Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia
Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia
Lenneth Thank You Sticker

In addition to Fandom's Terms of Use that you agree to in order to participate in Valkyrie Anatomia Wiki, we also have wiki-specific Guidelines in order to outline the goals of the wiki and ensure smooth and consistency around the site.

Failing to adhere to these guidelines can greatly complicate the organization and running of the wiki, break things, and/or decrease its content quality. This may result in a warning/request to change the behavior. Repeated failure to adhere to the guidelines while editing may lead to a ban.


1. Do not create pages with little to no meaningful content.
This especially applies to red links on the wiki. Leaving them as red links lets admins run reports to determine which pages are most in demand so they can be worked on first.

If you need more than one editing session to finish a page before publishing, you can create a temporary version of it in a 'sandbox' area at

2. If there is an existing page on a similar topic, use it as a model for a new page.
The wiki makes use of many templates to keep the look and feel of pages within a topic similar. There are several auto-updating lists of characters, weapons, and orbs on the wiki that rely on things using the proper templates. If they don't, things may break or not appear in the correct spots around the wiki!

It is easiest to work with templates in the source editor, but this is not required for most templates. If you have a question about how a template works, don't hesitate to ask!

3. Stick to facts.
Refrain from putting personal opinions and jokes into articles. Articles should be as concise as possible, but thorough.

4. Images should be .png files if possible.
This is mostly important for character and weapon pages, which display .png images that match certain naming conventions unless overridden. There are free image programs that will allow you to convert between image types and do basic image editing, if you need them.

5. Images should be named descriptively.
Don't upload files named 'Screenshot-2020-08-04' and 'ASy57s6.jpg' and the like if they're intended for use in articles. This is okay if you're uploading something into a comment or discussion thread for someone else to edit and place in an article, however.

6. If you post a comment or question, give the admins at least 24 hours to get back to you before asking again/somewhere else on the wiki.
While we don't mind helping with most things, we are not always available, we have our own lives, and our hours may be variable. It's also possible that we may have simply missed your comment. Please be respectful of our personal time and don't make demands. We answer as soon as we're able anyways, so spamming is more likely to get you a warning than a faster answer.

7. Do not add tier lists.
Tier lists are highly subjective and differ between Global and Japanese versions due to content differences. The Japanese Game8 wiki attempts to give every character and weapon a rating, but old ratings are rarely updated and there are often discrepancies in rating between the list pages and the individual character/weapon pages due to inconsistent updates. We would like to avoid that.

You are more than welcome to discuss character strengths and weaknesses in article comments or on the Discussion Boards.
