Amphibia Wiki
— This page is an image gallery for Anne's phone. —
Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article.
— This article is in work in progress. —
This article is currently being edited by RedBallFire. Please refrain from editing until further notice. If you want to make any edits or have any suggestions, please ask the user on their message wall.


Season 1[]

"Anne or Beast?"[]

"Best Fronds"[]

"Cane Crazy"[]

"Flood, Sweat & Tears"[]

"Hop Luck"[]

"The Domino Effect"[]

"Taking Charge"[]

"Sprig Vs. Hop Pop"[]

"Family Shrub"[]

"Lily Pad Thai"[]

"Hop Pop and Lock"[]

"Civil Wart"[]

"Croak & Punishment"[]

"A Night at the Inn"[]

"Wally and Anne"[]

Season 2[]

"The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar"[]

"The Shut-In!"[]
