Battle Cats Wiki

Revenant Road is the fourth stage in Suburbs of the Dead.


  • Infinite Zrocos spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 23.33~26.67 seconds700f~800f.
  • 3 Zomboes spawn after 66.67 seconds2,000f, delay 26.67~70 seconds800f~2,100f.
  • Infinite B.B.Bunnies spawn after 3.33 seconds100f, delay 13.33~16.67 seconds400f~500f.
  • When the base reaches 99% HP:


Possibly the most difficult stage in the sub-chapter. Build up as large of a ranged stack as possible to deal with the Zombies. Maglev Cat can be a big assistance in building a wallet against the Zrocos and B.B.Bunnies without having to start building a stack of ranged attackers. Teacher Bun Bun has a very large health pool, but against a stack of Dragon Cats and Crazed Dragon Cats, along with many other ranged attackers, he won't last long. Bringing Area Attackers is highly recommended to get rid of the Zir Zeal and Zigge. Beware of the Zrocos burrowing into your attackers because of their high damage and weaken ability.

Strategy 1 (4 Crowns)[]

Simply let Cyborg Cat handle the beginning, but remember to only summon the lowest possible amount, just enough; then wait for Bun Bun to spawn and simply spam Sanzo Cats and Cameraman Cats, this way most of the Zombies will be killed before making it to your stack and burrowing, then the level will be over in no time. If you get money, use it for Cyborgs, but keep it around 1000 at all times.


  • The Japanese name, Poltergei St., may be a reference to the movie Poltergeist.

