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Silphsela is a resource in Duviri.


Silphsela are acquired from Sun Silphs that are typically found on hill slopes within Duviri. They have 4 seeds floating in the air around them, and 3 more burst when approaching one from 8 meters away.

Gathering Tips[]

  • Many Silphsela flowers can be found within the snowy region of Duviri typically near Titan's Rest.
  • They can appear as tiny fire-like objects during the Anger Spiral in the sky, even without a nearby Sun Silph. The easiest way to collect these are by riding the Kaithe.

Blueprints requiring Silphsela[]

Blueprints Type Quantity
Sampotes Sampotes Melee 20
Argo&Vel Argo & Vel Melee 20
Sun&Moon Sun & Moon Melee 45
ParisIncarnonGenesis Paris Incarnon Genesis Primary 60 (180)
BoltorIncarnonGenesis Boltor Incarnon Genesis Primary 60 (180)
SomaIncarnonGenesis Soma Incarnon Genesis Primary 60 (120)
DespairIncarnonGenesis Despair Incarnon Genesis Secondary 60
BladeCinta Lower Limb Component 20
Total 345 (645)


Patch History[]

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Fixed floating Silphsela disappearing when the Sun Silph they spawned from is destroyed.

Hotfix 33.5.5 (2023-07-06)

  • Fixed Sun Silph floating seeds not moving towards the player if they are close enough to collect them.
  • Fixed Sun Silph floating seeds not despawning when the plant does as you leave its spawn radius.

Hotfix 33.0.5 (2023-05-03)

  • Made the following changes to the Sun Silph (and its Silphsela resource) in Duviri:
    • There are now 4 Silphsela “seeds” that float in the air around where the Sun Silph is located.
    • Approaching a Sun Silph within 8 meters will cause it to let out a burst of 3 Silphsela “seeds” into the air that slowly descend overtime before blowing away with the wind.
    • Also fixed being able to get unlimited Silphesela by standing near Sun Silphs.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Introduced.