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Throne of Thunder
Throne of Thunder loading screen
Location Northeastern Isle of Thunder
Race(s) MoguMogu Mogu
Saurok Saurok
IconSmall ZandalariZandalari troll
Ice trollIce troll Ice troll
Sand trollSand troll Sand troll
Forest trollForest troll Forest troll
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
IconSmall Ra-den Titanic watcher
End boss IconSmall LeiShen Lei Shen
IconSmall Ra-den Ra-den (Heroic only)
Instance info
Type Raid
Advised level 90
Minimum average
item level
Player limit 10/25
Associated faction Shado-Pan Assault

Jin'rokh the Breaker
Council of Elders
Durumu the Forgotten
Dark Animus
Iron Qon
Twin Consorts
Lei Shen
Ra-den (Heroic only)


Throne of Thunder


Throne of Thunder is the Patch 5.2 raid instance. Emperor Lei Shen, the Thunder King, has returned to wreak his vengeance on Pandaria. It falls to the heroes of the Alliance and the Horde to stop the newly resurrected tyrant and his Zandalari allies in the Throne of Thunder. The Throne of Thunder is a sprawling citadel housing 12 raid encounters, and players that defeat Emperor Lei Shen in Heroic mode can earn the opportunity to face an additional 13th foe, Ra-den.

The Raid Finder version of the Throne of Thunder is divided into 4 different wings, and each wing opened a week (or two) after the previous. The instance opened on 5 March 2013, Heroic mode and "Last Stand of the Zandalari" LFR opened on 12 March, "Forgotten Depths" LFR opened on 19 March, "Halls of Flesh-Shaping" LFR opened on 2 April, and "Pinnacle of Storms" LFR opened on 16 April.

Join the Shado-Pan Assault in their singular drive to see Lei Shen, The Thunder King defeated once and for all, and gain access to impressive Valor reward items. Reputation with this faction can be earned only within the Throne of Thunder raid dungeon.


Once the young Lei Shen had come of age and commanded his own legions, he announced his intent to awaken the gods. Only his most loyal of followers accompanied him where no mogu had dared tread: into the very heart of the Thundering Mountain, the sacred home of the one the mogu had called their master.[1] What he found was illuminating: the titanic watcher Ra-den, who stood guard over a powerful titan device, the Engine of Nalak'sha. Lei Shen claimed dominion over both.[2] It is said that he tore out the very heart of the mogu god. And from that hateful act, he gained power over wind and storm.

Lei Shen, now calling himself the "Thunder King", declared the Thundering Mountain to be his seat of power and atop its summit he built a majestic and forbidden city.[3] Following the Thunder King's death, the new emperor, Dojan Firecrown, moved the capital of the empire from the barren Throne of Thunder to Mogu'shan Palace in the fertile Vale of Eternal Blossoms.[citation needed] 

Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde[]

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Mists of Pandaria[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Dungeon Journal[]

When Pandaria separated from Kalimdor many thousands of years ago, a veil of mist kept outsiders from discovering the newly-formed continent. The mists also hid a reminder of an ancient evil: Lei Shen's Throne of Thunder. During his rule, this fortress was the seat of the Thunder King's power. Even after his death, great swathes of corrupted energy lingered, and now, the resurrected Thunder King and the Zandalari trolls intend to harness that energy to establish the reign of Lei Shen once again.


Last Stand of the Zandalari

The forces of the Zandalari have rallied in the ruins surrounding the Thunder King's island citadel.

Forgotten Depths

Beneath the foundations of the Throne of Thunder lie vast caverns, teeming with ancient horrors.

Halls of Flesh-Shaping

In the horrific chambers beneath Lei Shen's citadel, the mogu conducted terrible experiments into reshaping life.

Pinnacle of Storms

From within his inner sanctum, the risen Thunder King plots the return of the great mogu empire.

Getting there[]

First get to the Isle of Thunder by taking a portal from the faction camps outside Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes. The Alliance camp is at [49.7, 68.7]VZ-Townlong SteppesBlip to the north, and the Horde camp is at [50.6, 73.4]VZ-Townlong SteppesBlip to the southeast. Once on the isle, head to the Diremoor and follow the main path northeast through the jungle. At the Emperor's Gate, turn left and head due north to find at [51, 47]VZ-Isle of ThunderBlip a sewer entrance called the Bleak Hollow, which is a small Shado-Pan camp. The sewer grate will teleport adventurers to the inner courtyard and at [63.7, 32.2]VZ-Isle of Thunder-t1Blip the instance line.


Dungeon denizens[]

LFR Bosses Monsters
1 Overgrown Statuary

Ruined Approach

Overgrown Statuary

Grand Overlook

Royal Amphitheater

Royal Amphitheater

Ruined Approach

Lightning Promenade

2 Forgotten Depths

Lair of Tortos

Forgotten Depths

Roost of Ji-Kun

Roost of Ji-Kun

3 Halls of Flesh-Shaping

Refuse Disposal

Watcher's Sanctum

Saurok Creation Pit

Halls of Flesh-Shaping


Sewer Access Point

Hall of Kings

Grand Courtyard

Hall of Kings

Celestial Enclave

Lightning Ascent

Pinnacle of Storms

Pinnacle of Storms

N/A Hidden Cell
  • Mob IconSmall Ra-den Ra-den <Fallen Keeper of Storms> Heroic Difficulty





In addition to the items in the tables below, all bosses have a chance to drop Inv legendary sigilofpower [Sigil of Power], Inv legendary sigilofwisdom [Sigil of Wisdom] (both after patch 5.4.0, Secrets of the empire icon [Secrets of the Empire] for N [90] Secrets of the First Empire, the last six bosses (Durumu to Lei Shen) have a chance to drop a Inv titan runestones icon [Titan Runestone] for N [90] Echoes of the Titans, and Inv heart of the thunder king icon [Heart of the Thunder King] drops from Lei Shen for N [90] Heart of the Thunder King.

Jin'rokh the Breaker
Item Type Description
Inv pant cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Al'set's Tormented Leggings] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth leggings Caster DPS
Inv bracer plate raidwarrior m 01 [Bracers of Constant Implosion] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate bracers Physical DPS
Inv chest plate deathknight m 01 [Chestplate of Violent Detonation] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate chest Physical DPS
Inv belt plate raidwarrior m 01 [Cloudbreaker Greatbelt] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate belt Physical DPS
Inv cape pandaria d 02 [Drape of Booming Nights] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Spirit
Inv shoulder cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Fissure-Split Shoulderwraps] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth shoulders Caster DPS
Inv boot mail raidshaman m 01 [Ghostbinder Greatboots] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail boots Spirit
Inv bracer leather raidmonk m 01 [Infinitely Conducting Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather bracers Spirit
Inv chest plate raidpaladin m 01 [Ionized Yojamban Carapace] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate chest Caster
Inv jewelry ring 169 [Jin'rokh's Dreamshard] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Caster DPS
Inv jewelry ring 172 [Jin'rokh's Soulcrystal] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Tank
Inv helm leather raidrogue m 01 [Lightning-Eye Hood] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather helm Agility
Inv glove cloth raidmage m 01 [Lightningweaver Gauntlets] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth gloves Caster DPS
Ability warrior bladestorm [Renataki's Soul Charm] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Agility
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01robe [Robes of Static Bursts] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth chest Spirit
Inv jewelry ring 163 [Sign of the Bloodied God] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Agility
Inv sword 1h zandalari c 02blue [Soulblade of the Breaking Storm] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand sword Spirit
Inv pant mail raidhunter m 01 [Spearman's Jingling Leggings] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail leggings Agility
Inv shoulder mail raidhunter m 01 [Static-Shot Shoulderguards] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail shoulders Agility
Inv axe 1h thunderisleraid d 031 [Worldbreaker's Stormscythe] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand axe Strength
Trade archaeology dwarf runestone [Soothsayer's Runes] Quest item Darkmoon Faire
Item Type Description
Inv bracer plate raidpaladin m 01 [Armplates of the Vanquished Abomination] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate bracers Caster
Inv leather raiddruid m 01bracer [Bindings of Multiplicative Strikes] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather bracers Agility
Inv pants plate deathknight m 01 [Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate leggings Strength DPS
Inv stave 2h thunderisleraid d 03 [Dinomancer's Spiritbinding Spire] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Staff Caster DPS
Inv helm cloth raidmage m 01 [Flamecaster's Burning Crown] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth helm Caster
Inv bracer plate raidwarrior m 01 [Frozen Warlord's Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate bracers Strength
Inv cape pandaria d 04 [Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Strength
Spell nature eyeofthestorm [Horridon's Last Gasp] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Healer
Inv jewelry necklace 141 [Horridon's Tusk Fragment] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Spirit
Inv stave 2h thunderisleraid d 01 [Jalak's Maelstrom Staff] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Staff Agility
Inv pant mail raidshaman m 01 [Legguards of Scintillating Scales] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail leggings Caster
Inv jewelry ring 178 [Petrified Eye of the Basilisk] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Spirit
Inv helmet plate raidwarrior m 01 [Puncture-Proof Greathelm] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate helm Tank
Inv pant leather raidmonk m 01 [Roots of Rampaging Earth] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather leggings Caster
Spell nature lightningshield [Spark of Zandalar] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Strength DPS
Inv shoulder leather raiddruid m 01 [Spaulders of Dinomancy] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather shoulders Spirit
Inv chest mail raidshaman m 01 [Sul'lithuz Sandmail] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail chest Agility
Inv jewelry necklace 119 [Talisman of Living Poison] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Agility
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01bracer [Vaccinator's Armwraps] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth bracers Spirit
Inv cape pandaria d 01 [Wastewalker's Sandblasted Drape] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Agility
Inv wand 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Venomlord's Totemic Wand] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Wand Caster
Ability mount triceratopsmount [Spawn of Horridon] Mount Mount
Council of Elders
Item Type Description
Inv hand 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Amun-Thoth, Sul's Spiritrending Talons] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Fist weapon Spirit
Trade archaeology troll voodoodoll [Bad Juju] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Agility
Spell holy mindvision [Fortitude of the Zandalari] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Tank
Inv helm mail raidhunter m 01 [Gaze of Gara'jal] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail helm Agility
Inv axe 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Kura-Kura, Kazra'jin's Skullcleaver] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand axe Agility
Inv bracer mail raidshaman m 01 [Loa-Ridden Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail bracers Caster
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01boot [Mar'li's Bloodstained Sandals] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth boots Spirit
Inv chest plate raidwarrior m 01 [Overloaded Bladebreaker Cuirass] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate chest Tank
Inv leather raiddruid m 01robe [Robes of Treacherous Ground] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather chest Spirit
Inv jewelry necklace 139 [Talisman of Angry Spirits] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Strength DPS
Spell nature chainlightning [Wushoolay's Final Choice] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Caster DPS
Inv robe cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Zandalari Robes of the Final Rite] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth chest Caster DPS
Inv sword 2h thunderisleraid d 01 [Zerat, Malakk's Soulburning Greatsword] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Two-hand sword Strength DPS
Inv gauntlets 29 [Gauntlets of the Crackling Conqueror] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Paladin, Priest, Warlock
Inv gauntlets 29 [Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior
Inv gauntlets 29 [Gauntlets of the Crackling Vanquisher] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Death Knight, Druid, Mage, Rogue
Item Type Description
Inv jewelry necklace 118 [Amulet of the Primal Turtle] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Strength DPS
Inv bracer cloth raidmage m 01 [Azure Shell Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth bracers Caster
Inv bracer mail raidhunter m 01 [Beady-Eye Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail bracers Agility
Inv cape pandaria d 04 [Beakbreaker Greatcloak] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Tank
Inv glove cloth raidmage m 01 [Crystal-Claw Gloves] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth gloves Caster
Inv glove leather raidrogue m 01 [Grips of Vampiric Cruelty] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather gloves Agility
Inv boot mail raidhunter m 01 [Quakestompers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail boots Agility
Inv belt plate raidpaladin m 01 [Refreshing Abalone Girdle] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate belt Spirit
Inv robe leather raidmonk m 01 [Robes of Concussive Shocks] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather chest Spirit
Inv chest leather raidmonk m 01 [Rockfall Ribwraps] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather chest Agility
Inv bow 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Shattered Tortoiseshell Longbow] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Bow Agility
Inv bracer plate deathknight m 01 [Shell-Coated Wristplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate bracers Tank
Inv axe 1h thunderisleraid d 02 [Shellsplitter Greataxe] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand axe Strength DPS
Inv cape pandaria d 03 [Shimmershell Cape] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Caster
Inv shoulder plate deathknight m 01 [Shoulderguards of Centripetal Destruction] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate shoulders DPS
Inv shoulder mail raidshaman m 01 [Spaulders of Quaking Fear] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail shoulders Spirit
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01helm [Stonegaze Hood] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth helm Spirit
Inv shield thunderisleraid d 02 [Tortos' Discarded Shell] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Shield Spirit
Inv glove plate raidpaladin m 01 [Tortos' Shellseizers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate gloves Spirit
Inv leather raiddruid m 01bracer [Vampire Bat-Hide Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather bracers Spirit
Item Type Description
Spell shadow mindflay [Breath of the Hydra] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Caster DPS
Inv chest mail raidshaman m 01 [Chain of Consuming Magic] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail chest Spirit
Inv offhand 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Fetish of the Hydra] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Off-hand Caster DPS
Inv bracer cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Frostborn Wristwraps] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth bracers Caster
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01shoulder [Gleaming-Eye Shoulderpads] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth shoulders Spirit
Inv glove mail raidshaman m 01 [Grips of Cinderflesh] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail gloves Agility
Inv helm leather raidmonk m 01 [Hood of Smoldering Flesh] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather helm Spirit
Inv jewelry necklace 125 [Hydraskull Choker] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Tank
Inv boot plate raidpaladin m 01 [Ice-Scored Treads] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate boots Spirit
Ability creature poison 06 [Inscribed Bag of Hydra-Spawn] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Healer
Inv belt mail raidshaman m 01 [Links of the Bifurcated Tongue] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail belt Spirit
Inv knife 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Megaera's Poisoned Fang] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Dagger Agility
Inv jewelry necklace 126 [Megaera's Shining Eye] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Caster DPS
Inv belt plate deathknight m 01 [Plated Toothbreaker Girdle] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate belt Tank
Inv shoulder leather raidrogue m 01 [Poisonblood Bladeshoulders] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather shoulders Agility
Inv jewelry necklace 140 [Quadra-Head Brooch] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Agility
Inv chest plate deathknight m 01 [Rot-Proof Greatplate] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate chest Tank
Inv boot cloth raidmage m 01 [Sandals of Arcane Fury] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth boots Caster DPS
Inv jewelry ring 164 [Spinescale Seal] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Strength DPS
Item Type Description
Inv belt cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Cord of Cacophonous Cawing] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth belt Caster DPS
Inv helmet plate raidpaladin m 01 [Crown of Potentiated Birth] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate helm Spirit
Inv gloves plate raidwarrior m 01 [Egg-Shard Grips] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate gloves Tank
Ability priest angelicfeather [Fabled Feather of Ji-Kun] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Strength DPS
Inv belt leather raidrogue m 01 [Featherflight Belt] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather belt Agility
Inv stave 2h thunderisleraid d 02 [Giorgio's Caduceus of Pure Moods] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Staff Spirit
Inv glove mail raidshaman m 01 [Grasp of the Ruthless Mother] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail gloves Spirit
Spell holy heal [Ji-Kun's Rising Winds] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Tank
Inv cape pandaria d 01 [Pinionfeather Greatcloak] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Agility
Inv chest cloth raidmage m 01 [Robe of Midnight Down] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth chest Caster
Inv chest plate raidwarrior m 01 [Talonrender Chestplate] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate chest Strength DPS
Inv misc desecrated platepants [Leggings of the Crackling Conqueror] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Paladin, Priest, warlock
Inv misc desecrated platepants [Leggings of the Crackling Protector] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior
Inv misc desecrated platepants [Leggings of the Crackling Vanquisher] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Death Knight, Druid, Mage, Rogue
Achievement boss ji-kun [Clutch of Ji-Kun] Mount Mount
Inv pet thunderislebabybird [Ji-Kun Hatchling] Companion Companion
Durumu the Forgotten
Item Type Description
Inv chest mail raidhunter m 01 [Aberrant Chestguard of Torment] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail chest Agility
Inv gloves plate raidwarrior m 01 [Artery Rippers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate gloves Tank
Inv bracer plate deathknight m 01 [Caustic Spike Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate bracers Strength
Inv shoulder cloth raidmage m 01 [Chilblain Spaulders] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth shoulders Caster
Inv pant leather raidrogue m 01 [Crimson Bloom Legguards] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather leggings Agility
Inv cape pandaria d 03 [Deadly Glare Cape] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Caster
Inv bow 2h crossbow thunderisleraid d 01 [Durumu's Baleful Gaze] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Crossbow Agility
Inv jewelry ring ahnqiraj 02 [Durumu's Captive Eyeball] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Spirit
Inv jewelry ring ahnqiraj 05 [Durumu's Severed Tentacle] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Tank
Inv glove plate raidpaladin m 01 [Iceshatter Gauntlets] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate gloves Spirit
Inv pant cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Leggings of Pulsing Blood] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth leggings Caster
Inv pants plate raidpaladin m 01 [Legplates of Reemergence] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate leggings Caster
Inv pants plate raidwarrior m 01 [Legplates of the Dark Parasite] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate leggings Strength
Inv glove cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Lifedrainer's Sordid Grip] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth gloves Caster DPS
Inv belt mail raidshaman m 01 [Links of the Disintegrator] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail belt Agility
Inv cape pandaria d 04 [Reinforced Mirror-Sheen Cloak] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Tank
Inv knife 1h thunderisleraid d 03 [Ritual Dagger of the Mind's Eye] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Dagger Spirit
Inv boot leather raidmonk m 01 [Sandals of the Starving Eye] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather boots Spirit
Inv boots plate raidwarrior m 01 [Treads of the Blind Eye] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate boots Tank
Inv bracer mail raidshaman m 01 [Vein-Cover Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail bracers Spirit
Item Type Description
Inv mace 1h thunderisleraid d 02 [Acid-Spine Bonemace] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand mace Tank
Inv jewelry ring 177 [Band of the Scaled Tyrant] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Strength
Inv pants plate deathknight m 01 [Black Blood Legplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate leggings Tank
Inv bracer plate raidpaladin m 01 [Bonemender Bracers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate bracers Spirit
Inv bracer cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Bracers of Fragile Bone] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth bracers Caster
Inv bracer mail raidhunter m 01 [Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail bracers Agility
Inv helm mail raidshaman m 01 [Clear-Mind Helm] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail helm Caster
Inv glove leather raidmonk m 01 [Gloves of Cushioned Air] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather gloves Agility
Inv shield thunderisleraid d 01 [Greatshield of the Gloaming] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Shield Tank
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01glove [Helix-Breaker Gloves] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth gloves Spirit
Inv cape pandaria d 04 [Hydra-Scale Bloodcloak] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Strength DPS
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01pant [Leggings of Ebon Veins] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth leggings Spirit
Inv leather raiddruid m 01pant [Leggings of the Malformed Sapling] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather leggings Spirit
Inv shoulder plate deathknight m 01 [Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate shoulders Tank
Inv gloves plate deathknight m 01 [Pathogenic Gauntlets] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate gloves Strength
Ability warrior rampage [Primordius' Talisman of Rage] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Strength DPS
Inv robe cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Robes of Mutagenic Blood] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth chest Caster
Inv shoulder plate raidpaladin m 01 [Spaulders of Primordial Growth] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate shoulders Spirit
Spell fire twilightfireward [Stolen Relic of Zuldazar] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Healer
Inv glove mail raidhunter m 01 [Synapse-String Handguards] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail gloves Agility
Ability warrior bloodfrenzy [Talisman of Bloodlust] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Agility
Ability deathwing bloodcorruption death [Dark Quivering Blob] Companion
Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Quivering Blob] Companion
Dark Animus
Item Type Description
Inv leather raiddruid m 01glove [Anima-Ringed Fingers] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather gloves Spirit
Inv knife 1h thunderisleraid d 02 [Athame of the Sanguine Ritual] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Dagger Caster
Spell holy mindsooth [Cha-Ye's Essence of Brilliance] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Caster DPS
Inv cape pandaria d 02 [Constantly Accelerating Cloak] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloak Spirit
Inv helmet plate deathknight m 01 [Crown of the Golden Golem] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate helm Strength DPS
Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Delicate Vial of the Sanguinaire] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Tank
Inv jewelry ring 180 [Gore-Soaked Gear] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Agility
Inv mace 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Hand of the Dark Animus] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand mace Agility
Inv helm cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Hood of the Crimson Wake] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth helm Caster
Inv pants plate raidpaladin m 01 [Matter-Swapped Legplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather leggings Spirit
Inv leather raiddruid m 01pant [Worldbinder Leggings] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather leggings Agility
Inv chest chain 10 [Chest of the Crackling Conqueror] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Paladin, Priest, Warlock
Inv chest chain 10 [Chest of the Crackling Protector] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Hunter, Monk, Shaman, warrior
Inv chest chain 10 [Chest of the Crackling Vanquisher] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Death Knight, Druid, Mage, Rogue
Ability animusdraw [Son of Animus] Companion Companion
Iron Qon
Item Type Description
Inv boot cloth raidmage m 01 [Dam'ren's Frozen Footguards] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth boots Caster DPS
Inv knife 1h thunderisleraid d 04 [Iron Qon's Boot Knife] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Dagger Agility
Inv offhand 1h thunderisleraid d 02 [Orb of Arcing Lightning] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Off-hand Spirit
Inv sword 1h thunderisleraid d 01 [Qon's Flaming Scimitar] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand sword Strength
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01belt [Quet'zal's Crackling Cord] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth belt Spirit
Inv gloves plate deathknight m 01 [Rein-Binder's Fists] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate gloves Strength DPS
Inv chest mail raidshaman m 01 [Ro'shak's Molten Chain] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail chest Spirit
Inv jewelry ring 168 [Ro'shak's Remembrance] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Ring Caster
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01pant [Saddle-Scarred Leggings] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth leggings Spirit
Inv shoulder 22 [Shoulders of the Crackling Conqueror] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Paladin, Priest, Warlock
Inv shoulder 22 [Shoulders of the Crackling Protector] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior
Inv shoulder 22 [Shoulders of the Crackling Vanquisher] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Death Knight, Druid, Mage, Rogue
Inv boot leather raidmonk m 01 [Spurs of the Storm Cavalry] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather boots Agility
Inv firearm 2h rifle thunderisleraid d 01 [Voice of the Quilen] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Gun Agility
Twin Empyreans
Item Type Description
Inv bracer leather raidrogue m 01 [Bracers of the Midnight Comet] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather bracers Agility
Inv glove mail raidshaman m 01 [Fingers of the Night] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail gloves Spirit
Spell shadow spectralsight [Gaze of the Twins] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Strength
Inv leather raiddruid m 01belt [Girdle of Night and Day] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather belt Spirit
Inv jewelry necklace 120 [Moonjade Necklace] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Tank
Inv jewelry necklace 123 [Passionfire Choker] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Spirit
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01robe [Robes of the Moon Lotus] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth chest Spirit
Inv shield zandalari c 01 [Shield of Twinned Despair] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Shield Spirit
Inv stave 2h thunderisleraid d 04 [Suen-Wo, Spire of the Falling Sun] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Staff Caster
Inv boots plate deathknight m 01 [Tidal Force Treads] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate boots Strength DPS
Inv hand 1h thunderisleraid d 02 [Wu-Lai, Bladed Fan of the Empyreans] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Fist weapon Agility
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Crackling Conqueror] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Paladin, Priest, Warlock
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Crackling Protector] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Crackling Vanquisher] (LFR Ā· H) Armor token Death Knight, Druid, Mage, Rogue
Lei Shen
Item Type Description
Inv pant mail raidshaman m 01 [Conduit-Breaker Chain Leggings] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail leggings Agility
Achievement boss leishen [Doomed Crown of Lei Shen] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate helm Strength DPS
Inv chest leather raidrogue m 01 [Fusion Slasher Chestguard] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather chest Agility
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01glove [Gloves of the Maimed Vizier] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth gloves Spirit
Inv glove leather raidmonk m 01 [Grips of Slicing Electricity] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather gloves Spirit
Inv pant mail raidshaman m 01 [Leggings of the Violent Gale] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail leggings Spirit
Inv pants plate raidwarrior m 01 [Legplates of the Lightning Throne] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate leggings Strength DPS
Inv pants plate deathknight m 01 [Legplates of Whipping Ionization] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate leggings Tank
Inv pant cloth raidmage m 01 [Legwraps of Cardinality] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth leggings Caster DPS
Inv chest plate raidpaladin m 01 [Lei Shen's Grounded Carapace] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail chest Spirit
Inv offhand 1h thunderisleraid d 02 [Lei Shen's Orb of Command] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Off-hand Caster
Spell mage runeofpower [Lightning-Imbued Chalice] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Healing
Inv offhand 1h ulduarraid d 01 [Rune of Re-Origination] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Agility
Inv polearm 2h thunderisleraid d 01 [Shan-Dun, Breaker of Hope] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Polearm Agility
Spell warlock demonsoul [Soul Barrier] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Tank
Inv jewelry necklace 136 [Soul Prism of Lei Shen] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Spirit
Inv mace 1h thunderisleraid d 03 [Torall, Rod of the Shattered Throne] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand mace Spirit
Inv shield mogu c 01 [Ultimate Protection of the Emperor] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Shield Tank
Ability hunter focusedaim [Unerring Vision of Lei Shen] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Trinket Caster DPS
Inv axe 2h thunderisleraid d 01 [Uroe, Harbinger of Terror] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Two-hand axe Strength DPS
Item Type Description
Inv pants plate deathknight m 01 [Archaic Protector's Legguards] Plate leggings Tank
Inv cape pandaria d 02 [Black Night Thundercloak] Cloak Spirit
Inv belt plate raidpaladin m 01 [Bubbling Anima Belt] Plate belt Spirit
Inv chest plate deathknight m 01 [Carapace of the Core] Plate chest Strength DPS
Inv chest mail raidshaman m 01 [Chains of Counted Souls] Mail chest Caster
Inv chest leather raidrogue m 01 [Chestguard of Coruscating Blades] Leather chest Agility
Inv pant leather raidrogue m 01 [Cosmicfire Legwraps] Leather leggings Agility
Inv belt plate deathknight m 01 [Cracklesnap Clasp] Plate belt Tank
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01belt [Detonation Cord] Cloth belt Spirit
Inv belt plate raidwarrior m 01 [Flare-Forged Greatbelt] Plate belt Strength DPS
Inv cape pandaria d 01 [Grey Wind Mistcloak] Cloak Agility
Inv boot plate raidpaladin m 01 [Hypersensitive Sollerets] Plate boots Spirit
Inv belt mail raidhunter m 01 [Jingling Fetishgirdle] Mail belt Agility
Inv leather raiddruid m 01pant [Kilt of Perpetual Genuflection] Leather leggings Spirit
Inv pant cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Leggings of the Discarded Warning] Cloth leggings Caster
Inv pant mail raidshaman m 01 [Legguards of Awaked Repair] Mail leggings Spirit
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01pant [Legguards of Surreal Visions] Cloth leggings Spirit
Inv pants plate raidwarrior m 01 [Legplates of Lightning Blood] Plate leggings Strength
Inv boots plate deathknight m 01 [Lightning-Walker Clawfeet] Plate boots Tank
Inv belt mail raidshaman m 01 [Longdraw Chain Belt] Mail belt Caster
Inv chest plate raidpaladin m 01 [Nova-Binder Breastplate] Plate chest Caster
Inv chest plate raidwarrior m 01 [Planet-Birthed Cuirass] Plate chest Tank
Inv jewelry ring 168 [Ra-den's Contemplative Loop] Ring Tank
Inv jewelry ring 169 [Ra-den's Evolving Signet] Ring Spirit
Inv jewelry ring 168 [Ra-den's Ruinous Ring] Ring Strength
Inv jewelry ring 169 [Ra-den's Summoning Band] Ring Caster DPS
Inv jewelry ring 170 [Ra-den's Swift Seal] Ring Agility
Inv cape pandaria d 03 [Red Sky Cloudcloak] Cloak Caster DPS
Inv chest leather raidmonk m 01 [Robes of Contagious Time] Leather chest Caster
Inv chest cloth raidmage m 01 [Robes of Nova] Cloth chest Caster DPS
Inv leather raiddruid m 01boot [Roots of Pain] Leather boots Caster
Inv boots plate raidwarrior m 01 [Sabatons of the Superior Being] Plate boots Strength DPS
Inv chest mail raidhunter m 01 [Scales of Shaped Flesh] Mail chest Agility
Inv pant mail raidhunter m 01 [Sparkstring Chain Leggings] Mail leggings Agility
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01robe [Starburner Robes] Cloth chest Caster
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01boot [Starwalker Sandals] Cloth boots Caster
Inv belt leather raidrogue m 01 [Strap of Murderous Strikes] Leather belt Agility
Inv pants plate raidpaladin m 01 [Time-Lost Greaves] Plate leggings Spirit
Inv boot cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Treads of Delicate Fascia] Cloth boots Spirit
Inv boot mail raidhunter m 01 [Treads of the Sanguine Volley] Mail boots Agility
Inv boot leather raidrogue m 01 [Twist-Toe Tabi] Leather boots Agility
Inv belt cloth raidmage m 01 [Vita-Binder Wrap] Cloth belt Caster DPS
Inv cape pandaria d 04 [White Snow Skycloak] Cloak Tank
Inv belt leather raidmonk m 01 [Worldbender Waistband] Leather belt Spirit
Inv boot mail raidshaman m 01 [World-Mote Sabatons] Mail boots Spirit
Inv cape pandaria d 04 [Yellow Dawn Lightningcloak] Cloak Strength DPS
Shared boss loot
Item Type Description
Inv shoulder mail raidshaman m 01 [Abandoned Spaulders of Arrowflight] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail shoulders Agility
Inv shoulder mail raidshaman m 01 [Abandoned Spaulders of Renewal] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail shoulders Caster
Inv polearm 2h mogu c 01 [Bo-Ris, Horror in the Night] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Polearm Strength
Inv staff 2h zandalari c 01 [Darkwood Spiritstaff] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Staff Agility
Inv sword 1h mogu c 01 [Do-tharak, the Swordbreaker] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand sword Strength
Inv shoulder leather raidmonk m 01 [Forgotten Mantle of the Moon] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather shoulders Agility
Inv shoulder leather raidmonk m 01 [Forgotten Mantle of the Sun] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather shoulders Caster
Inv knife 1h thunderisleraid d 03 [Fyn's Flickering Dagger] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Dagger Agility
Inv sword 2h mogu c 01 [Greatsword of Frozen Hells] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Two-hand sword Strength
Inv mace 2h thunderisleraid d 02 [Invocation of the Dawn] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Two-hand mace Caster
Inv mace 1h zandalari c 01 [Jerthud, Graceful Hand of the Savior] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand mace Spirit
Inv shoulder cloth raidmage m 01 [Lost Shoulders of Fire] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth shoulders Caster DPS
Inv shoulder cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Lost Shoulders of Fluidity] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth shoulders Caster
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01shoulder [Lost Shoulders of Healing] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth shoulders Spirit
Inv bow 1h zandalari c 01 [Miracoran, the Vehement Chord] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Bow Agility
Inv knife 1h pvppandarias2 c 02 [Nadagast's Exsanguinator] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Dagger Caster DPS
Inv shoulder plate deathknight m 01 [Reconstructed Bloody Shoulderplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate shoulders Tank
Inv shoulder plate raidwarrior m 01 [Reconstructed Furious Shoulderplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate shoulders Strength
Inv shoulder plate raidpaladin m 01 [Reconstructed Holy Shoulderplates] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate shoulders Caster
Inv hand 1h thunderisleraid d 03 [Tia-Tia, the Scything Star] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Fist weapon Agility
Inv shield zandalari c 02 [Visage of the Doomed] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Shield Tank
Inv mace 17 [Zeeg's Ancient Kegsmasher] (LFR Ā· TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) One-hand mace Agility
Trash mobs
Item Type Description
Inv belt mail raidhunter m 01 [Abandoned Zandalari Arrowlinks] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail belt Agility
Inv belt plate raidwarrior m 01 [Abandoned Zandalari Bucklebreaker] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate belt Tank
Inv belt cloth raidmage m 01 [Abandoned Zandalari Firecord] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth belt Caster DPS
Inv belt plate deathknight m 01 [Abandoned Zandalari Goreplate] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate belt Strength DPS
Inv belt plate raidpaladin m 01 [Abandoned Zandalari Greatbelt] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate belt Caster
Inv belt leather raidmonk m 01 [Abandoned Zandalari Moonstrap] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather belt Caster
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01belt [Abandoned Zandalari Shadowgirdle] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth belt Spirit
Inv leather raiddruid m 01belt [Abandoned Zandalari Silentbelt] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather belt Agility
Inv belt mail raidshaman m 01 [Abandoned Zandalari Waterchain] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail belt Caster
Inv boots plate deathknight m 01 [Columnbreaker Stompers] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate boots Strength
Inv leather raiddruid m 01boot [Deeproot Treads] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather boots Spirit
Inv cloth raidpriest m 01boot [Home-Warding Slippers] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth boots Caster
Inv boots plate raidwarrior m 01 [Locksmasher Greaves] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate boots Strength
Inv jewelry necklace 128 [Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Archer] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Agility
Inv jewelry necklace 129 [Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Invoker] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Caster DPS
Inv jewelry necklace 129 [Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Mender] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Spirit
Inv jewelry necklace 130 [Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Protector] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Tank
Inv jewelry necklace 130 [Necklace of the Terra-Cotta Vanquisher] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Necklace Strength
Inv boot mail raidshaman m 01 [Scalehide Spurs] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail boots Agility
Inv boot cloth raidwarlock m 01 [Silentflame Sandals] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Cloth boots Caster DPS
Inv boot leather raidrogue m 01 [Spiderweb Tabi] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Leather boots Agility
Inv boot mail raidshaman m 01 [Spiritbound Boots] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Mail boots Caster
Inv boot plate raidpaladin m 01 [Vaultwalker Sabatons] (TF Ā· H Ā· H TF) Plate boots Caster


  • The Throne of Thunder ended up linear because of the story being told.[4] However according to Ion Hazzikostas many players missed the less linear progression that was seen in Ulduar and Icecrown. Giving players the option to work on another boss is helpful and there were areas in Throne of Thunder that could have been designed with this in mind.[5]
  • Ra-den didn't work out completely as envisioned. The sense of mystery associated with a boss that no one knows anything about is nice, making the content a bonus prize for defeating Lei Shen. It was hard to balance and test without the regular player testing, which resulted in clever use of game mechanics to defeat Ra-den. Normally hotfixes would have been used to solve the problem, but limited attempts made it a more complicated situation.[5]




Patch changes[]

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-14): Shadow Nova damage for Dark Ritualist and Ritual Guard has been reduced to a more reasonable level in a post stat squish environment.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-09-17):
    • Waterspouts in Tortos' Lair should allow players to travel back to the Council of Elders area once more.
    • Fixed an issue where Ice Comets had less health than intended.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-03-27):
    • Fixed an issue where bracers with a random secondary stat may be awarded to the wrong role through Raid Finder or bonus roll.
    • Fixed an issue where zone drops were incorrectly disenchanting into Haunting Spirit.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-03-21): Gastropod should now favor attackers that are at range.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Added.


External links[]
