Baldur's Gate Wiki

Enge is a fruit merchant in Waukeen's Promenade during the Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn campaign, however, also he sells mundane melee weapons, armor, shields and an unlimited supply of Potions of Healing.

"'Allo you again! Eng is wavink 'allo! You be wantink to see everythink, ja? Ah. gut! Ve be havink much fruit, yes? But you no be wantingk fruit, I be sure! I show you vat else I be havingk! Come! I show!"

Enge does not speak proper Common.

Buy and Sell[]

Store Information
Sells for [gear 1]150%Buys for30%
To steal65Depreciation5%
Identifies for100 gpShopkeeper's lore100
Item Stock Base price Cheapest
Icon for Halberd Halberd 5 15 6
Icon for Quarterstaff Quarterstaff 5 1 1
Icon for Flail Flail 5 22 10
Icon for Mace Mace 5 12 5
Icon for Morning Star Morning Star 5 15 6
Icon for Dagger Dagger 10 1 1
Icon for Dart Dart (×20) ∞ 1 1
Icon for War Hammer War Hammer 5 3 1
Icon for Battle Axe Battle Axe 5 12 5
Icon for Throwing Axe Throwing Axe (×10) ∞ 15 6
Icon for Spear Spear ∞ 1 1
Icon for Bastard Sword Bastard Sword 5 37 16
Icon for Long Sword Long Sword 5 22 10
Icon for Short Sword Short Sword 5 15 6
Icon for Scimitar Scimitar 4 82 36
Icon for Katana Katana 2 750 335
Icon for Wakizashi Wakizashi 2 75 33
Icon for Ninja-To Ninja-To 5 18 8
Icon for Two-Handed Sword Two-Handed Sword 5 75 33
Icon for Chain Mail Armor Chain Mail Armor 5 112 50
Icon for Splint Mail Splint Mail 5 120 53
Icon for Leather Armor Leather Armor 5 7 3
Icon for Studded Leather Armor Studded Leather Armor 5 30 13
Icon for Plate Mail Plate Mail 5 900 402
Icon for Small Shield Small Shield 5 4 2
Icon for Medium Shield Medium Shield 5 10 4
Icon for Large Shield Large Shield 5 15 6
Icon for Large Shield +1 Large Shield +1 5 3,000 1,340
Icon for Potion of Healing Potion of Healing ∞ 112 50
  1. ↑ - Base price applies to charisma < 16 and reputation in 10-14. See shop prices for details.
    - Cheapest price applies to charisma â‰¥ 20 and reputation 20.

Mod content[]

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People involved[]

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