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No Pain, No Gain is the third episode of Survivor: Marquesas.


Night 6[]

As Maraamu returns from their second consecutive Tribal Council, Vecepia Towery says that returning with only six people is a real check up, and acting as if it were normal is something they cannot do. Sarah Jones says that she had woken up that morning, while everyone was away, and knew that the rest of the tribe was saying that she was not working. She tells Hunter Ellis that if he wants her to do something, he needs to wake her up. Hunter advises Sarah not to be paranoid about the matter, and Sarah responds by saying that she has to be.

Gina Crews says that when Sarah talked about conserving energy at Tribal Council, it caused her to vote for her. Vecepia says that they need to stop letting stuff sit on their shoulders and have to stop the drama. Sean Rector says that it is not that they are not working, but a lack of communication and respect. Gina later says in a confessional that she does not know what to do, because Sarah and Sean do not want to be told to work, but that they never work on their own initiative anyway. Sean claims that Hunter has been giving out orders in a condescending way. Hunter says that he is sick of all the complaining.

Day 7[]

At Rotu, it had rained very hard the previous night. Tammy Leitner says that everyone froze and Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien says that it was really cold without blankets. Because of the weather conditions, the tribe repairs the shelter. Gabriel Cade remarks that the tribe got along really good together and had good cheer. He also observes that Kathy has turned around a hundred percent and has become easy to get along with. Kathy explains that she is trying to go with the flow.

Neleh Dennis and Paschal English talk about how well they have bonded, and Neleh said that she would have the hardest time voting against Paschal. While John Carroll goes out fishing, he embeds sea urchin needles into his left hand, and needs someone to urinate on injury to get rid of the venomous sting. Paschal tries to, but it would not work, so Kathy volunteers. John says that it was a little awkward and that Kathy was embarrassed, but she is glad she stepped up.

At Maraamu, the Morning Show kicks off with Hunter's weather report. Hunter and Rob Mariano talk about how bad the no-no flies suck. Meanwhile, Vecepia says that the rain had washed away all the tension from the previous night. Host Jeff Probst then arrives to deliver supplies to build a raft for the Reward Challenge to both tribes.

At Rotu, while unloading the supplies, Robert DeCanio cuts his foot on a rock and slices his skin. John, a registered nurse, cleans and bandages the wound. Gabriel has most of the ideas for the raft, and Robert helps him build it.

Meanwhile, at Maraamu, Gina and Rob disagree about how to build the shelter. Hunter says that though all the tension had seemed to be alleviated, it does not seem to be the case. Sean says that he does not like Hunter's overconfidence. Rob explains that he is exactly like Hunter, but that he does not want to show it because it would annoy people.

At Rotu, while the tribe is gathering shells, John's hand gets bit by an eel. He worries that if his energy diminishes, his place in the tribe might as well. Tammy remarks that things can change in an instant.

Meanwhile, at Maraamu, the tribe decides to take a break from the sun. Hunter says that it feels like he is camping with a bunch of kids, and that he would not pick this group to go camping with. He explains that his tribemates are constantly complaining, and that it is driving him nuts. Sean does not want to eat the fish because he says it is too slimy. Gina worries that their morale cannot survive if they lose another challenge.

At the challenge, Maraamu builds a small lead in the beginning, but fall behind near the end and lose to Rotu in a very close race, making it their fourth consecutive loss. Rotu chooses to take blankets and pillows as their reward.

Day 8[]

At Maraamu, Vecepia says that four losses and no victories "really sucked", and that the tribe needs a win. Gina laments that she does not know what to do or say. Hunter says that he does not have the heart to tell them, but that he thinks that "winning was an attitude you carry around all the time", and it cannot simply be turned on or off. He thinks that the tribe needs to work together if they are going to win any challenges and that they are having problems with some individual personalities.

The Tree Mail given to both tribes says that they would be going down a winding path. At the Immunity Challenge, Rob, Sarah, and Vecepia are callers for Maraamu, while Gabriel, Paschal, and Zoe Zanidakis are callers for Rotu. Although Maraamu leads throughout the challenge, Rotu comes from behind right at the end to win, sending Maraamu to Tribal Council for the third time in a row.

Day 9[]

Gina says that it feels like crap having to go to Tribal Council again for the third consecutive time and that she thinks that it could be her last night. Rob tells Hunter that he originally thought that Sean was lazy and loudmouthed, but now thinks that Sean was a "pretty nice person". Rob tells Sean that they are the two that were calling the shots. Rob also explains that it is important that he had people on his team that would do what he tells them to do without knowing he was telling them to do it. He said that it does not matter if his alliance is strong physically or mentally as long as they obey. He then tells Sarah that Sean is not that strong in the water. He says that if people have fear, that they would be loyal and do what he would tell them to do.

At Tribal Council, Sarah says that the tribe has been getting along a lot better after the last Tribal Council. Hunter says the five that go back needed to work as team, whoever the five would be. Rob says that he does not think that the tribe has an inability to win a challenge, as all of their challenges have been really close - it was just that they had bad luck. Vecepia says that nutrition might wear on some individuals, but that they need to find strength inside of them if they are going to win this game. Sean says that he is sick of attending Tribal Council, but that he does not think that it was anybody's fault. Hunter votes for Sarah, saying that the vote might help him protect someone who is valuable. Sean votes for Hunter, saying that this is a game to Outwit. Although neither Sarah or Sean contributed much to camp life, it is Hunter who is blindsided, 4-2.


Challenge: Raft Rescue
Both tribes were given supplies before the challenge to build a raft. The tribes would use the raft to navigate through a course, picking up five crates along the way. The first tribe back to the start with all five crates would win.
Reward: Pillows, blankets, and three lanterns with fuel.

Winner: Rotu

Challenge: Coconut Maze Race
Each tribe would have four members moving a puzzle with a pulley system, and a caller telling their tribe members how to move it. After getting one coconut to the end of the maze, they would switch callers. The first tribe to get three coconuts through the maze would win.

Winner: Rotu

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 3:
S4 hunter t
Hunter (4 votes)
S4 rob tS4 sarah tS4 sean tS4 vecepia t
Rob, Sarah, Sean, Vecepia
S4 sarah t
Sarah (2 votes)
S4 gina tS4 hunter t
Gina, Hunter
S4 hunter bw
Hunter Ellis

Voting Confessionals[]

S4 hunter t
(voting for Sarah) Sarah, I'm sorry. I'm casting this vote for two reasons. One: I don't think you're taking the game seriously enough, and two: I think this vote tonight may help me protect someone I think is valuable.
S4 sean t
(voting for Hunter) Look here, player, definitely was a team player to a certain extent. We definitely needed you as our strongest player, but remember, this is our game to outwit. Hopefully, I'll see you on the outside, and no hard feelings. Peace.

Final Words[]

S4 hunter bw
I really don't understand the logic behind it right now, but, hey, you got me. I was camping with a bunch of knuckleheads, and I'll tell you that to your face when I see you again. And I will phone the Red Cross and let them know where you guys are so that you can be airlifted out of there after you die of starvation and dehydration after the next couple of days. And, uh, hang in there, Gina. I wish you guys the best of luck out there.

Still in the Running[]

S4 peter bw
S4 patricia bw
S4 hunter bw
S4 gabriel t
S4 gina t
S4 john t
S4 kathy t
S4 neleh t
S4 paschal t
S4 rob t
S4 robert t
S4 sarah t
S4 sean t
S4 tammy t
S4 vecepia t
S4 zoe t


  • All of the sit-outs for Rotu during the Immunity Challenge would eventually vote for Vecepia to become the Sole Survivor, while all of the participants who made the jury phase for Rotu during the Reward Challenge voted for Neleh to become the Sole Survivor.
  • This episode marks the first time in which a tribe attends the first three Tribal Councils of a season.
  • The Immunity Challenge marks the only time Maraamu sits out a member.


Survivor: Marquesas Episodes
"Back to the Beach" · "Nacho Momma" · "No Pain, No Gain" · "The Winds Twist" · "The End of Innocence" · "The Underdogs" · "True Lies" · "Jury's Out" · "Look Closer: The First 24 Days" · "Two Peas in a Pod" · "The Princess" · "Marquesan Vacation" · "A Tale of Two Cities" · "The Sole Survivor" · "Reunion"