Rick Carter (born 1952) is an American production designer and art director who has worked on such acclaimed films as Forrest Gump (1994), Avatar (2009) and Lincoln (2012). Carter, along with Darren Gilford, served as production designer for the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. He later served as production designer for the film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker.
- Master Filmmaking Team Announced for Star Wars: Episode VII on StarWars.com (backup link)
- "Launch Pad" — Star Wars Insider 146
- "Back on Set!" — Star Wars Insider 160
- The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary
- The Art of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
- The Skywalker Legacy
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