Community links

You can find contact details, phone numbers, and web site details for various people, groups, and organisations, both in our community and further afield, by clicking an item on the right side of this page.

If you'd like us to add a link to these pages, please e-mail the details to our webmaster at

Please note that we are not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

West Berkshire Coronavirus (COVID-19): Community Support Hub

The West Berkshire Community Support Hub provides residents and businesses with the latest information and support from West Berkshire Council and affiliates.

Police - StreetSafe Scheme

Thames Valley Police is keen for your help in reporting any areas where you feel unsafe in the district. There is a new pilot service called StreetSafe where you can report issues.

StreetSafe is a service for anyone to anonymously tell the police about public places where you have felt, or feel unsafe. This could be because of environmental factors such as street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism, or because of certain behaviours such as being followed or verbally abused.

You can make reports on the StreetSafe page. Follow the link at the bottom of the page where it says: 'No - Continue to StreetSafe'.

Remember that StreetSafe is not a replacement for reporting crime or incidents; this should still be done via 101 or online.

NHS Volunteers

NHS Volunteer Responders has been set up to support the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak. To do this they need an 'army' of volunteers who can support those who are at most risk from the virus to stay well.

You can help by signing up for one or more of the tasks listed on their NHS Volunteer Responders page.

Family Support Group Volunteer Needed

Could you volunteer your time to help at the Family Group in Beansheaf Community Centre, Calcot on a Monday morning during term-time?

Find out more: