Husam is a drunk thief and an ex-employee of the Iron Throne found hanging out in a small room in the thieves' guild headquarters in East Baldur's Gate. If you engage him in dialogue, he will reveal the names of the Iron Throne leaders as well as the fact that they are planning an operation in Candlekeep.
When you return to Baldur's Gate in Chapter Seven, he will ask you to meet him outside the Blushing Mermaid. If you speak to him there, he will reveal himself to be a member of the Shadow Thieves sent to investigate the source of the rumours being spread about Amnish involvement in the recent troubles. If you agree to work with him, he will ask you to deal with Slythe and Krystin.
Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition (2012)
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign. In the Enhanced Edition, Husam's effective armor class is 65, rather than the original "natural" AC mirroring value of 10.