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Cursing the Curser is the sixth and final stage in Unearthed Artifacts. This stage is a remake of Imp's cold sweat.


  • 1 Sunfish Jones spawns as the boss after 13.33 seconds400f.
  • 5 Thrillerz spawn after 13.33 seconds400f, delay 0.07~0.33 seconds2f~10f.
  • Infinite Relic Doges spawn after 30 seconds900f, delay 5.33~26.67 seconds160f~800f.
  • Infinite Relic Doges spawn after 30 seconds900f, delay 5.33~26.67 seconds160f~800f.
  • Infinite Relic Doges spawn after 30 seconds900f, delay 5.33~26.67 seconds160f~800f.
  • 4 Dark Otters spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 40~46.67 seconds1,200f~1,400f.
  • 10 Li'l Bun Buns spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 16.67~26.67 seconds500f~800f.
  • 4 Dolphinas spawn after 46.67 seconds1,400f, delay 60~66.67 seconds1,800f~2,000f.


Strategy 1[]


Uber/Legend Rare-reliant alternatives should include units similar to the Rares/Super Rares used, such as Cats in the Cradle or Lasvoss, but the high health needed for a knockback may render some units counterproductive.

Anv curs battle

Battle: The concept of this strategy is very straightforward: you simply need to make an army capable of withstanding any assault and slowly pushing the enemies back. The first step is very important: you need to summon a Fishman as soon as possible to distract the boss when he spawns, then wait for The Thrillerz to burrow below Fishman (except one who will likely die) and finish them with a lone Pizza Cat before you start spamming Camera and Housewife. Thanks to the money income, upgrading the Worker Cat once or twice is plenty enough to cover you for the whole fight, so do not worry too much, especially if your Pizza Cat has the Cost Down Talent. Once the two armies start engaging one another, add all other units in the second row to the spam. Whenever your army pushes too far, try to capitalize by using Bahamut and/or the Cat Cannon to push Jones back. Eventually, you will destroy the enemy base and win.

Strategy 2 (4 Crowns)[]

Lineup: Saucers, Aerial Recon, Masked Grandmaster Cat 40, Li'l Eraser Cat 50, Ramen Cat 50, Goemon Cat 50, Heavy Assault C.A.T. 50, Cadaver BearCat 50

Items: Rich Cat

Notes: Goemon Cat must have the Attack Up and Move Speed Up Talents; Heavy Assault C.A.T must have MAX Attack Buff and Defense Buff Talents and the Massive Damage Talent.

Battle : Right at the start, keep sending Goemon Cats to clear The Thrillerz. If they reach the Cat Base, send out Cadaver BearCat. Once the Relic Doges come out, stop sending out Goemon Cats and Cadaver BearCats. Start deploying Li'l Eraser Cats, Ramen Cats, Heavy Assault C.A.Ts and Masked Grandmaster Cat, sending them every opportunity you get. While the Cat Base may lose some HP to the Dolphinas, as long as you do everything right, your army should push forward enough for the Dolphinas to be unable to hit you, and have enough base HP left. Continue sending those cats out and you will eventually win, albeit, after a while.


  • Cursing the Curser's name foreshadowed the next update after its release, version 9.5, which made the Curse ability usable by players.
  • Like all Unearthed Artifacts stages, Cursing the Curser's Japanese name references an idiom. In this case, the name Mīra Torigā Mīra (ミイラトリガーミイラ, "Mummy Trigger Mummy"), is a play on the idiom mīra-tori ga mīra ni naru (ミイラ取りがミイラになる, "The mummy-taker becomes the mummy"), which refers to when someone experiences the very thing they were trying to do to others, or becomes what they were trying to take; a classic example is a hunter becoming the hunted.

