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The Subwaters

Chains suspended in the Subwaters.

The Subwaters


The Subwaters, also known simply as 'The Abyss', consists of a large, greenish-blue body of water of indeterminate size. Wanderers may very rarely enter the level �� usually unintentionally — via fully submerging themselves in a medium- to large body of water anywhere in the Backrooms. Fortunately, one will be able to see the level while underwater in any of these entry points before one enters the level. If a wanderer is currently in the exact location in the level where another wanderer is going to appear, the latter wanderer will appear right next to the former instead of where they would have first arrived. From the perspective of any observers, wanderers who enter the Subwaters will appear to shimmer and fade into the water, and vice versa.

Swimming back up to the surface will bring one back to the level one entered from (on the surface, exiting wanderers will simply appear to surface as they normally would), wherein any other wanderers in the exact position of one's resurfacing will be forcefully pushed away by an unknown force. Due to the accessibility of this exit, entrants who later successfully escape normally do not spend long in the level, usually only remaining within its waters for a few minutes at most. However, the distance between one and the surface frequently and instantly changes upon initial entry; this distance anomaly may cause one to be displaced from only marginally to far below the water's surface, often posing a challenge to wanderers attempting to leave the Subwaters.

The level itself is seemingly boundless, save for the entry point, though no extensive expeditions into the level can be safely conducted to disprove this theory. Moreover, the water is somewhat murky and does not allow one to see further than a few tens of meters ahead. Nonetheless, massive chains about as wide as the average wanderer's body can frequently be seen extending indefinitely through the waters in random — yet still mostly horizontal — directions, only being absent close to the surface. Whereas some of these chains may be completely taut, others are slacker and, for reasons unknown, drifting more freely through the water instead of hanging motionless.

Various sounds with no discernable source emanating from the distance are common; such sounds include: heavy machinery, sonar, and sounds akin to "deepened versions of whale sounds". It is advised to ignore these sounds, as they are believed to merely be an anomaly caused by the Subwaters itself. However, some speculate that the true origins of the sounds are the entities in the level, possibly indicating that the former are a form of psychological torture intended to get nearby wanderers to lower their guard.

Subwaters Shark

A Maw Shark attacking two wanderers.

Subwaters Shark

Maw Sharks[]

Maw Sharks, also known as 'Nightmare Sharks' or 'Death Sharks', are the only confirmed entities to reside within the Subwaters and are the main danger presented by the level. Mostly, they resemble regular sharks, with a body type similar to that of the great white or bull shark. However, Maw Sharks are even bigger than great whites, measuring about 6-8 meters (~19.6-26.2 ft) long. Their mouths are much larger than those of the average shark and are curved upwards at the ends, giving the impression that they are smiling. As well as this, their jaws are lined with unnaturally long and uneven teeth. Despite apparently being able to see, the entities also seemingly have no eyes, with their inner eye sockets being completely dark instead.

Maw Sharks are always hostile towards wanderers and will aggressively attack any humans they discover, attempting to tear them apart. It is assumed that they eat their victims afterwards; supporting this are the occassional reports of victims being eaten alive. Unfortunately, one is always at high risk of being attacked by Maw Sharks at any given time if one is in the Subwaters. Wanderers are unlikely to have not encountered at least one Maw Shark after spending over a minute in the level.

Expedition SW-1[]

Following the numerous reports of the Subwaters' environment and the discovery of the only known consistent entrance to the level at the Beach in Level 246, the B.W.O. organized the construction of a small, highly durable submarine (nicknamed the Sub-Explorer) built for the purpose of venturing into the unexplored depths of the level. The submarine was later finished and, along with its two pilots, Ajal Osman and Daley Peaks, sent into the Subwaters.

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<Start of Log>

Ajal: Alright, let's go.

<Buttons can be heard being pressed and water splashes as the Sub-Explorer fully submerges and enters the Subwaters.>

Daley: I hope this works.

Ajal: It'll work.

<About 30 seconds pass.>

Ajal: Maw Shark approaching from the right; get ready.

<A loud bump from outside shakes the submarine slightly.>

Ajal: See? They can't break through.

Radio Communication: Everything all right down there?

Ajal: Perfect.

Radio Communication: Glad to hear it.

<More loud bumps like the first rock the submarine.>

Daley: Well, this is terrifying.

Ajal: Alright, into the abyss we go.

<The bumps continue but slow down after a while, until only a few Maw Sharks remain. Eventually, the last few leave too.>

Ajal: You okay back there?

Daley: Yeah, I'm fine.

Ajal: Nice, it should be an easy ride from here. The Maw Sharks seem to have given up trying to eat us.

<About 10 seconds pass.>

Ajal: I'm picking up a new signature, this one l- Oh my god.

Daley: (shouting) HOLY SHIT, it's right belo-

<An extremely loud crash sounds, presumably from something massive slamming into and grabbing ahold of the Sub-Explorer. Immediately after, the sound of metal slowly bending and breaking can be heard.>

Radio Communication: (shouting) What is it? Are you alright?

Ajal: (panicked shouting) It's crushing the hull!

Radio Communication: (shouting) What's crushing the hull!?

Daley: (panicked shouting) Take us up, hu-

<The Sub-Explorer fully breaking can be heard. The recording cuts off moments later.

<End of Log>

Open Author & Credits Information
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Author: Forknife

1st Image: r/submechanophobia
2nd Image: The thumbnail of this YouTube video (I'm pretty sure the YouTuber who made the video got the image from somewhere else; the image in question is of an underwater statue in Switzerland), slightly edited by me

Other Pages by Forknife
(Collaborations are bolded, TBR = To Be Rewritten)
Levels Level 9.31 (TBR) | Level 135 │ Level 193 | Level 202 │ Level 202.1 | Level 204 │ Level 210 │ Level 412 │ Level 468 │ Level 468.1 │ Level 606 (TBR) │ Level 606.1 (TBR)
Anomalous Levels Lurking Demise | The Surrounding Abyss | The Subwaters | The Parallel
Locations The Smile Room
Entities Nutcrackers | Mirrors | The Abomination | The Mime | Blood Marrow
Anomalous Entities The Halloween Demon
Phenomena Shifting Geometry | Crimson Trauma
Anomalous Phenomena The Decay
POIs Jack Umbra
Tales Incident V1 | Hunted | A Snowy Rebirth | Descent | The Skybound Catacombs | Endless | Uncertain Waters | Within | False Light | Simulation 37 | Creation | Awakening | Darkness | Record | A Place to Rest | Agony | News Report
Miscellaneous The Backrooms Legends

The Subwaters
