Polymorph Other is a powerful spell that transforms the target into a squirrel for 1,000 in-game hours or about 42 days in Enhanced Editions, or 12,000 hours (500 days) in the original edition.
“ | Polymorph Other The Polymorph Other spell is a powerful magic that permanently alters the form of the creature affected. Mental attributes are not affected, and the target does not receive the special abilities of the new form. However all physical attributes are changed to adhere to the new form. This is a specific version of the spell in that the recipient will be transformed into a squirrel unless a Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph is made successfully. The transformation is instant and permanent until a Dispel Magic is cast successfully upon the affected creature. The natural attacks of the new form also become available and all clothes and equipment that the target was wearing will mold into the new form. |
” |
The caster directs this spell toward a single creature, use the targeting cursor to select the creature. The spell's range is essentially the caster's visual range, but up to 40 feet.
When the spell casting is finished, a sparkling projectile speeds to the targeted creature, who is potentially exposed to the spell's polymorph effect.
The target is allowed a Saving throw versus Polymorph to resist the effects.
If the saving throw is failed, the victim is polymorphed into a hostile allegiance squirrel.
Once the creature is transformed, they essentially have a new physical form but retain their mental faculties, personality, and knowledge. Whatever the creature was before being polymorphed, all of their special abilities, resistances, immunities that were tied to their original physical form are now gone, and memorized Wizard and Priest spells are now under a 100% Miscast Magic effect.
Squirrel (Hit dice remain as the original form):
STR 3, DEX 3, all other attributes not changed from original
Hit Points: Current HP set to 5 (Max HP is 1 x HD level of original creature)
Base AC: 10
Saving Throws: Remain the same as before polymorphing
Squirrel Claw attack: 1d2 Slashing damage (replaces previous form's weapon)
Base THAC0: Not changed from original form
Attacks per round: As original form
Weapon proficiencies: No longer applicable.
All the victim's equipment remains and is "melded into" the polymorphed creature - this could mean that the creature will be encumbered (if a player character) and unable to move - most equipment items confer their abilities on the polymorphed creature, such as Ring of Regeneration, a Cloak of Bravery, or an Amulet of Power.
The polymorphed creature's innate immunities and resistances are no longer active, for instance a creature with an innate 50% magic resistance wouldn't retain this in squirrel form.
A creature that was under a Polymorph Self or shapechange ability that is affected by this spell cancels the previous form/ability and still turns the victim into a squirrel. On the other hand, a creature who can apply shapechange on itself (e.g. main character with Slayer Form) can use that afterwards to escape from the squirrel form (when turning back, the Polymorph other will have ended regardless of duration).
If the polymorphed creature is killed in squirrel form, it's equipment will be recoverable.
A polymorphed creature killed by the party in squirrel form still provides the experience point reward of the original creature - the original form creature's corpse is also placed on the map.
A polymorphed creature that had active spell effects on it before polymorphing will still have those effects present on the squirrel form, e.g., Haste, Stoneskin etc.
The Polymorph Other spell can be blocked by Magic resistance, as well as a Spell Immunity: Alteration.
Any Spell protections type defense capable of absorbing a 4 Power level spell can prevent it from getting through to the target, such as Minor Spell Deflection or Globe of Invulnerability.
Any applicable Dispel Magic effect can remove this spell from a victim.
If this spell is cast at a neutral creature, and the creature is unaffected or makes their saving throw, then it won't trigger a hostile reaction - however it will make them hostile if the spell works, and it may trigger nearby neutral creatures in the vicinity to also turn hostile.
An Example of a polymorphed creature's changes:
Suppose that Firkraag is polymorphed into a squirrel form with this spell (it is possible to do this). Firkraag the squirrel now only has 5 current HP, and a Strength and Dexterity of 3.
His base THAC0 is now -5, and his Armor class is 13 (!).
He also has no Magic resistance or Fire damage resistance.
Firkraag can still innately apply Stoneskin to himself, launch a Remove Magic, and breath a 20d6 Red Dragon Breath attack. If these spells were applied as a conventional Wizard spell, they would fail, due to the miscast magic effect that is upon him. However, the spells are innately applied by the creature's AI script, and thus still work.
If Firkraag is in the area of effect of his dragon breath, it will kill himself, as there is no longer any fire resistance from the dragon form on the squirrel form.
Firkraag still has a very effective THAC0 but is only able to inflict 1 to 2 slashing damage per hit.
Where to obtain its scroll[]
Siege of Dragonspear[]
Sold by[]
- Belegarm (×6)
The Black Pits[]
Sold by[]
- Dinguer the Mad (×3)
Shadows of Amn[]
Found in[]
- The Planar Sphere (Guardian's room)
- Firkraag's Maze
Sold by[]
Throne of Bhaal[]
The Black Pits II[]
- Book Merchant (×6)
Mod content[]
This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
Spell Revisions mod has changed this arcane spell, revising its effects, saving throws and description. See below for description:
Polymorph Other
Level: 4
School: Alteration
Range: Long
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Polymorph negates
Polymorph Other is a powerful magic that permanently alters the form of the creature affected. The target’s mental attributes are not affected, and they do not receive the special abilities of the new form, but physical attributes are changed to adhere to the new form and the affected creature loses any special abilities it had in its original form. This particular version of the spell will transform the recipient into a squirrel unless a save vs. polymorph is made successfully. The effectiveness of this spell is dependent upon the target’s level, with weak creatures being relatively easy to transmute and more powerful creatures being very difficult. Creatures with less than 8 HD/levels save at a -3 penalty, those with 8 - 14 HD/levels save normally, and those with 15 or more HD/levels save with a +3 bonus. The transformation is instant and permanent until a dispel magic is cast successfully upon the affected creature. Note that all clothes and equipment that the target was wearing will mold into the new form. However, they will return to their previous state once the target dies, or the effects are dispelled.
External links[]
- Polymorph Other on the Icewind Dale Wiki, a wiki for the first Icewind Dale game.
- Polymorph Other on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms.
- Advanced D&D 2nd Edition Wiki - Polymorph Other (Wizard Spell)