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The Sole Surviving All-Star is the season finale of Survivor: All-Stars.


Night 36[]

After Tribal Council, Jenna Lewis asked about that glare Tom Buchanan gave them on his way out and Rupert Boneham explained that Tom hates all of them. Rob Mariano talked about how you could tell that Tom had lied to him. Jenna made a confessional about being in the final four in a season with the best of the best and that she is one of them. While Rupert was away, Rob pitched the thought of voting out Rupert. The decision was up to her but they pointed out Rupert was impossible for her to defeat at the Final Two.

Day 37[]

Jeff Probst arrived in a boat with a big basket, which made Amber Brkich nervous, since she thought it was the challenge. Instead, it was a breakfast feast along with materials for making a scrapbook. The final four were all excited to have pancakes and champagne. Rob talked about the two pairs: himself and Amber, and Jenna and Rupert. He knew he and Amber were tight and was hoping that Jenna would vote out Rupert. Rupert talked to Jenna about voting out Amber, and Jenna discussed the purple rock tiebreaker, stating that she didn't want to draw rocks. Rupert made a confessional about the breakfast being a goodbye to one of them and hoped it wasn't him.

The Immunity Challenge was The Maze challenge; everyone was relatively even, but Amber was the one who won immunity. Amber was ecstatic to have her first individual immunity win. Jeff reminded the others that they're vulnerable at tonight's Tribal Council and they have the afternoon to think about who they would vote out. Rupert told Jenna to vote for Rob, and she told Rupert about Rob and Amber telling her to vote him out. Jenna then said she would rather pick a rock than give them the satisfaction of going to the Final Tribal Council. Rupert claimed his fate is in Jenna's hands, who really wanted to win. Rob talked to Jenna about Tribal Council, and Jenna in a confessional pointed out that Rob was speaking the truth. She went on, saying that in the final three she might beat one of them. Rob and Amber walked down the beach and talked about what could happen at Tribal Council. Rupert still believed that Jenna will write Rob's name down. Rob believed that Rupert was tugging at Jenna's heartstrings, while Jenna was still contemplating her choices.

At Tribal Council, Jeff talked about Big Tom's blindside and how the power will soon shift to the jury. Jenna agreed and pointed out how dramatic each Tribal Council was. Jeff called Boston Rob out on betraying Big Tom, to which his response was that there are two sides to every story. Jeff told Amber to make the argument about how the jury shouldn't be bitter about being voted out because it's a part of the game. Amber remembered The Australian Outback and being blindsided and about what she based her jury vote on. The next question was the relationships of the final four. Rupert claimed the day was hard due to him not winning immunity and the events after. Jenna confirmed that either Rupert is out, or it will be in a tiebreaker. He hoped Jenna would stay loyal to him, but when the votes were read, Rupert was voted out 3-1 as Jenna feared the tiebreaker would automatically result in a rock draw. In his final words, Rupert expressed that he was annoyed at Jenna, but was proud of his loyalty and enjoyed playing the game a second time.

Day 38[]

After Tribal Council, Jenna talked about her decision at Tribal Council. Both Rob and Amber claimed they understood. Jeff later came with a canoe to inform them of their Rites of Passage. Later, after decorating themselves, the castaways walked by the torches of their fallen comrades. Amber felt guilty about being in the final three due to the fact she voted out the others. At the Final Immunity Challenge, Hands on a Hard Idol, Jeff greeted them. Jenna was the first out after two hours due to moving her foot off the pedestal. Over an hour later, Amber was tricked by Rob into placing her hand on the idol, giving him the win. Jenna talked about how Rob is going to lose by taking Amber and how she regrets voting out Rupert. Rob said that he did not have any chance of winning against either woman. At Tribal Council, Rob honored his alliance with Amber and voted out Jenna. In her final words, Jenna complained about that foot move but was pleased of reaching Day 38 overall.

Day 39[]

After Jenna's boot, both Rob and Amber were relieved about making the final two and were done with voting out people. The couple spent Day 39 relaxing and making memories. They also gave confessionals about the Final Tribal Council before making the long walk to Tribal Council to meet the jury.

At Final Tribal Council, Jeff welcomed the jury, congratulated Rob and Amber for outwitting, outplaying and outlasting the others in the game, and explained what happens as usual at the Final Tribal Council, letting Rob start the opening statements. Rob's opening statements were that the last 39 days were emotional and he is fully aware that the jury is angry where they are. He didn't want to let personal relationships come in the way and referenced his deal with Lex van den Berghe and where things went wrong. He acknowledged what you do to the jury will come back to haunt you. Rob finished by pleading to the jury to look at the way he played the game as a player. Amber started off by saying she knew it was going to be harder because she was playing with people she knew. Amber reminded herself she was there to win the million but her alliance with Boston Rob made many benefits. Amber admitted the reason she was in the final two was the luck of being in an alliance with Rob and not being voted out. She admitted to knowing the feeling of being on the jury and was satisfied doing what she set out to accomplish.

The jury then addressed Rob and Amber. Lex was first, and he made a speech that Survivor is more than a game and that the game exposes who you are and called Rob out for betraying his deal. Despite congratulating the finalists, he claimed that Rob sold out on his values, characters, and friends for money. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien was next and reminded Rob of how people would perceive him. She asked Rob what people will think of him because he abused and broke friendships to get ahead and whether he was concerned about it and where it was. Rob said he was very concerned about his image and didn't know where it was. In hindsight, he regretted his actions, especially after Lex's speech, and he is not a malicious person. Kathy then asked Amber if she played Rob as a patsy and if they will have a relationship once the game is over, and wanted a direct answer. Amber admitted she was initially flirting as a strategy, but developed feelings and wanted to have a relationship with him after the game. Kathy made a speech letting Rob know how he crushed her. Despite congratulating the finalists, Kathy told them they could have taken another path to not leave the jury in the carnage.

Rupert was next to speak, and he started by thanking Rob and Amber for carrying him to the final four. Rupert asked Amber how she made it this far, and she claimed she took the game day by day and fought hard. He then asked Rob why he should vote for him. Rob said it was because Rupert was a man of his word, which made Rupert chuckle. Rupert then congratulated both of them. The next juror was Alicia Calaway. She started with a speech claiming they had mastered and relied on butt kissing and ego stroking, and did not outclass the jury. She wanted one word to describe the way they played the game. Rob said "competitively", but Alicia asked him to speak up, and Amber said "with luck." Shii Ann Huang was next and congratulated them like everyone else. After a short speech, Shii Ann asked for three reasons why the other should win. Rob said Amber was his truest partner, never quit on anything she said she would do, and her support, and added she played a straight-up game. Amber said Rob ruled physically, sticking to their alliance and being there for her.

Jenna was the next to speak. She claimed that she nor Rupert were bitter with the finalists due to staying loyal. Because their gameplay was so similar, Jenna asked what would they do with the money. Rob said he would use it to establish a college scholarship fund. Amber said she would use it for a charity involving muscular dystrophy, which people usually get diagnosed with in their 50's, but one of her friends had it in her 20's. Finally, Tom was up. He greeted his former allies and congratulated them. Tom pointed out they were the supposed top 3, but he ended up in 5th place. He wanted to know from Amber why he should vote for her, and after a delay, Amber said she didn't break her word as much as Rob did. Tom asked the same to Rob, and. he admitted to breaking the alliance, but because Tom was plotting against him. Tom walked up to Rob about to shake his hand but it was fake out, infamously telling Rob "Don't be stupid, stupid."

Jeff told the finalists to make their closing statements. Amber said she expected this to be difficult and claimed she learned more about herself in the last couple of minutes than in the last 39 days and wasn't happy about what she learned. Amber said all of her answers were honest and if that was the best she could give them, they had it. Rob apologized for breaking alliances and friendships, causing them pain. With his gameplay, Rob pointed out it would be naïve to think no one was hurt. Rob said he expected it to be hard, but not that hard, and ended his statement with a final apology.

Jeff reminded the jury that they are voting for a winner. In the confessionals, Jenna voted for Rob due to his challenge performance, both Alicia and Tom voted for Amber due to Rob breaking their alliances and friendships, and Kathy voted for Rob believing their friendship was just damaged. Months later, Jeff arrived at Madison Square Garden in New York, greeted with excited fans. Before Jeff read the votes, Rob proposed to Amber and she said yes. Jeff read the votes, with both Rob and Amber getting three votes, as Amber predicted. The final vote was revealed for Amber, naming her the winner of Survivor: All-Stars.


Challenge: Obstacle Puzzle Maze
Retrieve eight rungs in numbered order, then use the rungs to build a ladder and climb up to the top of a tower located in the middle of the maze.
Winner: Amber Brkich

Challenge: Hand on a Hard Idol
Each tribe member held on to the Immunity Idol while standing on a small pedestal. The person who lasts the longest wins Immunity.
Winner: Rob Mariano

Tribal Council[]

Day 37[]

Tribal Council 13:
Chaboga Mogo
S8 rupert t
Rupert (3 votes)
S8 amber tS8 jennal tS8 robm t
Amber, Jenna L., Rob M.
S8 robm t
Rob M. (1 vote)
S8 rupert t
S8 rupert bw
Rupert Boneham

Voting Confessionals[]

Jenna L.'s vote was not shown during her confessional.

S8 rupert t
(voting against Rob M.) I don't know what else to say. I hope we both have two votes and I hope we go into a tie.
S8 robm t
Rob M.
(voting against Rupert) You're a gentleman, buddy. It's been a pleasure playing the game with you. I hope it's you tonight and not me. Thanks.
S8 jennal t
Jenna L.
(voting against Rupert) I still don't know!

Final Words[]

S8 rupert bw
I am a little angry at Jenna. Greed won out over friendship. Almost disgusted me. There's not one person in this game that can say I lied to them, that I played conniving. I did my best. I honestly had a very, very good experience with Survivor All-Stars.

Day 38[]

Tribal Council 14:
Chaboga Mogo
S8 jennal t
Jenna L. (1 vote)
S8 robm t
Rob M.
S8 jennal bw
Jenna Lewis

Voting Confessionals[]

Rob M.'s voting confessional was not aired.

Final Words[]

S8 jennal bw
Jenna L.
This time, I'm very proud of the way I played the game. I didn't get blindsided. I think I was more observant, more strategic and I had a lot more fun, that's for sure. 38 days out of 39 feels pretty good. But I'm going to relive that stupid foot move for the rest of my life because it's the difference of a million dollars.

Final Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 15:
Jury Vote
Voted for
S8 amber t
Amber (4 votes)
S8 alicia tS8 lex tS8 shiiann tS8 tom t
Alicia, Lex, Shii Ann, Tom
S8 robm t
Rob M. (3 votes)
S8 jennal tS8 kathy tS8 rupert t
Jenna L., Kathy, Rupert
S8 robm bw
Rob Mariano
S8 amber t
Amber Brkich

Voting Confessionals[]

S8 jennal t
Jenna L.
(voting for Rob M.) Before I show who I'm voting for, I'd like to say that both of you should just step up, be proud of the way you played. You made it to the final two. You beat us all. That's my vote: Boston Rob. You do deserve it. You ruled this game physically. This is a large sum of money. I hope you win it.
S8 alicia t
(voting for Amber) Rob…do you remember back in the middle of the game, when you and I shook hands, looked each other in the eye, and I promised you that I would never write your name down? I'm a woman of my word.
S8 tom t
(voting for Amber) Rob…I thought of you as a brother. I stayed and defended you for 36 days. All over saying something about I was going to vote you off? Hey, never once crossed my mind. And when you find out the true story, maybe you can call and apologize.
S8 kathy t
(voting for Rob M.) [sighs] I am such a sucker. I am such a sucker. But you know what? In the end, friendship rules, and I know that we have a really good, tight friendship, so I'm giving you the million bucks because I love what we have, and I think it's still there, it's just damaged. So take it, man. Take it and run with it, alright? I love you.

Final Results[]

S8 tina bw
S8 rudy bw
 Jenna M.
S8 jennam bw
 Rob C.
S8 robc bw
S8 richard bw
S8 susan bw
S8 colby bw
S8 ethan bw
S8 jerri bw
S8 lex bw
S8 kathy bw
S8 alicia bw
S8 shiiann bw
S8 tom bw
S8 rupert bw
S8 jennal bw
 Rob M.
S8 robm bw
S8 amber t


  • This is the only time throughout the season that Rob M. receives votes for or against him.


Survivor: All-Stars Episodes
"They're Back!" · "Panicked, Desperate, Thirsty as Hell" · "Shark Attack" · "Wipe Out!" · "I've Been Bamboozled!" · "Outraged" · "Sorry... I Blew It" · "Pick a Tribemate" · "A Closer Look" · "Mad Scramble and Broken Hearts" · "Anger, Tears and Chaos" · "A Thoughtful Gesture or a Deceptive Plan" · "Stupid People, Stupid, Stupid People" · "A Chapera Surprise" · "The Instigator" · "The Sole Surviving All-Star" · "Reunion" · "America's Tribal Council"