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Threat Index: Class 1Ψ
»⠀Predominantly Safe
»⠀Slight Psychological Hazards
»⠀Non-Hostile Entities

Level 124 is the 125th level of The Backrooms.




A blurry image of the road on Level 124.


Level 124 otherwise known as "Somber Streets" is a large, winding, non-Euclidean road discovered on October 12th, 1996. Level 124 is in a perpetual rainstorm at night surrounded by grass and darkness and a pitch black sky, streetlights line the road giving off a blue tinted light at all times, these street lights cannot be destroyed nor turned off. The rain within Level 124 maintains a constant 64 Fahrenheit (17.8 Celsius), the rain contains no dangerous materials or anomalous effects and can be safely consumed. The road within Level 124 has little to no consistency and will often wind and bend in unpredictable ways, on rare occasions even curving into itself, and rarely harbors any pavement markings. The road may on occasion split off, but any and all divergences in the road will inevitably connect back to one another.

Level 124 was originally believed to be infinite but it is now believed that the road changes constantly, coupled with the non-Euclidean pathing of the road may lead to inconsistent travel, for example, one wanderer may arrive first at Old York, and then at Winterfield, but another may arrive at Old York and then at Autumn Town.

Several things such as road signs, trees, and other objects can occasionally be seen along the side of the road. Attempting to walk away from the road will lead into pure darkness and eventually lead to Level 338. While traversing the road a wanderer may encounter one of several urban, suburban, or rural settlements, these settlements can be a useful source of shelter, food, water, and other amenities, and often contain wanderer colonies. Level 124 can cause a plethora of psychological effects that may impact one's traversal through the level.

Psychological Effects[]

Level 124 causes several psychological effects to afflict any wanderers during their stay, these include Dysthymia, a calming sensation and a mild desire to not leave the level, one may feel a lack of energy or a sense of hopelessness, drinking almond water may temporarily remove any mental effects caused by Level 124, but will return within an hour. These effects are the same for any wanderer's first time within Level 124, but upon re-entry of Level 124 most psychological effects will not be present, replaced by a more intense calming feeling, this level is often used for a boost to morale to wanderers who have been here before. Wanderers who have entered Level 124 multiple times cause any nearby wanderers a brief period of respite from the negative psychological effects. These effects plague both wanderers and entities alike, causing any and all entities present on Level 124 to become non-hostile. When a wanderer leaves Level 124 they will feel a new sense of hope and desire for life, possibly lasting for weeks after egress.


It is to be noted that any and all settlements that impact mental health will not affect those who have already traveled to Level 124 once before.

Old York


An image of Old York during the Hope Event.


The most well known settlement on Level 124. When traveling through Level 124 the road will eventually lose its inconsistency and become straight, after walking for around another mile Old York will be encountered, an urban city dating to the 1980s that strictly lines the road, going behind any buildings within Old York will reveal nothing but darkness. Attempting to do damage to any property within Old York will transport one to Level 329. Any and all Level 124 psychological effects will be mildly intensified while one is located within Old York. Several buildings that can be found within Old York include several shops that may contain food or drink, hotels, office buildings (The entry of which will lead directly to Level 11), and various other useful buildings.

Autumn Town


An image of Autumn Town.


A far less useful but fairly common suburban settlement containing several homes most of which are unable to be entered but can be broken into, any damage done to property will slowly regenerate over time. Storm bunkers can often be found on the sides or behind homes that are unable to be opened, whether that be with force or otherwise. Wanderers may on occasion see dark silhouettes in the corner of their eye, that vanish the moment they turn to face them. On entry to said settlement a large sign can be spotted near the entrance with the words "Welcome To Autumn Town! Population: 129", though no sentient life appears to be present, aside from the occasional entity. A large empty Walmart shopping center can be seen within Autumn Town, This supermarket is absent of any products and is of little use, it is illuminated primarily via fluorescent lights that are reminiscent of another notable level.



An image of WinterField.


A fairly empty and unusually cold suburban town with sparse 1950-style decaying and decrepit homes, Winterfield appears rundown and abandoned, with several pieces of furniture left behind, and occasionally left in the road, as if the original inhabitants made their egress in a hurry. One may feel paranoid and as if they are being watched while in Winterfield, and may on occasion hear whispering or footsteps, presumed to be hallucinations, entities are noticeably absent within Winterfield. Winterfield is entirely inaccessible to those who have already seen it once before, any attempts to rediscover it will be left fruitless. One may tell when they are nearing Winterfield by the drop in temperature that can be felt many miles from the settlement.


A suburban town with inconsistently dated homes, some being from as late as the 1930s, all the way to the early 2000s, wanderers entering Lakeport may feel an intense feeling of nostalgia and liminality, as if they have seen this town once before. Any and all homes are unlocked and can be entered, often holding food and beverage, as well as non-Euclidean geometry, some homes may be larger on the inside than on the outside, although this is often to a much smaller degree. This non-Euclidean geometry can on occasion confuse wanderers, making them become briefly lost within any homes. Entities appear to be in lesser numbers within Lakeport, but not entirely absent. This suburban settlement is named after the large lake that can be found in the center of the settlement, which contains no biological life, any wanderers attempting to dive into the lake will be instantly taken to Level 7.

Unnamed Tract Housing

A large field of perfectly copied homes, down to even minute details such as placement of drinks or food, entities appear here in abundance, especially Hounds, which can be seen sleeping within homes. This settlement can be a reliable source of food and water as there are over 112 housing units, all of which contain fully stocked fridges. Wanderers within this tract housing may feel a sense of being lost or as if they had been forgotten by those they loved, often causing many wanderers to break down within this unnamed field of tract housing.

Rural Settlements[]

Rural settlements can be spotted along the sides of the roads, or at the ends of roads.

Unnamed Home A

A fairly unremarkable family home consisting of a living room connected to a kitchen/dining room, a long hallway, and a bedroom with a bathroom and a closet. The long hallway leads to a bathroom, two bedrooms, and a guest bedroom, none of which contain anything of note, aside from the shag carpeting in the guest bedroom. Said home is devoid of any food or drink that may be of use to wanderers. A shed can be seen in the backyard of the home, incapable of being entered nor looked into as all windows are pure black. This home remains locked at all times but can be broken into, and is in a noticeably dilapidated state.

"The Farmhouse"

A small farmhouse at the end of a road branch with a barn to the left and a large field of wheat located directly behind it. Nothing of note can be found within said home but several items of food and drink can be found which may prove useful to wanderers. Attempting to enter the barn will reveal that its interior is severely dilapidated with rotted wood and a dirty concrete floor, the barn contains nothing of note although the temperature within is generally very torrid. The field of wheat located behind the barn is infinite and blocked off by a wooden fence, however, this can easily be climbed over. Attempting to traverse it and then turning around will reveal the wanderer has made no progress past 10 feet from the barn, the only successful method of making distance into the field being walking backward, which will result in the wanderer being taken to Level 10.

"Winter home"

A fairly small festive home located down an uncommon dirt road seems to take place during Christmas, temperatures near the home drop drastically, and the familiar rain of Level 124 is instead replaced by a snow flurry. Despite the flurry being permanent, no drastic snow accumulation occurs, staying at around half an inch. The home consists of a living room, a kitchen/dining room, 3 bedrooms, and a bathroom. The living room contains a fireplace with stockings lining the top, and a small tv above it. Beside the fireplace, a Christmas Tree can be spotted, with unusually shaped ornaments decorating it, and several presents below which cannot be moved nor opened. Any wanderers within the home will feel an intense feeling of nostalgia and comfort, and drowsiness as if the Winter home was their childhood home. Sleeping within the Winter home will cause one to wake up on Level 941. This is considered the rarest of rural settlements that can be found within Level 124.


"Hope" Event.[]

It is unclear what causes the Hope event to transpire, happening 1-2 times per week, during this event all rain will be replaced with almond water and all psychological effects will temporarily cease, instead being replaced by a feeling of hope, joy, relief, and a mild sense of fear. The level will become much brighter, appearing to now take place at day, any and all streetlights will have there usually blue tint replaced with a golden one. Any and all effects caused specifically by settlements will not be altered during this event, and will simply be temporarily halted.

"Despair" Event.[]

Only 2 documented occurrences of this event have been recorded, once on April 4th, 2009, and a second on January 14th, 2017. During this rare event, all lights will have their iconic blue hue replaced with a deep maroon, and all rain will be replaced with human blood, the rainstorm will be increased drastically in intensity, with an abundance of lightning and thunder, though no one as of yet has been struck. Any and all entities will begin to convulse violently in a fit of seizures, aside from Facelings, who will undergo the same effects as wanderers. During the Despair Event, all wanderers, as well as Facelings, will begin to feel severe feelings of grief and hopelessness, possibly resulting in actions of self-harm. It isn't confirmed, but it is believed that the taking of one's own life on Level 124 triggers said event. This event will last for approximately 10 minutes, before abruptly returning to Level 124's natural state. A total of 6 casualties have been reported from this event due to self-harm.


The first image ever taken of Level 124.
"Autumn Town"
"Old York" during the Hope event.

The first image ever taken of Level 124.

"Autumn Town"

"Old York" during the Hope event.


The first image ever taken of Level 124.
"Autumn Town"
"Old York" during the Hope event.


Several entities are present within Level 124, these include Skin-Stealers, Hounds, Facelings, Clumps, and Deathmoths. All entities present within the level are non-hostile and will not attempt to attack any wanderers unless they attempt to attack the entities in question. Entities can often be found wandering aimlessly and sleeping, as if they were lost.

Colonies and Outposts[]

Due to the nature of Level 124, only two colonies are known to exist, these colonies include:

"The City Folk"[]

Consists of around 20-24 members.

Willing to trade with any and all wanderers for several edible items, most notable being almond water.

Use Level 124 for recreation.

Located within Old York, predominantly within hotels.

Frequently trades with The Rescue Initiative.

"The Rescue Initiative"[]

Consists of around 14-18 members.

Willing to trade with any and all wanderers for Moth Jelly, Rose Water, and other objects.

Attempts to lead any wanderers who have entered Level 124 for the first time out of the level.

Frequently trades with The City Folk

Attempts to understand the cause of the Hope event.

Found most often within Autumn Town, can also be found searching the roads for wanderers.

Entrances and Exits[]


  • Level 123 may start to predominantly rain for no reason. This will eventually cause the level to phase into Level 124.
  • Somehow being soaked in any fluid on Level 963 leads wanderers to this level.
  • Closing your eyes and standing in rain anywhere in the backrooms for around 5 minutes will lead to this level.
  • Driving in Level 292 for long enough may rarely lead you here.
  • Staring out a window for over an hour on Level 4 will take you to Old York.
  • Drowning on Level -33 may lead here (This is highly discouraged).
  • Falling backwards without hesitating or feeling fear on Level 22 will lead one here.


  • Walking away from the main road will eventually lead to Level 10.
  • Damaging property within Old York will lead to one being transported to Level 329.
  • Sleeping within Old York may take you to Level 9.
  • Entering an office building in Old York will lead directly to Level 11.
  • Laying in the grass next to the road may take one to Level 7.
  • Managing to no-clip into the road will lead to Level -69.
  • Diving into the lake in Lakeport will lead to Level 7.
  • It is believed no-clipping into the fluorescent lights within the Walmart at Autumn Town may lead to Level 0, though this is unconfirmed.
  • Walking backwards into the field of wheat on The Farmhouse will lead to Level 10.
  • Sleeping within the Winter home will cause one to wake up on Level 941.
  • Finding a fluffy dog and making physical contact with it will lead to level 126.
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Author: Cendimix

Images: All images generated via DALL E mini 2 or found via google.

Music: Yume Niki Mars-San.


