Lord Feveron and Lady Diana are two nobles, standing just to the east of the Temple of Helm in the Bridge District of Athkatla, with their guard escort nearby.
The Lord and Lady have nothing to say to you directly, but they chatter between themselves about whether you are the "commoner" they were supposed to meet, and they praise each other on just how brave they are to endure the "dusty and sweaty" people that so "upsets their delicate natures."
The Lord's and Lady's two guards warn you to "maintain your manners...or suffer the consequences."
"Oh, look, my dear... it is a commoner, trying to speak to us."
- "My dear Lord Feveron... if you insist on demeaning the peasants as they approach us, you will upset them all. I have no wish to start another riot."
"But... but darling, it is so fun to make light of the peasantry."
- "No, my lord. I am afraid I must insist. We have business here, remember? I am afraid you simply must apologize."
"*sigh* Very well. My... apologies... commoner. Your smell offends me almost as much as your demeanor, but as a noble, I must learn to tolerate both. Now go away."
- "There, now, was that so hard?"
Any further attempts at conversation: "I... I'm sorry. Are you addressing us again? Do go away."
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This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
People involved[]
- Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere