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The Mon Calamari Council, sometimes known as Dac Council or Calamarian Council, was the governing body on the planet Dac, made up of both Mon Calamari and Quarren which represented their respective cities. An example was Gial Ackbar, the representative from Coral City.


After the rise of the Separatist Movement, Count Dooku visited Mon Calamari. Judging them to be advanced, Dooku offered the world membership in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but the Council formally rejected his offer. Dooku decided to neutralize this potential threat, and allied himself with Tikkes to take the power from the Council.

During the Clone Wars, the Council was briefly overturned by the Quarren Isolation League. However, the Mon Calamari Knights, with a little help from the Jedi Council, allowed the Calamarian Council to retain their power.

They could not, however, resist Emperor Palpatine, and became a part of the Galactic Empire soon after that.

Mon Calamari was liberated early during the Galactic Civil War. However, the Mon Calamari Council did not vote to fully join the Alliance to Restore the Republic, in part due to Quarren fears of an alliance with another Human dominated group.[2] They were also fearing Imperial retribution, especially when Administrator Seegree disappeared. The Council feared that he had been kidnapped by Imperial forces, but joined a task force to locate him.

Imperial infiltrators were dispatched to disrupt the planet's supplying the Rebel Alliance with starships. The team successfully caused a series of suspicious accidents in the farium mining operation in Morjanssik on Mon Calamari. The Mon Calamari Council divided along species lines over the cause of the accidents and became politically paralyzed. The Council's Mon Calamari members suspected Imperial involvement, while the Council's Quarren members refuted the allegations, which they believed called into question the competence of the Quarren miners that operated the mine.[3]

After the Battle of Yavin, Admiral Ackbar and several members of the Mon Calamari Council were rescued on Daluuj[4] by the Heroes of Yavin.[5] Thus, in 1 ABY, the Mon Calamari Council finally decided to make the planet become a full member of the Rebel Alliance.[6]

After the Battle of Endor and the reborn Emperor's attacks on their planet, one of the World Devastators, the Nullifier-5, sunk on the Algae Sward. The Council decided that salvaging it was too expensive, so it was only deactivated. However, a time after that, the Nullifier-5 began to suffer leaks and threatened to poison the Algae Sward, so the Council asked an independent team to solve this problem.

In 137 ABY, Darth Krayt, alongside Sith and Imperial stormtroopers executed the entire Council, including Gial Gahan, for being allies with Gar Stazi.



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