset to hear Golf Ball being eliminated, getting panicked and seeming just as upset as her. She then told him to keep inventing and to win it for them both. He was shown to be upset, stressing out about who he'd team with without GB. When Nickel offers, he says that he'll do in a sour tone. When sleeping in the bunk bed and securing, he said that '(That episodes victory) is for you, Golfie!'.
During the Golf Ball Twitter Takeover, she confirmed of course she missed Tennis Ball, as "Nobody else is nearly as passionate about (her) scientific endeavors."
In "Welcome Back", they go to the science museum of Yoyle City. Tennis Ball knows Golf Ball so well that her wanting to leave the science museum for no apparent reason surprises him. They both later meet up with Coiny and Pin, discuss with them over how the wall teleporter works, and who should get to be freed first.
In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Tennis Ball helps Golf Ball find Leafy. When Tennis Ball actually spots Leafy, he tries to tell Golf Ball but she keeps interrupting him, saying she's busy looking for Leafy. Golf Ball lets Tennis Ball help her manage the team.
In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Golf Ball demands that Tennis Ball does something when the team decides to make 8-Ball the new team leader. Tennis Ball claims he tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen.
In "Fortunate Ben", Golf Ball asks Tennis Ball how the steering is going for their plane, Tennis Ball tells her there is no steering and that they are just on a paper plane.
In "Four Goes Too Far", Golf Ball and Tennis Ball shift their eyebrows at each other over the fact that Four became a factor of Zero.
In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Tennis Ball and Golf Ball shift their eyebrows at each other again.
In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Golf Ball asks Tennis Ball what the first thing he took from the science museum was in order to see if he is the impostor on their team. Tennis Ball answers wall teleporter, but it doesn't get him off the hook since several other characters knew about the wall teleporter as well.
In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Tennis Ball asks Golf Ball how they are supposed to know what X's treasure is if they can't read X's mind. Golf Ball asks "What makes you think we can't read X's mind?" and pulls out an MMR. Tennis Ball seems to already know what it is based on his expression. Golf Ball says that Tennis Ball will be the one to read X's mind and Tennis Ball simply says he'll do what she says. When Tennis Ball is able to read X's mind, Tennis Ball explains that X's treasure are emeralds underground and the coordinates to find them, Golf Ball replies "Great work, TB!" Later when Golf Ball refuses to tell Basketball the team's plan due to her not being trustworthy, Basketball asks Tennis Ball to ask Golf Ball what the plan is. Tennis Ball does so and Golf Ball instantly answers him, showing she trusts Tennis Ball.
In "Don't Dig Straight Down", when Golf Ball asks Tennis Ball if it's getting hot around them, Tennis Ball starts to nervously stutter as he thought Golf Ball was flirting with him.
In "The Escape from Four", when Tennis Ball says that they shouldn't trust Two, Golf Ball agrees with him.
In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Tennis Ball asks Golf Ball if he can stick with her. Golf Ball says to Tennis Ball that, "Despite your grammatical error from earlier, you are a true friend and I appreciate your loyalty." and they team up. When Golf Ball panics over the team name, Tennis Ball asks "are you okay?", making Are You Okay their name. Golf Ball falls over after once again getting an accidental name, shocking Tennis Ball. Later, after Tennis Ball fixes the lava damage on his trebuchet, which Golf Ball is happy with and tells him great work.
In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", when Golf Ball tells Puffball that they're talking about two-dimensional shapes, Tennis Ball tells her that he likes hypercubes.
In "Gardening Zero", Tennis Ball says that Golf Ball is getting into wearable tech, to which Golf Ball happily replies that she is. At some point offscreen, Golf Ball instructed Tennis Ball to ban Puffball from participating in the challenge and he does so when she tries to help. Later, Golf Ball calls Tennis Ball for help to stop Pen from provoking a David, and he happily obliges.
In "Fishes and Dishes", when Pen bumps his bubble into Golf Ball’s, Tennis Ball immediately rushes to her defense and tells Pen not to hit Golf Ball and bumps into him. This however causes all three of them to bounce into each other repeatedly, leaving them stuck. Even though the three of them are bouncing into each at an equal level, Tennis Ball specifically calls out Pen to stop. Golf Ball tells Tennis Ball that this is why they have certain teammates do certain tasks and that Pen has ruined everything for them in the challenge.
In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", when Fries and Tennis Ball are in the bottom Two, Golf Ball tells Tennis Ball that he must survive as he's the most loyal team member on Are You Okay.
In "Outbreak At Stake", at the start of the episode, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball can be seen trying to help cure Barf Bag after she lost her innards last episode. When Tennis Ball is safe at the cake at stake, Golf Ball tells him that him being safe was well deserved, but this fades quickly because that meant that Golf Ball would be in the bottom two, much to Tennis Ball's worry. Later when the zombie find there way upstairs in the hotel, Golf Ball suggests that she and Tennis Ball use Basketball's above ground factory. While they are in there, they try to figure how to defeat the zombies and cure everyone, but when they can't figure it out, they both are upset that they cannot figure out how to undo the rotting. After Barf Bag and Tear Drop sacrifice themselves to make the antidote, Golf Ball tells Tennis Ball that they need to get this to everyone, before being taken away by Two.
In "What's Up Bell's String?", after One scrambles the new teams without Two noticing, Golf Ball notices Tennis Ball is on a different team and becomes upset. Tennis Ball is worried because it was his first time on a team without GB, making him think he is the new team leader.
In "Category One", Tennis Ball is concerned for Golf Ball after seeing her fly through the air during the storm along with Donut. Later on when hearing his David lurer invention say "attention follow me!!" Golf Ball thinks it is Tennis Ball coming to save her and digs out of her hole.
Neutral interactions[]
In "Zeeky Boogy Doog", Golf Ball orders Tennis Ball to send Pencil to the incinerator. Tennis Ball follows through with what she said, but said "Fine" in a very bored manner.
In "Well Rested", Golf Ball looks at Tennis Ball with an annoyed expression when he thanks the Firey Speaker Box for moving their unconscious bodies to the Cake at Stake place. Golf Ball says that Tennis Ball won't switch because he's dead.
In "Meaty", Tennis Ball panics that Firey is having problems getting the Yoylite to which Golf Ball assures them to trust the process.
In "Start the Shift", Golf Ball refuses to hug Tennis Ball for the Team No-Name re-union because she doesn't engage in feudal acts of affection, however, Gelatin then grabs her with his grappling hook and forces her to hug Tennis Ball.
In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Tennis Ball doesn't seem to like it when Golf Ball refers to some of the teammates as useless. Later in the contest, after Tennis Ball repairs the trebuchet. Golf Ball tells him he should use a lava proof material for next time. Tennis Ball replies with an "Okay", visibly annoyed.
In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Golf Ball asks Tennis Ball why he's distracted when the challenge has started. Tennis Ball says he just wanted to talk about shapes. After Basketball mocks Golf Ball for not caring about shapes, Tennis Ball drags Golf Ball back to their team with a bored look on his face, while Golf Ball demands Tennis Ball to tell Basketball that she in fact does care about shapes.
In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", after Golf Ball explains how they'll make their roller-coaster, Tennis Ball reminds her that they have to incorporate the blocks. Golf Ball's ahead of him and says they'll be making the chairs out of blocks. Later, Golf Ball criticizes Puffball for ruining their roller-coaster by making it too dangerous. Tennis Ball adds that they don't have enough time to make another.
In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Golf Ball asks where the bugs in her factory are coming from and Tennis Ball answers that they appear to be coming from a crack in her factory floor. When Golf Ball insults Puffball by saying she's finally useful, Tennis Ball made a nervous expression.
Episodes suggesting a conflict[]
In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", when Golf Ball attempts to tell her team her plan, Tennis Ball ignores her alongside the rest of the team.
In "Lofty", Tennis Ball and Golf Ball argue about a ball-shaped cloud.
In "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", Golf Ball angrily asks Tennis Ball if he wants Dream Island when Tennis Ball asks if they are going too far with chasing Leafy. Tennis Ball confirms this in a slightly irritated manner.
In "It's a Monster", when Tennis Ball uses Fahrenheit, Golf Ball orders him not to ever use it over Celsius, to which Tennis Ball adheres sadly.
In "Well Rested", Tennis Ball brings himself back to life just to tell Golf Ball that she has said "How do I keep ending up in the bottom 2!? I’m the leader of my team!" so many times that he wants to rip his nonexistent ears off.
In "Well, Look Who It Is!", they encounter a loop-de-loop on their way home, and Tennis Ball proposes using the Super-Stick Shoes SoHa he refurbished for the task. However, Golf Ball chimes in, claiming she also contributed to the project. This frustrates Tennis Ball, who feels it was his sole effort. Golf Ball counters that since he rented out her factory for the project, she deserves partial credit. Tennis Ball, still annoyed, reluctantly agrees with a terse "fine", and they proceed on their way.
In "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset" and "Today's Very Special Episode", Tennis Ball was obeying 8-Ball instead of Golf Ball, which doesn't connect, as Tennis Ball said in "Lick Your Way to Freedom" that he had opposed 8-Ball's takeover. In the latter episode, Tennis Ball would try to prevent Golf Ball from drawing their Four make-over.
In "Return of the Rocket Ship", when Tennis Ball tries to aim for X's mind with the MMR, Golf Ball tells Tennis Ball not to disrespect X since he is their host and repeatedly names off what Tennis Ball shouldn't be thinking about X, much to his annoyance.
In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Tennis Ball gets annoyed by Golf Ball obsessing over stopping the underground team from coming to the surface. When Basketball asks him if this is what Golf Ball does for fun, he sighs and says that it is.
In the intro for Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two, Golf Ball changes the channel on TV by kicking Remote's buttons, which supposedly makes Tennis Ball feel annoyed.
In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", when Golf Ball suggests two contestants from their team should sabotage the other teams, Tennis Ball assumes that Golf Ball would do it with him, but Golf Ball leaves with Puffball instead. Tennis Ball is disappointed and hangs out with Pen, TV, and Eraser.
In "I SAID CAREFUL!!!", Tennis Ball goes along with Liy's idea to stop CloudYAY from winning, even though Golf Ball is on the team. He orders his team members to get on TV and go after Golf Ball and Yellow Face as they are running towards the volcano. He reacts in surprise when Golf Ball diverts, and is seen looking at her when she stops at her workbench to build a laser pointer.
- They are both balls.
- They both tied against Flower in the bottom two in "Barriers and Pitfalls", making them the first contestants to survive the last spot in Cake at Stake.
- Both were eliminated in BFDI despite neither actually having the most votes.
- They were the first two characters to speak in BFDIA.
- Because of the team swap in "What's Up Bell's String?", this'll mark the first (and only) time where Golf Ball and Tennis Ball are on separate teams.
- "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" marks the first time ever where Golf Ball managed to be safe first out of the duo in a Cake at Stake.
- Both were in the bottom two in the sixth episode of a season.
- Both were in the bottom every time "Are You Okay" was in Cake at Stake, but they still survived.
- In "Category One", both received the most votes on their respective teams.
- They are also the first contestants to be safe with the most votes in the team swap phase of TPOT.
- While Tennis Ball has been the first safe in every season he’s competed in as of "Category One", Golf Ball has been in the bottom two in every season she’s competed in as of "Outbreak At Stake".
Golf Ball | |
Interactions with | Everyone, 8-Ball, Basketball, Blocky, Donut, Eraser, Fries, Pencil, Puffball, Robot Flower, Snowball, Tennis Ball |
Other content | Golf Ball's Underground Factory, Rocket Ship, Variations of Golf Ball, Golf Ball's inventions, Brain Wave, Robotic Fish Monster, The Book of BFDI Tips and Tricks. Dream Sauce, Golf Ball's Twitter takeover |