Koh, also known as the Face-Stealer, is a minor antagonist of the 2024 Netflix adventure fantasy series Avatar: The Last Airbender, based on the animated series of the same name. He first appeared in the fifth episode Spirited Away.
He was voiced by George Takei, who also voiced the Offshore Prison Warden in the original cartoon.
Koh is a predatory spirit who can be dangerous to meet. Unlike his animated counterpart he has a more sinister personality. He first torments his prey he before traps and eats them. Koh haunts people's darkest memories using the fog of lost souls, feeds on their despair. However, Koh's action implies he cares for his kind as he stole Ummi's face to get revenge on Avatar Kuruk for his war against the spirits. It is shown he truly loves his mother and became furious when Avatar Roku stole his totem resembling her.
Years ago, Avatar Kuruk discovered dark spirits were on the verge of crossing over to mortal realm. So he waged war on them and in the process corrupted his soul. As an act of vengeance, Koh stole the face of Kuruk's lover, Ummi. Avatar Kuruk tried kill him, but couldn't as he realized that Koh's death would also result in the death of his lover. Avatar Roku stole something precious to him, a totem that represented his mother.
Season 1[]
Spirited Away[]
When the Team Avatar are at the Spirit World, they were separated though they're at the Fog of the Lost Souls where they were forced to confront their worst memories. However, both Katara and Sokka were eventually captured while Aang managed to resist it since he knew the Southern Air Temple was already destroyed during the Air Nomad genocide. Aang later met with Koh who encounters with his previous life named Kuruk where he stole his lover Ummi's face and he was almost getting slayed. He also refused to give back Katara and Sokka to Aang, which the Avatar has no choice but to run away from him.
After he escaped from the Pohuai Stronghold with the help of Zuko, Aang returns to the Spirit World where he gives the Mother of Faces totem back to Koh that Roku stole from him, which he genuinely kept his words by returning those he kidnapped including the people of Senlin Village and his friends Katara and Sokka.
Koh has the ability to steal the face of anyone or anything. However unlike his animated counterpart he webs them in his lair and waits until he's ready to feed.
External Links[]
- Koh on the Avatar Wiki