Torlo is a fisherman found standing at the end of the pier near the abandoned house in the Fisherman's Lake area. He mentions that previously he was a miner before he changed his job to feed his family.
Please keep your voice down, will you? It's hard enough getting the hang of this fish-wrangling business without you scaring them all away.
- 1-Fish-wrangling? I take it you've never done this before?
- Nay, I have not. Used to be a miner, I did. I've sunk to this to feed my family. Not that it's a bad way to make a living, mind you. I just prefer having a good solid pick in my hands and sweating while I work. There's too much standing about waiting for the fish to bite. Ah well, we do what we must.
- 2-Bah! As if I care for your woes. I make noise as I wish.
- If'n I weren't a gentleman I might have something to say to you about that. As it is, go and make your noise. Splash about if you will, and indulge your childish nature if you must. I hope you get a leech.
- 3-My apologies. I'll leave you to your work.
- I thank you, though this is not my true calling. I much prefer the mines, but I also prefer remaining alive. It is simply not a safe time to be a man o' the deeps. Have to feed the family somehow though.