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For the enemy, see Hound.

Hounds are robotic canine companions of the Sisters of Parvos. There are currently 3 Hound Models.

The Hounds that accompany the Sisters of Parvos have each of their parts randomly selected on creation of the Sister, and the player will inherit their Hound upon vanquishing their controlling Sister. Vanquished Sisters are also guaranteed to drop one random Hound component blueprint, which can be assembled with Legs' assistance.


A Hound companion needs four different components to be built, the Model, the Core, the Bracket, and the Stabilizer. Each component type has several options to choose from, allowing to customize stats and the Hound's type and appearance.


The Hound's Model forms the machine's head and is the component that earns Mastery Rank points for the Hound after gilding. Each Model comes equipped with one Precept mod and weapon which can only be provided by that particular Model, though the Precepts and weapons can be used on any Hound once acquired.


The Core determines the appearance of the Hound's torso, and modifies the base stats of the Hound.


The Bracket determines the appearance of the Hound's legs, and modifies the base stats of the Hound. Each Bracket comes equipped with one Precept mod which can only be provided by that particular Bracket, though the Precepts can be used on any Hound once acquired. Modifiers from Bracket are doubled once the Hound is Gilded and are additive with mods like Mod TT 20px Calculated Redirection.


The Stabilizer determines the appearance of the Hound's tail, and determines the Mod Polarities that the Hound will have. Each Stabilizer comes equipped with one Precept mod which can only be provided by that particular Stabilizer, though the Precepts can be used on any Hound once acquired.



Before players can craft a Hound, they must first obtain the blueprints for the parts they desire from vanquishing Sisters of Parvos, after which these parts must then be constructed at the Foundry. Some of these components require SpectralDebris Spectral Debris, which only drops from Errant Specters in the Granum Void.

Once the component parts have been crafted, players must return to Legs and select the Configure a Hound Companion option. Here, players must choose the crafted components they have available to form the Hound. Once a Model, Core, Bracket, and Stabilizer are selected, the player will be shown a preview of the Hound's appearance, along with the Hound's stats. If the Hound is satisfactory, players can then proceed with the Build Hound action, which will instantly craft the Hound for Credits64 4,000. A player must have two Companion Slots available to claim a Hound, one for the Hound itself and one for the weapon its Model comes with. Players can also use the Configure screen to preview builds of Hound components they do not yet own.

A newly built Hound cannot be renamed, customized, Polarized, or equipped with a Focus Lens, and cannot earn Mastery Rank experience. However, they can be equipped with an OrokinReactor Orokin Reactor.

Once built, a Hound cannot be disassembled to return its component parts.


In order to fully unlock all of a Hound's features, players must gild their Hound. To gild a Hound, players must have a reputation rank of at least Doer with Solaris United, and the desired Hound must first be leveled up to Rank 30. Afterwards, players must return to Legs and select the Gild option under Other Services, which will cost 10 TrainingDebt-Bond Training Debt-Bonds and ReputationLarge 5,000. Upon gilding the Hound, players will be asked to first add a Polarity to the Hound, and then finally give it a custom name. This process will reset the Hound's level back to Rank 0.

A Gilded Hound will have all the functionality available to other companions. A Hound will only give Mastery Rank points once gilded.

Visually, the Gilded Hound will have a modified appearance over a newly-built one, sporting a gray coat of paint as opposed to a brown one.


View Stats List
Core Bracket Health Shield Armor EHP + Shields
Adlet Cela 420 585 315 1,446
Adlet Urga 455 405 420 1,497
Adlet Zubb 315 540 455 1,333
Garmr Cela 420 455 405 1,442
Garmr Urga 455 315 540 1,589
Garmr Zubb 315 420 585 1,349
Raiju Cela 540 455 315 1,562
Raiju Urga 585 315 420 1,719
Raiju Zubb 405 420 455 1,439

Hound Weapon[]

Hounds have three Robotic Weapons exclusive to them: Lacerten Lacerten, Batoten Batoten, and Akaten Akaten. The weapon influences their physical damage, otherwise their stats are identical.

Like Robotic Weapons, Hound Weapons take their own Companion Slot, can be equipped with an Orokin Catalyst, receive Mastery Rank points, and can generate an associated Riven Mod.


  • Unclaimed pre-built Sister Hounds in the Foundry can be sold directly for Credits64 20,000.
  • Hound component blueprints can be traded between players. Completed Hound components and built Hounds cannot, however.
  • Companion Hounds do not have the hologram progenitor Warframe heads unlike Sister Hounds.
  • Hounds have to be gilded to earn Mastery Rank points, with their progression tied to the Hound's Model alone. For example, if a player levels up a Gilded Hound crafted with the Bhaira Model to 30, any future Hounds forged using the Bhaira Model will no longer provide Mastery regardless of what combination of Cores, Brackets, and Stabilizers they have.
    • As there are three Models currently available, the maximum amount of Mastery Rank points that can be earned from Hound crafting is 18,000.
  • With 3 Models, 3 Cores, 3 Brackets, and 3 Stabilizers, there are currently a total of 81 possible Hound combinations available.
  • Custom names for Hounds have a 24 character limit including spaces, and will not accept special characters like commas (,) or apostrophes ('), though hyphens ( - ) are accepted.
    • Names can also not include any profanities such as swear words.
  • Rank 30 Hounds or Gilded Hounds can be donated to Legs in exchange for ReputationLarge 4,000 and ReputationLarge 8,000 Solaris United Standing respectively.
  • Hounds are considered "pets" for unlocking certain Riven Mods.
  • On Incapacitation, like Beast Companions, Hounds will collapse on the ground and will automatically get back up once their recovery time elapses, and can be manually revived.
  • Hounds can be equipped with Companion and/or Robotic mods, some of which were formerly exclusive to other types of Companions:
  • Nine Hound Precept mods were released with the 3 Hound companions (each Hound Model, Bracket, and Stabilizer comes with one specific Precept mod):

Patch History[]

Hotfix 38.0.3 (2024-12-16)

  • Fixed Hound Weapons missing their stats in the Arsenal UI.

Hotfix 37.0.9 (2024-11-13)

  • Fixed Aerial Prospectus and Synergized Prospectus not working when Hound is in close quarters.

Hotfix 37.0.1 (2024-10-02)

  • Fixed Companions standing still and not using their abilities if any of the Bond Mods (Momentous Bond, Tenacious Bond, etc.) are equipped.
  • Fixed script error with Companion Mods in UI.

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)


Phase 2 of the Companion Rework is here! Your Companions all cheer!

Our overall goal with this update is to address Quality of Life and Balance problems that have become apparent over the last few years with Companions.

So let’s dive in!

Beast Companions Gain a Moddable Weapon

  • Hounds: Hound companions already had a moddable weapon, but we rebalanced these from a base of 152 Damage to a base of 300 Damage.

AI changes

  • Beast Companions would previously follow behind you while moving, which made it harder to notice them around and put them further away from enemies when combat started. They will now try to lead you instead, staying a few meters ahead while you are moving so they are ready to attack when combat starts.
  • Beast Companions would previously choose targets in a complete circle around the player. This means that when using their abilities or making attacks, they weren't even on screen so it was hard to appreciate them being useful. This has been tuned so that Beast Companions will prefer to choose targets that are near you and in your field of view.
  • When selecting a new target to attack, Beast Companions now gain a speed boost on their way to the target while off-screen (to reduce the time it takes them to engage).
  • Improved animations while following the player through bullet jumps and double jumps so that they animate more quickly and fluidly.
  • Decreased the required distance from Beast Companions to their owner to trigger a teleport and reduced the minimum time between teleports so they can more easily keep up with you if you’re bullet jumping at mach speed! They will also now disengage from enemies faster if you are moving quickly through the map.
  • Improved Beast Companion targeting logic to better match their combat behavior and prevent cases of them “stalling” when trying to decide on their next target. Also tweaked the range at which they’ll attack enemies to ensure they’ll actually hit them!

Note: While Hounds are not technically Beast Companions, they will also benefit from the AI changes listed above!

Changes to Companion Precepts

Many Companion Precept effects are currently too small or too brief to be really beneficial. We want your choice of companion to feel more meaningful and for your Companion to contribute in a more visible way, so there are a whole lot of buffs to get through.

  • Coolant Leak (Robotic Companions):
    • Formerly slowed enemies down by 10% when they were within 3 meters as a constant aura.
    • Now hits enemies within 10 meters with 40 damage and 3 stacks of Cold status, with a 10 second cooldown.
    • Changed from cost of 4 Mod points and no ranks, to having a base of 2 Mod points and 3 ranks.
  • Reflex Denial (Hounds):
    • The absorb bubble will now ignore projectiles and attacks of the Hound's own faction.
    • Known issue: This is currently only working for Host, we are investigating for a fix.
  • Spare Parts (Robotic Companions):
    • Now compatible with all Robotic companion types (Sentinels, Hounds, and MOAs).
    • Marks enemy for extra loot drops for 15 seconds, up from 5 seconds.
    • Will try to choose an enemy that you can see on-screen instead of totally at random.
  • Vacuum (Robotic Companions):
    • Increased range from 11.5m to 13.5m to match Fetch.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)


This section covers the following topics (in order):

  • Companion Immortality
  • Companion Stat Changes
  • Companion Healing
  • Companion Mod Changes & Additions
  • And more!

Your furry, robotic, fleshy, and everything in between pals have received a rework! Read on to learn how the way you use, Mod, and interact with your Companions has changed in this first phase of the Companion system overhaul.

Our high-level objectives for this Companion rework are:

1. Make Companions more viable in high-level gameplay by making them immortal.
Companions can no longer die! This avoids frustrating scenarios where you are relying on your Companion to provide some feature or bonus only to have them get removed from play. The base stats of Companions have also been increased significantly to help them in difficult missions.

2. Introduce more interactive Mods that offer ways to play alongside your Companion instead of it being mostly autonomous like a specter.

3. Changes to many Companion Mods, mostly to support the first two goals of removing death states and improving basic survivability.
Some Mods were inconsistent in their naming or stats, and we have improved this. We have rebalanced some Mods that players felt were not good enough, or ones that we've observed are SO good that they are considered "essential."


We've all seen the memes with people giving their Companions funny names, only to see the message over and over every few minutes: "Your Companion is down!" Dying Kavats and Kubrows have been demanding attention on your HUD, and spontaneously combusting Sentinels have been robbing you of your Vacuum and Animal Instinct for years.

All that changes with this update. Going forward, Companions will still have Health and Shield values, and they can be knocked out, but they will not die if you fail to revive them. When they reach zero Health, Companions will instead become Incapacitated for a base duration of 60 seconds. All Companions will automatically revive at the end of their Incapacitate period, and there is no limit to the number of times this can happen. Upon reviving all Companions have 5 seconds of invulnerability to get back on their feet safely!

Here are the specifics to how each Companion behaves while Incapacitation:

  • Hounds will now collapse on the ground and can be, optionally, manually revived to get them back into action quicker.
  • Worth noting that Vacuum and Animal Instinct work while the Companion is Incapacitated.
  • With Incapacitation, Companions can now recover from being downed in Arbitration missions, instead of staying dead for the duration of the mission.

Several Mods have been modified or introduced that also change when or how your Companion deals with Incapacitation - see the “Companion Mod Changes & Additions” section below for specifics.


Two broad changes have been made with regard to your Companion's base stats to increase their staying power:

1. Health, Shields and Armor have been refactored across the board.
This simple numeric buff was made with the goal of increasing Companion survivability. This also means that the choice of whether to use, for example, Enhanced Vitality or Linked Vitality, will depend on your Warframe choice instead of the Linked Mod always being strictly superior.

2. Non-Sentinel Companions now gain their full Health and Shield values immediately when you acquire them.
Historically Health and Shield values would increase as your Companion ranked up, which you could see as "Rank Bonuses" in the Upgrades screen. We've removed this behavior and simply given Companions what would end up being their Rank 30 values at Rank 0. This should let you immediately take your Companions on more difficult missions after earning them!

Revised Hound Stats:

  • Adlet Hound: 350 Health (from 100), 450 Shield (from 150), 350 Armor (from 100)
  • Garmr Hound: 350 Health (from 100), 350 Shield (from 100), 450 Armor (from 150)
  • Raiju Hound: 450 Health (from 150), 350 Shield (from 100), 350 Armor (from 100)
  • Hound base stats can be modified further by their components and via Gilding

Previously, the Mod “Link Health” could cause your Companions to gain some of the healing that your Warframe did. This invisible feature was not indicated by the card, and it was never explained what forms of healing worked or why. Additionally, Companions were using some of the same mechanics that things like mission objectives did, which limited the effects of some healing or defensive powers. We've decided to remove both of these obscure mechanics and restrictions.

Companions will no longer gain Health when your Warframe does if using certain Health-absorbing powers together with the Mod “Link Vitality” (formerly Link Health). The restrictions of the following abilities and features, as they apply to granting Health, Shields, or Damage Resistance to Companions have been removed:

  • Nezha’s Warding Halo
  • Trinity’s Blessing
  • Ember’s Immolation
  • Garuda’s Blood Altar
  • Gara’s Splinter Storm
  • Styanax’ Intrepid Stand
  • Mirage’s Eclipse
  • Volt’s Discharge
  • Baruuk’s Desolate Hands
  • Harrow’s Penance
  • Harrow’s Thurible
  • Equinox’ Mend & Maim
  • Sancti Magistar’s Heavy Attack Heal
  • Vazarin’s Protective Sling

Changes To Existing Mods
Several Mods have been modified to interact with how your Companion deals with Incapacitation.

Stats below are shown at Max Rank.

Sentinel Survivability Mod Changes:

  • Calculated Redirection changed from max 275% Shields to max 250% Shields
  • Enhanced Vitality changed from max 220% Health to max 250% Health
  • Metal Fiber changed from max 110% Armor to max 250% Armor

Companion Survivability Mod Changes:

  • Link Health has been renamed to Link Vitality, and changed from max 165% of your Warframe's Health shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Health.
  • Link Shields has been renamed to Link Redirection, and changed from max 110% of your Warframe's Shield shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Shield.
  • Link Armor has been renamed to Link Fiber, and changed from max 110% of your Warframe's Armor shared with Companion, to max 125% shared Armor.
  • Medi-Pet Kit has been changed from providing your Companion with 6 Health per second and 72% Bleedout Reduction, to providing 12 Health per second and reducing Incapacitation time by 15 seconds.
  • Accelerated Deflection (+90% Shield Recharge) has been changed from being only equipped on Sentinels, to the Robotic category, which means it is now also compatible with Hounds. Additionally, it also provides -45% Shield Recharge Delay.

Other Companion Mod Changes:

  • Pack Leader has been changed. Instead of healing your Companion by 36% of melee damage inflicted, it now restores 100 Health per melee hit. Excess healing becomes Overguard instead, with a maximum of 1200 Overguard.
  • Primed Pack Leader increases Pack Leader effect to 183 Health restored per hit, and increases Overguard cap to 2200.
    • Pack Leader's healing was so strong that, functionally, any upgraded melee weapon would fully heal your Companion in a single hit. You would hit an enemy for several thousand damage, and your Companion would proportionately receive thousands of Health. This change tries to make the healing values more sensible so that you can heal your Companion efficiently but not *instantly*. By letting you overflow into Overguard, it also provides some extra ability to tank large hits.
  • Loyal Companion has been reworked entirely. Formerly it provided a 90% Bleedout-Link so that your Companion had a longer period of time where it could be revived. Since Companion death is no longer a factor: Loyal Companion applies 75% Damage Resistance to your Warframe for 10 seconds, and causes your Companion to become invulnerable and taunt enemies to draw fire to itself for 30 seconds, if your Warframe falls below 35% Health. There is a 60-second cooldown between activations.
  • (Parazon) Hard Reset: Changed from instantly reviving your Companion if you achieved 3 Mercy Kills within 40 seconds, to reducing your Companion's Incapacitation time by 15 seconds on each Mercy Kill.
    • We found that this was fairly difficult to achieve. Changing it to allow incremental progress makes it more reliably beneficial to use this.
New Companion Mods

Referring back to the introduction, one of our goals with the Companion rework is to add opportunities for the player to work together with the Companion. Instead of a Mod that only affects your Companion, we looked for ways that you and your Companion could amplify each other.

The following new Mods aim to do just that!

These Mods are available to acquire at the Conservation vendors in Cetus (Master Teasonai), Fortuna (The Business), and the Necralisk (Son).

*Stats below are shown at Max Rank.

Available In Master Teasonai’s Offerings (Cetus):

Tandem Bond
Companion melee hits increase your combo by 6. Heavy Attacks increase Companion melee damage by 30% of melee damage multiplied by your combo multiplier for 30s.

Covert Bond
Finisher and Mercy Kills grant your Companion 10s of stealth that attacks will not disrupt, up to 60s.

Mystic Bond
After your Companion uses Abilities with cooldowns 5 times, you may cast a Warframe Ability without expending Energy.

Restorative Bond
Health Orbs restore 60 more Health and reduce Companion Recovery by 3s.

Manifold Bond (Robotic)*

Companion Precept Mods apply Status Effects from Companion weapons. Killing enemies with 3 or more unique Status Effects reduces Companion Ability cooldowns by 3s.

*Work is still ongoing for this mod, we are aware of some Robotic Companion Precepts which do not trigger the bonus Status Effects.

Available In The Business’ Offerings (Fortuna):

Aerial Bond
Airborne kills decrease Companion Recovery timer by 3s and 9s for headshot kills. Companion creates a field of Cold that increases up to 35% Status chance and 10m radius while Warframe is airborne, lasting for 3s after returning to the ground.

Astral Bond
Damage dealt by Operator or Drifter grants 120% Void damage to your Companion’s attacks for 10s. Companion Void damage adds +30% Amp and Energy Efficiency to Operator or Drifter for 5s.

Momentous Bond
Killing Eximus enemies grants 120% bonus of a random Elemental Damage to your Companion for 30s and reduces Companion Recovery by 12s.

Reinforced Bond
If the Companion exceeds 1200 maximum shields or Overshields, then your fire rate is increased by 60%. Reloading restores 150 Overshields to your Companion.

Tenacious Bond
Headshot kills reduce Companion Recovery timer by 3s. If the Companion’s Critical Chance is over 50% then you gain +0.6x Final Critical Damage Multiplier.

Available In Son’s Offerings (Necralisk):

Duplex Bond
Companion will clone itself each time you expend 100 Energy, up to 3 Clones. Clones live for 30s and their kills have a 50% chance of dropping Energy Orbs.

Seismic Bond
While a channeled Ability is active, Companion melee attacks create a 4m shockwave for 30% of their melee damage. Damage dealt by your Companion increases your Ability Efficiency by 3% for 12 seconds. Max 10 stacks.

Vicious Bond
Companion melee attacks strip 15% of enemy armor. Melee attacks on enemies recently damaged by Abilities apply the effect in a 9m radius.

Contagious Bond
When your Companion kills an enemy afflicted with a Status Effect, 50% of the Status Effect spreads to other enemies within 9m.


A few further changes that are worth mentioning:

  • The improvement to Shield Gating where it now scales with maximum Shield strength and fully resets as long as you have any Shield charge at all, also applies to Companions.
  • Companions can now gain Overguard (behaves the same as player Overguard) and Overshield.
  • Added map icons for each Companion type to help identify their location.
  • Improved Companion HUD information:
    • Removed notifications for when other players’ Companions are downed (Incapacitated) to reduce HUD noise. You will now only get notified for your own Companion.
    • Your Companion now has its very own icon in the HUD.
  • Oberon's Passive now applies to all Companion Types.
    • Previously only Kavats, Kubrows, Predasites, and Vulpaphylas would receive +25% Health, Armor, and Shield links, plus the 1 instant revive per mission.
  • Companions are no longer able to be staggered!
    • Because staggering would often stop your pets in-place, it opened them up to being re-staggered, which then often led to their swift demise. This should fix that issue, and allow your furry and not-so-furry friends to have more impact in-mission.
General Fixes:
  • Fixed the Emotion Module preview diorama for MOA companions applying their animations to the equipped Corpus Hound, creating a MOA/Hound creature of nightmares.

Hotfix 34.0.2 (2023-10-19)

  • Fixed case where Hounds would not attack or move if they had any of the new Bond Mods equipped.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)


As mentioned on Devstream #163, we have made changes to the Gilding system to make it easier to access the full power of your Modular items earlier on in-game. For those players that have just completed the Second Dream and are looking to craft a more powerful Amp to help you into and beyond The New War - these changes are for you!

Instead of upon Gilding, modular weapons will now have their full stats available upon ranking up to Level 30. Gilding your Modular weapon now serves the purpose of allowing it to earn Mastery and unlock customization. This allows players to have access to more powerful gear without needing to fully level and earn Standing for the respective Syndicates!

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Fixed seeing a PH name for a squadmates Hound if you joined the mission in progress.

Hotfix 31.0.7 (2022-01-07)

  • Fixed a spot-load when the Hound of a player that joined in progress spawns.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed seeing “Ungilded Moa” instead of “Ungilded Hound” when attempting to Polarize.

Hotfix 30.7.6 (2021-09-23)

  • Fixed Selling a Hound/Adversary weapon in the Foundry leaving behind its tile until after a refresh of the Foundry.

Hotfix 30.7.3 (2021-09-10)

  • Fixed inability to Sell Hound/Adversary weapons in the Foundry when using a controller.

Hotfix 30.7.2 (2021-09-09)

Sister Hound / Weapon / Lich Weapon Foundry “Selling” Functionality:

If you’ve engaged in the Adversary hunts with Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos, your Foundry might be suffering from some unavoidable clutter. The amount of Hounds and weapons sitting in your Foundry have grown to not only take up room in your list but also within the database itself!

To alleviate this clutter, you can now Sell a Hound and/or Adversary weapon directly from your Foundry without having to claim the item and use a Slot, granting yourself some Credits! Get cleaning up your (H)Foundry. Ordis’ orders!

Hotfix 30.5.4 (2021-07-17)

  • Fixed Hounds giving only 100 Mastery per level instead of 200 Mastery per level.

Hotfix 30.5.2 (2021-07-07)

  • The Foundry will now give you the opportunity to buy Slots when claiming a Hound when you don't have 2 available (Hounds require 2 Slots, one for Hound and one for weapon).
  • Fixed a script error that could potentially occur when a Hound’s Repo Audit Precept hit a player under a Radiation Status Effect.

Hotfix 30.5.1 (2021-07-06)

  • Fixed Hound Diversified Denial ability FX and coloring.
  • Fixed script error that could occur if you cast an ability right before the Hound's Denial aura expired.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
