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For the companion pet, see Ability deathwing bloodcorruption death [Dark Quivering Blob].
Main article: Primordius
MobViscous Horror
Image of Viscous Horror
Race Ooze (Aberration)
Level 38 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Saurok Creation Pit, Throne of Thunder
Status Killable

Viscous Horrors oozes located in Throne of Thunder.


  • Spell yorsahj bloodboil black Black Blood Tank Alert Heroic Difficulty â€” The Viscous Horror spreads its mutated blood to its current target, inflicting 20,000 Nature damage every 3 sec and causing the afflicted player's attacks to coat the enemy in Black Blood, inflicting 20,000 additional Nature damage to Primordius. This effect lasts 60 sec and stacks.
  • Inv misc slime 02 Deadly Mutagen Heroic Difficulty Deadly â€” If a Viscous Horror gets close to Primordius, the mixture of mutative energies will cause it to explode, inflicting 999,998 Nature damage to all players.

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