Baldur's Gate Wiki


Teos, a Mage and representative of the Cowled Wizards who offers a sort of partnership with you to operate the Planar Sphere - PPE Mod portrait

Teos is a member of the Cowled Wizards of Athkatla, encountered during the events of Shadows of Amn and the Enhanced Edition. He serves as a go-between for Gorion's Ward and the Cowled Wizards should Gorion's Ward become the inheritor of The Planar Sphere of Lavok Corthala.

He offers very little incentive for Gorion's Ward to ally with him, instead relying on threats and bravado. While he promises to "look into" the matter of where Imoen is imprisoned, the Mage Stronghold quest ends with him admitting that he has been unable to find anything of use, leaving the player to resort to their own devices to pursue their oldest friend.

Mod Content[]

In the Expanded Mage Stronghold mod, he serves as the gateway for the mod's content by attempting to talk the player into opening up the sphere as the new Athkatla Arcane Academy. He also sends them on a quest to retrieve a lost magical artifact warded by Mystra... which ends up backfiring so spectacularly that Gorion's Ward indignantly expels him from the sphere forever.
