MagnetizeModx256 Magnetize130xWhite

(TAP) Enclose a target in a magnetic field that ensnares nearby enemies and deals damage over time. The field pulls Polarize Shards that orbited Mag and shrapnel into the deadly mix. (HOLD) Mag surrounds herself in a magnetic field that absorbs ranged attacks and reflects damage back in a destructive cone.

Introduced in Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

Strength: 50 / 150 / 200 / 300 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast explosion base damage)
1.25x / 1.5x / 1.75x / 2x (damage multiplier)
2x / 2.5x / 3.5x / 4x (magnetic pull)
Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 s
Range: 15 m (explosion radius)
4 m (field radius)
Misc:10% / 15% / 20% / 25% (damage absorption)
∞ (cast range)

Strength: 50 / 150 / 200 / 300 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast base damage)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage increase per second)
2x (absorption multiplier)
200 / 300 / 400 / 500 (polarize shard damage)
Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 s
Range: 15 m (blast range)
Misc:120° (blast angle)
4 m (absorption radius)


  • Mag expends EnergyOrb50 energy to create a magnetic field around an enemy target by tapping the ability key (default 2 ) when aiming at them over an unrestricted range. By holding down the ability key, Mag creates the magnetic singularity between her hands instead, protecting her from enemy fire.
    • Cast animation of 1 second, affected by Casting Speed.
    • Once the protective singularity is formed, the ability key may be released without deactivating the ability.

  • An enemy affected by Magnetize is anchored in place and cannot move. The magnetic field has a radius of AbilityRangeBuff4 meters encompassing the target, and slowly drags in all enemies within AbilityRangeBuff4 / 6 / 7 / 8 meters with a magnetic pull of AbilityStrengthBuff2x / 2.5x / 3.5x / 4x. During the field's lifetime, all projectiles, bullets, and Polarize130xWhite Polarize shards will be redirected towards its center, and incoming damage from all sources will be increased AbilityStrengthBuff1.25x / 1.5x / 1.75x / 2x.
    • Only the main target is affected by the damage multiplier.
    • The magnetized target can still attack and cast abilities, among other actions.
    • Enemies immune to crowd control such as Overguard will not be anchored, but magnetic fields will move with them.
  • Additionally, the field absorbs 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% of the damage from all redirected projectiles and bullets. All stored damage will be dealt per second in full to all enemies within the field. The field deals DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage, and damage is applied in half-second increments.
    • Damage decreases radially from the center of the Magnetize field, down to a minimum of 50% damage.
    • Weapons of all types have every projectile taken into account for absorbed damage.
    • Explosive weapon damage is not absorbed by Magnetize.
    • Absorbed damage is not affected by critical hit bonuses.
    • Absorbed damage is not affected by damage type bonuses.
    • Absorbed damage is not affected by on hit effects.
  • If the initial target dies while magnetized, the field destabilizes and explodes at the end of its duration for AbilityStrengthBuff50 / 150 / 200 / 300 DmgBlastSmall64 Blast base damage in a AbilityRangeBuff15 meter radius. Each time an enemy gets hit by the damage ticks inside the bubble, 100% of the currently absorbed damage gets added to the explosion damage. For example, if Magnetize is shot once with a 1000 damage weapon, it will absorb 250 damage, so each tick of damage dealt to an enemy will add 250 damage to the explosion. If one enemy is hit with 20 half-second ticks of damage before the explosion without having any further damage added to the field, the expression for explosion damage would be 300 + (20 × 1000 × 0.25) = 5,300.
    • Explosion damage diminishes with distance and does not bypass obstacles in the environment.
    • Should the initial target's corpse despawn before the duration is over, the enemy pull effect is disabled, but the explosion will still happen.
  • Redirected projectiles travel in a straight line from the point of impact to the center of the sphere which can draw fire away from enemy weak spots. However, you can target vital areas by aiming for any point on the sphere that is perpendicular to the weak spot. Hitscan weapons have less difficulty hitting weak spots; simply aiming at the target's weak spots will yield extra damage in most cases.
    • Shots fired within the field are also redirected, including shots fired by the magnetized target.
    • In addition to firearms, Magnetize can redirect RadialJavelin130xWhite Radial Javelin blades, Prism130xWhite Prism lasers, ExaltedBlade130xWhite Exalted Blade's waves, and ArtemisBow130xWhite Artemis Bow's arrow, Surging Blades' blade and even thrown glaives.
    • In addition to the Warframe abilities mentioned above, Magnetize will also affect the grenades from each of VaubanIcon272 Vauban's abilities. All grenades are pulled to the center of the sphere and will function normally if they contact a surface (i.e enemy body, wall, door, etc). Assuming no surface is met, they are held suspended (and inactive) until Magnetize dissipates, upon which time they may or may not be launched unpredictably. PhotonStrike130xWhite Photon Strike is held inactive as it detonates after a set duration of being thrown, surface or no. Additionally, any active ability grenades will be pulled to the center of the sphere and continue to function should a new placed Magnetize overlap the current position of the grenade.
    • Does not redirect area-of-effect abilities & gunblades.
  • Casting Magnetize on a target is a One-Handed Action that can be done while performing many actions without interrupting them, including reloading, charging, shooting, and moving (either sprinting or sliding).
    • Can be used in mid-air, but not while on a zipline.

  • The magnetic singularity grows in power, starting with AbilityStrengthBuff50 / 150 / 200 / 300 DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage at base and increasing by AbilityDurationBuff10 / 15 / 20 / 25 DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage every second, for as long as its held. All bullets and projectiles caught within 4 meters around Mag are absorbed by the singularity, their damage is then multiplied by 2x and added to the total damage stored. Any Polarize130xWhite Polarize shards caught within will add AbilityStrengthBuff200 / 300 / 400 / 500 to the total damage stored. When the duration ends, or the ability is recast while active, Mag releases all stored damage in front of her as an explosive blast, damaging enemies in an angle of 120 degrees and up to AbilityRangeBuff15 meters away.
    • The singularity does not absorb area or melee damage nor friendly fire.
  • When activated, Mag will holster her weapons and start walking at a slow pace, still being able to jump from the floor and aim glide. However, crouching (default Ctrl ), rolling (default Shift ) and double jumping is disabled for the duration.
    • Mag can still pick up portable items (such as datamasses or power cores) and interact with Mobile Defense terminals and Defense operatives, but cannot hack consoles nor revive teammates.
    • Mag will be susceptible to melee assailants and damage over time effects.
    • Holding Magnetize is an upper-body action that can be done while moving, but will interrupt reloading, charging, shooting and sprinting.
    • Can be used in mid-air, but not while on a zipline.

    • Only 3 Magnetized enemy fields can be active at the same time, magnetizing a fourth target will make the first field either explode or disappear (whether the original target died or not).
      • The Protective singularity from holding down the ability does not count towards this limit.
    • If the target dies before the Magnetize field appears, energy used for Magnetize will be refunded.
    • Ability Synergy:
      • Shards dropped by Polarize130xWhite Polarize can be picked up by Magnetize, inflicting AbilityStrengthBuff50 damage distributed evenly between DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture and DmgSlashSmall64 Slash, further increased by 25% of the total drained value.
      • Crush130xWhite Crush inflicts an extra AbilityStrengthBuff800 / 1000 / 1250 / 1500 DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage to the enemy targeted by Magnetize.
    • Magnetize's visual effects are affected by Mag's chosen energy colors.


    Main article: Magnetized Discharge

    Magnetized Discharge is a Warframe Augment Mod for MagIcon272 Mag's Magnetize130xWhite Magnetize that allows manual detonation by recasting the ability on an active Magnetize bubble. Enemies hit by the detonation have a chance to be disarmed. Additionally increases Magnetize's range.

    Magnetized Discharge

    Tips & Tricks

    • As the pull effect is disabled when the initial target's corpse despawns, some effects, like the DmgFireSmall64 Heat status effect or the innate vaporization on death of weapons like Ferrox Ferrox, can preemptively disable the pull effect by making the corpse despawn almost immediately after their death.
      • As such it is advisable to use Magnetize130xWhite Magnetize in tandem with an ability that prevents the original enemy from dying and ending the pull effect early such as GarudaIcon272 Garuda's BloodAltar130xWhite Blood Altar.
    • This ability can be used defensively. No bullets or projectiles can pass through the field without being redirected.
      • Maximized Ability Range is a very effective choice of maximization for this ability as it provides a large radius of protection from most enemy damage.
      • Beware, however, as physical projectiles can still damage you while inside it if you find yourself between the entering point of the bullet and the center of the bubble.
    • Synergizes very well with ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur's ExaltedBlade130xWhite Exalted Blade, as his blade waves have infinite punch through and are redirected around the magnetic field, allowing them to damage enemies several times until dissipating after traversing 40m.
    • YareliIcon272 Yareli's Aquablades130xWhite Aquablades and it's augment Mod TT 20px Surging Blades have great synergy with Magnetize, due to having infinite body punch through.
    • Extremely effective against heavy enemies, especially fast moving, such as Oxium Osprey or Bursas.
    • When this ability is used with punch through weapons, like the Lanka Lanka and Miter Miter, the bullet or projectile will hit the target multiple times. However, this does not increase the damage over time produced by the field or the damage of the final explosion. This is ideal for taking out specific targets.
    • Using beam weapons, such as the Ignis Ignis, Atomos Atomos, Gammacor Gammacor, Quanta Quanta, etc., will not hit the enemies multiple times the same way that punch through projectiles do, but will greatly increase the damage over time generated by the field and the final explosion. This is ideal for creating choke-points where every enemy that walks through the bubble gets killed by the field's damage over time effect.
    • Weapons with the ability to empty their magazines into a single torrent of shot, such as the KuvaKraken Kuva Kraken, TenetDetron Tenet Detron, Pandero Pandero (PanderoPrime Prime), and KuvaHek Kuva Hek, synergize especially well with the short-tap Magnetize bubble. Combined with a high reload speed, these weapons can quickly turn the bubble into a deadly trap and time bomb.
      • A Grakata Grakata with Mod TT 20px Wild Frenzy synergizes extremely well with Magnetize, as the bubble greatly increases the mod's two-kill ammo refund requirement and thus almost ensuring a limitless supply of bullets to feed the bubble.
    • While DmgGasSmall64 Gas effects don't increase absorbed damage, they can help in damaging all enemies inside the bubble, especially if punch through is on the used weapon, which allows multiple procs to occur per shot.
    • Holding down the ability and getting hit by enemy bullets, while not taking damage, they still contribute towards Mod TT 20px Adaptation's build-up. This makes for a safe way to cap the resistances.
    • As Eximus unit cannot be pulled by magnetic bubbles, they're priority target for Magnetize because the bubbles can prevent them from damaging the Tenno with firearms. They can also potentially sweep more enemies into magnetized bubbles as the bubbles move with them.


    This calculator feature is sunsetted on the wiki. It may not see further updates, but will be present on articles for the time being since some people still find use for them. See User blog:Cephalon Scientia/Sunsetting of Maximization Calculators for more details.
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    • The blast cone from holding the ability is not centered towards the aiming reticle, but noticeably to the left.


    See Also[]
