Baldur's Gate Wiki
Not to be confused with Cuchol.

Cuchul is a Shadow Thief who works under the Shadowmaster Aran Linvail in the Shadow Thief Guildhall in the Athkatla Docks district. He is found inside the secret hideout in the lounge that's located near the entrance from the guildhall. He calls himself a 'burglar extraordinaire' and the best rooftop crawler around.

Engaging him in conversation provides a bit of background on couple of other characters found within the hideout, as well as a few of his recent escapades, but nothing of any real importance.

Don't know why Aran bothers with that Tassa... Now Pelanna... there's a gal with th' business goin' on, if ye knows what I mean. She can whip me inta shape any time!

Although he does hint at the prospect that trying to kill Aran might be a bad idea.

You just mind yer manners when ye're around Aran. He's had more than a few close scrapes o' late. Assassination attempts... foolish ones, too.


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