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Villains Wiki

So I guess I'm the bad guy here, you say I ruined your relationship, what do you really know about Alie? I've known her longer than you have, she's the one that picked me up when I couldn't be the sidekick I was meant to be. You think you know her, there's so much more to her, there's things right now she's lying to you about. Do you know anything about her family? Do you even know her real name?
~ Horseradish speaking about Daniel Gizmo's ex-girlfriend shortly before his defeat.
Welcome home...
~ Horseradish when he hypnotizes people -- his most famous quote.

Austin Bradley known as Horseradish is an former antagonist in Spy Ninjas. He was a former member of the Stalker Gang and he was talented in mind control.

He is portrayed by Austin Bradley, who also portrayed the PZ Killer in the same franchise.


At some point, he was hired by Alie to be part of the Stalker Gang, along with the Leak, Agent Peters, and the Doppelganger.

He and the rest of the Stalker Gang had started sending packages to the Spy Ninjas.

The Reveal[]

On March 28, 2021, it was revealed that Horseradish was part of the Stalker Gang, along with Alie, Doppelganger, The Leak and Agent Peters. He also tried making Daniel PZ1 the new PZ Leader without knowing the original one was alive. Horseradish and the rest of the Stalker Gang had made fake videos of the Spy Ninjas to trick Daniel into joining them.

The Defeat[]

The Spy Ninjas told the people who Horseradish brainwashed about it, he had hypnotized people. On May 13, 2021, he had planned hypnotizing everyone permanently, including the Spy Ninjas. He revealed this to Alie, without knowing she was no longer hypnotized and the Spy Ninjas were there. Alie took the detonator from Horseradish and the Spy Ninjas come in room, but Horseradish threatens the Spy Ninjas. He was defeated by his old members due to the Spy Ninjas telling them.


Some people thought that Horseradish was Regina and Daniela stalker which was debunked and Horseradish he works at the Circus.



Project Zorgo
Leaders: Project Zorgo's Leader | Agent Peters
Generals: The Cloaker | Boombox Guy | Joseph Banks | Project Zorgomongous
Members: PZ9 | Regina PZ4 | Burnface | Daniel Gizmo | PZ44 | PZ409 | PZ76 The Snake Hacker | PZ715| PZ Scaredy Cat | PZ314 | PZ Funf | PZ2 | PZ Right Arm| Horseradish | Doppelganger | The Leak

Stalker Gang
Leader: Alie Peters
Members: Daniel Gizmo | Horseradish | Doppelganger | The Leak

The Collective
Leaders: PZ Killer

Super Zorgoland Rulers
Leaders: Sly Marsupial
Generals: Tower Boss | Necro-Lightning

Mr E | Unknown | The Commission | Green Masked Hackers | Game Master
