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The Jalapao Three is the main alliance from Survivor: Tocantins, consisting of the three members of Jalapao that remained after Joe Dowdle's evacuation.

Despite being down in numbers at the merge, this tight-knit group of three managed to take out all of their opposition, all making the final four.


Stephen Fishbach
Days 17-39
S18 stephen t
J.T. Thomas
Remained Loyal
Days 17-39
S18 jt t
Taj Johnson-George
Days 17-37
S18 taj t


 Erinn Lobdell
Days 27-38
S18 erinn t



When Jalapao lost immunity on Day 17, Taj and Stephen crafted a fake idol and placed it in the statue at Tree Mail. After using the real idol as a model for the fake one she made, Taj tried to hide it her bag, but J.T. stumbled upon the idol after she walked off.  Taj showed the idol to J.T. and told him that he could have it anytime he needed it. J.T. believed Taj and Stephen to be honest in their story and that he now had a strong alliance with them.

Erinn Flips on Timbira[]

On Day 27, Debbie Beebe won immunity. At camp, Erinn pointed out to Stephen and Taj that there was an opportunity to vote out Tyson, the biggest perceived threat at the Immunity Challenges. Stephen talked to JT about blindsiding Tyson. At Tribal Council, Erinn sided with the Jalapao three and Tyson was blindsided

Taking Down Timbira[]

With Jalapao three in power, they managed to take out the remaining loyal members of the Timbira tribe. The alliance voted out Sierra Reed on night 30 for causing too much drama at camp. On night 33, the alliance targeted and voted out Debbie for being a strategic threat. On Day 36, JT and Timbira Alliance member Coach Wade targeted Erinn while Erinn and Taj targeted Coach, thus leaving Stephen as the swing vote. That night Stephen cast the deciding vote against Coach, sending him out of the game, and thus eliminating all the loyal Timbira members.

Turning on Each Other[]

With Coach gone, the alliance was forced to tun on each other. JT won immunity on Day 37. While JT wanted to vote out Erinn, Stephen convinced him to blindside Taj. At Tribal Council, Taj was blindsided. Prior to the Final Immunity Challenge, Stephen and Erinn told each other that they had to win the challenge and vote out JT. However, JT won the Final Immunity Challenge. At camp, Erinn told J.T. that Stephen told her that he would take her to the Final Two over J.T. to ensure himself a victory with the jury. When J.T. asked him, Stephen denied that he would have taken Erinn to the Final Two. At Tribal Council, JT voted out Erinn, thus making JT and Stephen the Final Two.


At the Final Tribal Council, the jury questioned or made statements to JT and Stephen, and both JT and Stephen got into a few arguments with each other. Ultimately, JT received all seven jury votes, and became the Sole Survivor and first player in Survivor history to play a Perfect Game.




Survivor Alliances Per Season
Borneo The Australian Outback Africa Marquesas
Tagi Alliance Kucha Alliance Boran Alliance Maraamu Alliance
Older Samburu Alliance Rotu Four
Barbecue Alliance Ogakor Alliance
Younger Samburu Alliance Outsiders Alliance
Thailand The Amazon Pearl Islands All-Stars
Chuay Gahn Five Jaburu Alliance Drake Alliance Chapera Alliance
Morgan Alliance
Sook Jai Alliance Tambaqui Alliance Mogo Mogo Alliance
Outcast Alliance
Vanuatu Palau Guatemala Panama
Fat Five Koror Alliance Nakúm Alliance Casaya Alliance
Yasur Alliance
Yaxhá Alliance La Mina Alliance
Final Four Alliance
Cook Islands Fiji China Micronesia
Aitu Four Four Horsemen Fei Long Alliance Malakal Couples Alliance
Older Airai Alliance
Raro Alliance Syndicate Alliance Zhan Hu Alliance
Black Widow Brigade
Gabon Tocantins Samoa Heroes vs. Villains
Fang Alliance Jalapao Three Foa Foa Four Heroes Alliance
Timbira Alliance Rob's Villains Alliance
Onion Alliance Galu Alliance
Exile Alliance Russell's Villains Alliance
Nicaragua Redemption Island South Pacific One World
Espada Alliance Russell's Zapatera Alliance Savaii Alliance Misfit Alliance
La Flor Alliance Stealth R Us Muscle Alliance
The Family
Final Four Alliance Zapatera Six Salani Alliance
Philippines Caramoan Blood vs. Water Cagayan
Kalabaw Alliance Cool Kids Alliance Five Guys Alliance Aparri Alliance
Matsing Alliance
Gota Alliance Galang Alliance Cops-R-Us
Tandang Alliance
Stealth R Us Singles Alliance Solana Alliance
Fulcrum Alliance
San Juan del Sur Worlds Apart Cambodia Kaôh Rōng
Coyopa Guys Alliance Escameca Alliance Bayon Alliance Gondol Alliance
Fab Five Nagarote Alliance Witches' Coven Dara Women's Alliance
Millennials vs. Gen X Game Changers Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Ghost Island
Takali Alliance Power Six Soko Alliance Naviti Alliance
The Round Table
David's Vinaka Alliance Tavua Alliance Final Four Alliance
Final Four Alliance
Zeke's Vinaka Alliance
David vs. Goliath Edge of Extinction Island of the Idols Winners at War
David Alliance Kama Six Lairo Women's Alliance Cops-R-Us
Goliath Alliance Manu Alliance Vokai Alliance
Survivor 41 Survivor 42 Survivor 43 Survivor 44
Yase Alliance Taku Four Coco Alliance Ratu Alliance
All-Black Alliance Soka Alliance
Advantage Alliance Ride or Die
Final Four Alliance Tika Three
Survivor 45 Survivor 46 Survivor 47 Survivor 48
Reba Four Siga Alliance
Yanu Alliance
Journey Six
Final Four Alliance