Jack Ruby
Jack Ruby (his byrþnama ƿæs Jacob Leon Rubenstein, ac hē þæt ƿende) (geboren þæs 25. dæges Hlȳdan þæs 1911. gēares - cƿæl þæs 3. dæges þæs 1967. gēares) ƿæs nihthūses gelǣstend þe ofslēah Lee Harvey Osƿald, þe ƿæs John F. Kennedy se morðorƿyrhta, æfter fēoƿer geƿealdes asprerunga. Rby ēðel ƿæs Chicago on Illinois. Hē afōr to Dallas on Texas on þǣm 1947. gēare. Siþþan þæt morðor on him gesōðod ƿæs, hālsode hē þe hē ne drēoge his dēaðes dōme, and man geaf him nīƿe costnunge. Þā hƿīle þe sēo tælmearc his nīƿre costnunge ƿǣre geseted, ādlode and cƿæl hē for lungenbīte.