Baldur's Gate Wiki

Chelan is an "optimistic" fisherman found standing on the island located within the lake at the Fisherman's Lake area. He previously was a miner before Iron Crisis made him unemployed. He doesn't leave after the initial conversation and you can ask him every question in the dialogue tree.


A hearty welcome to you! Come to test your mettle against the denizens of the waters, have you? A fine profession it is, and I've not enjoyed myself so in ages, simply AGES!

1-You stay by the water in case the villagers come at you with torches, don't you?
I fail to "catch" your meaning. Eh? "Catch"? Yeesh, quite the stoic bunch of prudes, aren't you? No matter, I shall put the brightest shine on the day that I can, regardless of how unappreciative the audience. Torlo appreciates my good humor, don't you Torlo? I say, DON'T YOU TORLO? A bit moody, that fellow.
2-Pardon me for noticing, but you seem a touch— Oh, how shall I put this? A touch loony.
You are entitled to your interpretation, though I prefer to think of myself as optimistic. I've been put out of work because of the iron shortage too, blah blah blah and all that rot. I have simply chosen to not let it get me down. So I'm out of the mine, so what? I'll fish for food, and look decidedly less pale at the end of the day because I got some sun for a change. Now if you don't mind, I've some SINGING to do!
3-Leave me be. Your demeanor practically makes me ill.
Ooooo! A sourpuss, eh? Well, best you be moving on then, because I won't be letting your foul mood darken my day. Sure there's trouble in the mines, bandits roaming the woods, and all manner of beastie munching on innocent travelers, but if you dwell on every little detail it's eventually going to drive you nuts. NUTS! I for one am not going to let that happen to me. No, <Sir/Maam>, not going to happen.

See also[]

