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"Have you come to destroy me, Obi-Wan?"
"I will do what I must."
"Then you will die!"
―Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi[1]

A nameless rocky moon not far from Jabiim was the site of a duel between Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Sith Lord Darth Vader in the year 9 BBY.


A moon in the galaxy sat not far from[3] the Outer Rim[4] planet[5] Jabiim. Its barren surface[3] featured dry lands and a labyrinth of rock pinnacles.[2] The latter geography featured great crevasses among the rock spires.[3]


"I have to face him, Master. Whether he dies or I do, this ends today."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi reaches out to Qui-Gon Jinn before his duel with Darth Vader[1]

The border between the rocky pillars and the dry lands becomes a historic site as Kenobi and Vader face off.

The moon lacked any kind of name.[3] In 9 BBY,[6] Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, having just escaped[1] the nearby[3] Jabiim with members of the Hidden Path network, decided to make his way to the moon, having realized that the Sith Lord Darth Vader—who, in truth, was Kenobi's former Padawan Anakin Skywalker—was more interested in hunting him than the greater Path network. Joined only by the toy droid L0-LA59, whom Kenobi did not even realize was aboard his ship until landing, Kenobi departed from the Path's JT-731 Broadhorn transport aboard a smaller craft and landed within[1] the labyrinth of rocky pinnacles.[2] Indeed allowing the Path to escape in favor of hunting Kenobi, Vader followed Kenobi aboard a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle and landed within[1] the dry lands[2] on the border of the rocky network.[1]

Spotting his former master outside the rock pillars, the two exchanged greetings—Vader asking if Kenobi intended to kill him, with Kenobi only countering that he would do what was necessary, which was a sentiment that Vader returned—before beginning[1] a historic lightsaber duel[3] that crossed from the dry lands into the rocky pillars. Vader initially bested Kenobi before his former master, drawing on his hope for the future, regained his strength and overcame the Sith Lord, damaging Vader's armor in the process. In speaking face-to-face with his former disciple, Kenobi was forced to admit that Anakin Skywalker was "dead,"[1] cementing the nameless moon's place in history.[3] Kenobi then departed as Vader called after him, making his way to the planet Tatooine to protect the young Luke Skywalker and then returning L0-LA59 to Princess Leia Organa on the planet Alderaan. Vader himself would leave and report to his new master, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

"In the script, it just says 'barren moon.' And that could be interpreted in many different ways."
Doug Chiang[7]

The unidentified barren moon first appeared in the sixth episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series,[1] which aired on June 22, 2022.[8] The scenes on the moon were filmed in[9] the virtual LED set[10] known as the Volume.[9]



Notes and references[]

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