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Faith Wiki

The Catholic Church, also known as the Vatican, is a Christian denomination whose duty is to protect the world from demons. So far, all priests/exorcists seen in the series work for the Vatican or used to work for them.



Mode of Operation[]

Due to the fact that the Vatican keeps the existence of demons hidden away from the general population, they do not have much legal protection or authority when they deal with demonic entities. For that reason, they will deny any involvement when a priest/exorcist gets caught committing illicit/suspicious activities while demon hunting, as seen when they deny any connection with John after Amy's botched exorcism attempt, which led to multiple deaths.

The reason as to why the Church hides the existence of demons is unclear, however it can be assumed that they likely do so in order to keep the general public from panicking.


The Catholic Church is one of the oldest and largest international and religious institutions on the planet. Their influence is particularly strong in the Western World, due to much of Western and Central Europe adopting the church in the Great Schism. It has dabbled in the topic of Demonology and exorcisms since at least the Council of Constantinople in the 500s, when Satan was declared a canon part of Christianity. Due to this, many pieces of fiction related to exorcisms including FAITH have often used Catholic or Jesuit exorcists as their main characters.

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