Barney Wiki

"Gone Fishing!" is the twelfth episode from the third season of Barney & Friends.


To teach Juan how to take turns while playing, the kids decide to take a make-believe ship ride. After pretending to fish, Barney shows the kids more animals that live under the water with help from the Adventure Screen. Stella the Storyteller stops by to tell the story of The Fisherman and his Wife.

Stories: "The Fisherman and his Wife"


  1. "Barney Theme Song"
  2. "Taking Turns"
  3. "A Hunting We Will Go"
  4. Sailing Medley ("Sailing, Sailing", "Over the Ocean", "A Sailor Went to Sea")
  5. "The Fishing Song"
  6. "Big and Little"
  7. "Ten Little Fishes"
  8. "S-M-I-L-E"
  9. "I Love You"



On the PBS Pledge Drive version, "The Fishing Song" and "Big and Little" weren't sung.

International Edits[]

A Sailor Went to Sea, Big and Little, and S-M-I-L-E are cut.


Behind the Scenes[]




Season Three episodes
"Shawn & The Beanstalk" • "If The Shoe Fits..." • "Room For Everyone" • "I Can Be A Firefighter!" • "Shopping For A Surprise!" • "Any Way You Slice It" • "Twice Is Nice!" • "On The Move" • "A Welcome Home" • "Classical Cleanup" • "Our Furry Feathered Fishy Friends" • "Gone Fishing!" • "At Home With Animals" • "It's Raining, It's Pouring..." • "Camera Safari" • "Who's Who On The Choo Choo?" • "Are We There Yet?" • "Ship, Ahoy!" • "Hats Off To BJ!" • "Up We Go!"