Confront the Tyrant is the first stage in Castle of the Sentinels.
- 2 Mr. Puffingtons spawn after 10 seconds300f, delay 23.33~30 seconds700f~900f.
- 5 Mr. Puffingtons spawn after 533.33 seconds16,000f, delay 0.67 seconds20f.
- When the base reaches 99% HP:
- 1 Cli-One spawns as the boss.
- 1 Mr. Puffington spawns.
- 1 Teacher Bun Bun spawns.
This stage relies on few, slow attacking enemies, with the exception of Bun Bun. For this reason, Metal Cat, alongside Combos that improve recharge time and maybe health, can be of great help. If using Metal Cat, you may want to try and freeze Bun Bun.
Money is scarce in this stage, as there are no peons. This is why you should take as much time as you can in the beginning, stalling 2 Mr. Puffingtons, before preceding to attack the base.
For the first part, it is recommended to either use Idi:N and Riceball Cat (Riceball Cat first, then Idi, then Riceball again for every hit the foe receives) or Metal Cat with a highly damaging unit, possibly an Uber like Lufalan, but Awakened Bahamut or a similar unit works well too.
Use units such as Sanzo Cat to debuff Bun Bun, however do not make your stack of crowd-control or damage too large. When Bun Bun knocks back, your stack will die to Cli-One, costing you more money.
Later, use meatshields that deal low damage and attackers that hit hard, but not too often if possible, better if they target Floating. Cli-One should not cause trouble, but you may want to bring Fishman to dispose of it later.