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“ | Let Jewish blood dye ev'ry hand, Nor age, nor sex I spare. Raze, raze their temples to the ground, And let their place no more be found. |
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~ Haman decreeing genocide against the Jewish people. |
Haman is the main antagonist of George Frideric Handel's oratorio Esther, an adaptation of the Biblical tale of the same name. He is the ruthless advisor to King Ahasuerus of Persia, whom he plans to assassinate.
Like his Biblical counterpart, Haman was by all means a xenophobic and self-entitled tyrant. He could not tolerate the refusal of submission from one Jew, which prompted him to commit genocide on a whole race, regardless of their age or sex. It should also be noted that unlike in the original tale, he carried through with his plans, in which several Jewish women were murdered as they tried and failed to protect their children from being killed by his soldiers. To add further to Haman's pettiness, he refused to take any blame for his misdeeds, claiming himself to be a victim despite all he had done, from committing near genocide to attempting to assassinate the king himself. He was also a coward at heart, as he tried to deny any of Esther's claims against him to avoid his execution by the king's hand. Like all depictions of the character, Haman was nothing more than a power-hungry monster who perfectly defines anti-Semitism at its worst.
Haman is the royal vizier to King Ahasuerus of Persia. From the beginning, he plotted to murder the king, but his plans for assassination were overheard by Mordecai, the cousin of Esther, who was soon to be the royal Queen. Wanting to cover up his plans, and also seek vengeance against Mordecai for his refusal to bow to him, Haman manipulated the king into allowing him to commit genocide on the entire Jewish race-even against the advice of his wife, Habdonah, who told him he should show mercy to the Jews. His plans were carried through, and several Jewish people were murdered, including the women and their children.
Mordecai reveals Haman's true motives and intentions to Esther, who has now become the royal Queen. She plans to confront the King and plead with him to withhold his plans against the Jewish race. Although such a request would have earned her a death sentence, the king loves her too much not to hear her pleas and decides to listen to her. She reveals to Ahasuerus Haman's plans to assassinate him, to which Haman objects and begs for his life. However, the king orders him to hang in Mordecai's place. Before he is executed, Haman curses all before him, proclaiming himself to be the true victim of persecution.
External Links:[]
- Haman on the Pure Evil Wiki.