Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 I have been enjoying the needleturn on the Anni Downs quilt, My garden in Spring. I have also started knitting a shawl for later in the year when I am going to a white night and it might be cool. 

These young men turned 12 last week! So hard to believe they are so grown up!

Saturday, July 6, 2024


 We headed to Sydney on Tuesday to celebrate Ma's 93rd birthday. It was a lucky conincident that the Sydney craft fair was on as well. I went to Darling Harbour to the show on Wednesday morning. It was much smaller than I remembered but it was still special to see some of my favourite shops.

We then went out in the evening for a delicious meal at Lugarno Seafood with Ma. It was lovely to catch up with the family ....just missing 2 as they are away overseas.

I will finish off with some of the quilts. This first one was clever!