Maurezhi are Tanar'ri demons found in the Watcher's Keep Teleport Maze.
The InfoBox reflects the Watcher's Keep variety with both 10 and 15 Hit Dice, the most powerful varieties in the game. DEMMAU01 has 15 Hit Dice and is worth 6,000 XP, but otherwise is identical to the 10 HD version.
Most Maurezhi are encountered in the maze when attempting to rest in certain rooms as random encounters that disturb sleeping. Two are summoned/gated by Tahazzar based on number of party members and party XP level thresholds.
Though having the physical appearance of a Ghast, they aren't of this creature type.
This demon will typically turn improved invisible at the outset of battle, and the proceed to attack by melee or with a Hold Person spell cast.
After wards it may try a Blur or Cloak of Fear spell, and then continue on with melee attacks, moving towards the closest enemy it can detect.
Be advised the creature can Paralyze a hit target, requiring a Saving throw vs. Death to negate. This attack bypasses Magic resistance and spell protections.
The creature has the usual immunities demons share, and it can See the invisible.
The Enhanced Edition has changed the creature's general classification from Giant Humanoid to Monster.
See also[]
Maurezhi (The Abyssal Plane), a 5 Hit Dice version with different stats, immunities, a unique melee weapon and spell casting abilities.
Mod Content[]
Installation of the Sword Coast Stratagems Mod, and the "Improved Fiends" component will revise the Maurezhi as follows:
Maurezhi 10 HD (cast at 10th level):
Improved Invisibility and Blur, once per day each.
Protection from Magic Weapons, once per five rounds.
Animate Dead, Hold Person, and Cloak of Fear, at will.
Damage Resistance: Poison 100%, Fire and Cold 50%, Electricity 100%.
Magic Resistance: 40%.
Immune to most Electricity Spells.
Movement modifier bonus +2.
Begin battle under Improved Invisibility effect.
External links[]
- Maurezhi on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms.