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- "Master Fisto, in these matters, trust your insight we do."
- ―Yoda, briefing Kit Fisto before the Battle of Mon Calamari
Kit Fisto was a renowned male Nautolan Jedi Master in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. In 41 BBY he took Bant Eerin as his Padawan. He later trained Nahdar Vebb as his Padawan to knighthood as well. During the Clone Wars, he served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic, as well as a member of the Jedi High Council.
Fisto participated in and survived the Battle of Geonosis and led a team in the assault during the Battle of Mon Calamari. Fisto was also present at Kamino, where he pushed the limits of the Jedi Code with his relationship with fellow Jedi Aayla Secura, whose life he saved during the battle. On a mission to recapture Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, Fisto came face to face with General Grievous, nearly defeating the Jedi killer. However, the tide of the battle changed when Grievous activated his personal droid bodyguards and then slew Fisto's newly Knighted former Padawan, Nahdar Vebb. At the height of the Clone Wars, he assisted Obi-Wan Kenobi on Ord Cestus and subsequently dueled with Asajj Ventress in order to stop the manufacturing of the Jedi Killer droids. Finally, after years of being considered for a seat on the Jedi Council, Fisto was appointed to the august body due to his exemplary achievements during the Clone Wars.
As the war continued, Fisto was appointed to the Jedi Council. He was later dispatched with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Cato Neimoidia on a mission to capture Nute Gunray, who barely escaped the encounter with the three famous Jedi. During the Battle of Coruscant, Fisto aided in the aerial battle against the Separatist invasion forces. Upon Anakin Skywalker's revelation that Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, Fisto, along with Mace Windu, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, attempted to arrest the Supreme Chancellor, but failed. In that final confrontation with the scheming Sith Lord, Fisto perished at the hands of Darth Sidious.
Early life[]
- "Hello, Master Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan. I have heard much about you from my Padawan. I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak with you, though I am afraid what we will be discussing will not be pleasant."
- ―Kit Fisto meets Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi for the first time
Kit Fisto was a Force-sensitive Nautolan born on the planet Glee Anselm, in the Sabilon region.[10] He was related to the Force-sensitive Teräs Käsi master Neaed Fisto, who was his mother's brother.[5] Trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, his distinctive head tentacles contained highly sensitive olfactory receptors that allowed him to detect pheromonal expressions of emotion and other changes in body chemistry. This was indeed a unique attribute not afforded to any other species of Jedi, either naturally or through the Force. Constructing a green-bladed lightsaber and completing the Trials of Knighthood, Kit Fisto ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. Not one to draw attention to himself, Jedi Fisto studied the path of the Jedi Consular, aspiring to gain a seat on the Council of Reconciliation in the future.[6]
When Master Tahl was murdered in 41 BBY,[11] Jedi Fisto took over the training of the young Padawan Bant Eerin.[9] While he did not know if he was ready for an apprentice of his own, Fisto decided that having an amphibious master would aid Eerin in her growth and recovery from her loss. Training Eerin to knighthood, Jedi Fisto was in no hurry to take another Padawan, preferring to attend to his duties at the Temple.[6] However, another Padawan would be in Fisto's future shortly after being raised to the rank of Jedi Master. Nahdar Vebb, a Mon Calamari male entered into an apprenticeship with Fisto, learning the ways of the Force from the quiet Nautolan Jedi.[7] In 23 BBY, Masters Mace Windu and Kit Fisto responded to an emergency call by Obi-Wan Kenobi to provide backup for the liberation of the Fondor system from the machinations of Groodo the Hutt and Fondorian Senator Rodd. The two High Council members were critical to the retaking of the Fondor Spaceport. They had been attending the dedication of a memorial to former High Council member Yarael Poof on Quermia when they intercepted Kenobi's request for reinforcements.[12]
Around the year 22 BBY, Master Fisto and his colleague Luminara Unduli served as personal Jedi Advisors to the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine,[13] a role that had once been filled by the late Master Jorus C'baoth when Palpatine was still a mere senator.[14]
Clone Wars[]
Battle of Geonosis[]

Kit Fisto leads a group of clone troopers in the Battle of Geonosis.
Soon after dispatching the Pirates of Iridium in early 22 BBY with the aid of Master Belsed-Qan Idan, Fisto was one of the two hundred Jedi that accompanied Master of the Order Mace Windu to rescue Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala from execution at the hands of the Confederacy of Independent Systems leadership. Landing on the dusty plains of Geonosis, Master Fisto and his comrades stormed the Petranaki arena and ignited their lightsabers amidst hundreds of droids. During the battle in the arena, Fisto crossed paths with a battle droid equipped with the head of a protocol droid; he pinned him underneath a B2 super battle droid before grinning to himself and continuing on with the fight.[15]
One of the few Jedi standing when the survivors were shepherded into the center of the arena, Fisto stood ready to die with his allies when several LAAT/i gunships dropped out of the sky. Piloted by the clone troopers of the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic, Fisto boarded Grand Master Yoda's ship along with fellow survivors Masters Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi. Landing on the plains outside the arena, Fisto led the new Grand Army against the Separatist Droid Army during what would be known as the opening battle of the Clone Wars.[15]
Battle of Mon Calamari[]

Fisto fighting in the Battle of Mon Calamari.
Having taken up the mantle of General in the ranks of the Grand Army, Fisto was assigned to lead troops on many fronts. In one of his first Clone Wars campaigns, Fisto led a team of clone SCUBA troopers in the Battle of Mon Calamari against the Separatist-allied Quarren Isolation League, destroying a Quarren crab cannon in the process.[16]
Fisto later journeyed back to Dac upon discovering that the Isolation League had come back into being, under the leadership of strange jellyfish-like creatures known as Moappa. These beings grouped together to become one great beast, possessing superlative intelligence and the power of telepathy. Fisto defeated this being by scattering the individual creatures throughout the waters. Fisto later forged a new accord on the world that led to joint Quarren-Mon Calamari representation in the Galactic Senate.[17]
Skirmish on Kamino[]

Fisto during the Clone Wars.
A few months after the Battle of Geonosis, Fisto and Aayla Secura were assigned to oversee the training of clones on Kamino. While in Tipoca City the Jedi found several dead clone troopers amongst the city's polished halls. After examination by the Kaminoan scientists, they concluded that the troopers were infected by a nano-virus. After visiting Master Cloner Sayn Ta, the Jedi pair deduced that there was a Kaminoan traitor in the facility. Fisto and Secura traced the traitor and faced off against a group of super battle droids, which were given to the traitor by her allies in the Confederacy. In the resulting skirmish, Secura was thrown off a platform and dragged down into the water by one of the destroyed battle droids. Fisto quickly jumped after her and, being amphibious, breathed for the both of them by locking lips with the Twi'lek. Secura was then able to climb up the platform only to be grabbed by the traitor, with the nano-virus injector pointed to her arm. Revealed to be the Kaminoan Kuma Nai, Secura was able to break free of Nai and pushed the injector into the traitor's own arm, killing the Kaminoan instantly.[18]
Skirmish on Devaron[]
Some months later, Fisto would again be paired with Secura when the pair traveled to Devaron with fellow Jedi Tholme, T'ra Saa, and An'ya Kuro. Their mission was to locate and decimate a Separatist foundry launching raids on Republic supply convoys. While Tholme and Kuro lay injured and Secura was holding off Jedi hunter Aurra Sing, Fisto and Saa assaulted and captured the Confederacy's base.[19]
Mission on Ord Cestus[]
- "My life does not revolve around comfort. Still… it was, as I've heard humans say, a 'close shave'."
- ―Kit Fisto

Fisto and Obi-Wan are surrounded by Ventress.
During the height of the Clone Wars, Fisto became the first to defeat a new type of droid that was given the name "Jedi Killer." These droids were known for their unmatched combat abilities after demonstrating their power on an ARC trooper, Sirty, and knocking him out in twenty seconds. Chancellor Palpatine, not wanting Ord Cestus to produce an army of these droids, sends Fisto to the planet to investigate the source. Accompanying Fisto to Ord Cestus was Obi-Wan Kenobi, ARC trooper Nate, four clone troopers, and barrister Doolb Snoil, who was a representative of the Galactic Senate. They traveled to the planet Ord Cestus in order to negotiate an agreement that would sell the "bio-droids" to the Republic; however, the plan soon became to recruit guerrillas to fight in a possible coup against the government. This attracted many farmers and miners whose lives were destroyed by the Five Families and wanted revenge against the government. Fisto went by the false name of "Nemonus", a Dark Jedi, to trick the Five Families, whom the Jedi discovered to have complete control over the planet. However, the plot was discovered and both Jedi and the clone troopers were forced to retreat to the mountains west of the capital.[20]
Near the end of the operation, he dueled with Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress. She studied his moves while he took out her X'Ting minions with ease; when he came to her, he was ready. Fisto accelerated into a blur of motion complex and rapid enough to baffle even Kenobi's experienced gaze. However, he was unable to overcome Ventress and was wounded in the arm. He was saved from death by Kenobi, who arrived seconds before Ventress would have finished him. Kenobi, however, would have been beheaded if the near-unconscious Fisto had not quickly returned the favor.[20]
Duel with a cyborg[]

Fisto arrives in the Vassek system
- "This is the lair of General Grievous!"
- ―Kit Fisto upon their discovery of Grievous' lair
After Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray escaped from Master Luminara Unduli and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, the High Council tracked him to a moon of Vassek and sent Kit Fisto to capture him. There Fisto landed his Delta-7B in the fog and was reunited with his former Padawan and recently knighted, Nahdar Vebb, who brought along clone commander Fil and a small squad of clones.[7]
The group then entered a castle where Gunray was thought to be hiding, however, the lead was a ruse. The beacon led only to a hologram of Gunray laughing derisively. Gunray's image was replaced by that of Count Dooku's, informing them of a trap, but not indicating whether it was for them or for someone else. They soon realized that they had entered the sanctuary of General Grievous, who happened to be approaching the citadel they were infiltrating. Grievous was caught by surprise when the Jedi and their squad of clones engaged him, and suffered the loss of his legs before he escaped and retreated to the control room of his castle, where he directed efforts to eliminate the intruders.[7]

Kit Fisto faces Grievous with both his and Vebb's lightsabers
After escaping traps and fighting a roggwart named Gor, which had finished off Fil, Fisto and Vebb witnessed from a hiding place the General exiting his control room. When the area was clear, Fisto entered the sequence on the security door that he remembered by watching Grievous. Fisto went to get inside of the control room. However, Vebb, feeling a strong urge to defeat the Jedi killer once and for all, disputed with Fisto from the other side of the threshold. Vebb's fate was decided when Grievous' doctor, EV-A4-D, remotely sealed the door between the two Jedi and alerted Grievous. After taking care of the medical droid, Fisto could only watch in despair as Vebb was shot down by Grievous' hidden blaster, drawn via one of the General's free appendages. He then destroyed the console and exited the castle to a cliff precipice to wait for R6-H5 to bring his ship.[7]
However, Grievous climbed the side of the cliff to trap Fisto. The Jedi Master and the cyborg then engaged in a brief but intense lightsaber duel. Grievous took the upper hand first, destabilizing Fisto with one of his favorite approach, 'windmilling' with his two upper arms while fencing with his two lower. It wouldn't last long however: Fisto retaliated by locking Grievous' numerous blades. Fisto told Grievous that he may have once been a glorious warrior, but he was now just Dooku's pawn. Grievous responded by saying he wielded great power, then attempted to strike him down. Fisto ducked under the blade then severed one of Grievous' hands, reclaiming Vebb's lightsaber in the process. Warning that such power would only consume him, Fisto then switched to Jar'Kai and evened the odds against his ailing opponent. As he was about to pin Grievous to the cliff's wall, Grievous' IG-100 MagnaGuards suddenly appeared and surrounded him. Ignoring Grievous taunts and offer of a quick death, Fisto jumped toward his starfighter with the aid of the Force and departed, leaving a fuming Grievous behind. Once back on Coruscant, Fisto reported on the death of Jedi Vebb and his failure to arrest Grievous or Gunray to the High Council.[7]
A member of the Old Guard, the humble Master Fisto repeatedly declined offers of a seat on the High Council, citing that he had not the skills for such an appointment. Eventually, however, Fisto's exploits in the war answered any lingering doubts about his suitability, and he took a seat on the august body.[1]
Rescue on Juma 9[]
When the Juma 9 station became under attack Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Commander Cody and Switch went to try and stop the conflict. While going to the comms room, Obi-Wan and Plo found a Skakoan scientist there. They follow him, and he reveals himself to be Kul Teska. After a battle, he escapes but Obi-Wan and Plo get trapped.
Since Anakin has lost contact with Obi-Wan and Plo Koon, Fisto and Mace Windu arrived to rescue the trapped pair and succeeded.
Battle of Khorm[]
- "Patience, Captain Ozzel. No point in firing until we know exactly what we're firing at"
- ―Kit Fisto to Capt. Ozzel at the Battle of Khorm
Fisto, along with Masters Plo Koon and Tauht, Commander Wolffe, and Captain Kendal Ozzel were sent to liberate Khorm's people and its Agrocite mines from the Separatists. Here, both Fisto and Master Koon engaged Ventress once more, but defeated her and liberated this world from the Confederacy rule.[21]
Fisto once more joined Koon when they were dispatched to quell an uprising of inmates of M'Bardi Prison. Here they encountered the infamous Gen'Dai bounty hunter Durge, whom they trapped in the catacombs beneath the prison. Fisto remained alert, thinking that Durge would escape before reinforcements arrived. Plo Koon was confident they had subdued the seemingly invincible bounty hunter, but as Fisto predicted, the bounty hunter escaped.[22]
Attack on Rishi[]

Fisto battling Separatist forces on Rishi
Fisto and a number of clone troopers went to Rishi to defeat a large number of Geonosians from attacking and invading an area of the planet. Fisto and clone trooper Cooker attacked the Geonosians and successfully killed them all, making Rishi free and safe once again.[23]
Mission to Rodia[]

Kit Fisto in the Rodian waters.
After the hostage crisis in the senate, Fisto was sent to Rodia when the Rodian wildlife began dying. Senator Onaconda Farr was afraid the Confederacy had returned and requested the Jedi investigate. Fisto searched the waters, while his Commander stayed on the surface. While in the water, Master Fisto and his troops found the droid generator. It turned on the clones and fired at them, killing them. Master Fisto witnessed Robonino leaving the scene and pursued him. The bounty hunter threw several thermal detonators at the Jedi, but Fisto redirected them in the generator, deactivating all droids on the planet. Unfortunately for the Jedi, Robonino was able to escape while Fisto was distracted. Fisto and the commander later reported to Senator Farr and told him that all droids were eliminated and the wildlife would turn back to form, but that the bounty hunter escaped. A Kwazel Maw then spat Robonino out on the shore next to them, and he was arrested.[24]
Fisto then met up with Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee at the Ord Cestus medical station where he analyzed the Brain worms found on Geonosis and the ship.[25] Fisto was also present (via hologram) at the temple when Grievous broadcast his capture of fellow council member Eeth Koth.[26]
Battle of Lola Sayu[]
Fisto later assisted Master Koon in rescuing Master Kenobi and Jedi Skywalker's team from the Citadel after their rescue of Master Even Piell. Fisto piloted his light interceptor to the surface, leading a squadron of troops alongside Masters Saesee Tiin and Adi Gallia. Fisto fought against the blockade protecting the planet with his two allies, protecting Plo Koon in his gunship as he went toward the rendezvous to pick up Kenobi and Skywalker's team. Escorting the gunship aboard Koon's Venator-class Star Destroyer, the group returned to Coruscant to debrief the High Council.[27]
Return to Mon Calamari[]

Fisto contacts Yoda and Mace Windu before the Second Battle of Mon Calamari
When the peace talks between the Quarren and the Mon Calamari ended, Fisto along with Anakin Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano and a company of clone SCUBA troopers were sent to Dac to aid Prince Lee-Char's forces in defense of their world. After his forces landed, Fisto drove a OMS Devilfish sub down to the Mon Calamari City. Fisto and his clone forces fought against the first wave of the Quarren and Separatist forces under Commander Riff Tamson. The quarren and the Aqua droids then retreated back to their ships and the coral. Fisto knew that the droids were regrouping for another attack. When the droids attacked, they sent in Hydroid Medusas. Fisto along with Skywalker fought against these creature, but to no avail.[28]
When Tamson came in behind them, Lee Char, at the behest of his military adviser Captain Gial Ackbar, ordered a retreat to caves on the seafloor. Fisto held the hydroid medusas off by driving his mini sub into one of them, destroying it in the process. Fisto then regrouped with what remained of the Mon Calamari and Republic Forces with Skywalker, Tano, Amidala, Binks and the Prince.[28]

Fisto fights Riff Tamson
When Tamson attacked Lee-Char, Fisto swam to the Prince's defense and tackled Tamson, briefly dislocating the Karkarodon's lower jaw. Fisto then activated his lightsaber and went for the killing blow. However, Tamson quickly recovered and held Fisto by the arms for a few seconds before kicking him with enough force to make the Jedi lose his weapon. The odds were now even between the water-bound opponents as they traded unarmed blows against each other. Fisto ordered Tano to take Lee-Char to safety while he kept Tamson occupied. Almost immediately, Tamson had aqua droids surround Fisto, effecting the Nautolan's capture.[29]
It was not long before Skywalker, Amidala and Binks joined Fisto in imprisonment; the Jedi were each encircled by Mon Cala eels, the politicians shackled by Mon Cala crabs. Tamson proceeded to interrogate them on Lee Char's whereabouts. When Fisto and Skywalker proved uncooperative, the eel cages were prodded, electrocuting the Jedi. Even with all the torture, neither Jedi would break. As Tamson pierced a small hole in Amidala's helmet, threatening to slowly drown her, Fisto came up with the idea of both Jedi using the Force to expel the water. This gave Binks the chance to use his saliva to seal the hole, saving Amidala's life.[30]
By this time, Tano and Lee Char had turned themselves in, requesting an audience with Tamson. As the prisoners waited, Fisto serenely advised that Skywalker that "less talking" would help the younger, restless Jedi's situation in the eel cage. It was only when the Quarren, led by the honorable Nossor Ri, changed sides that the tied had turned. The anticipated public execution of Lee Char was halted, replaced by battle. Tano then incapacitated her droid guard and regained her lightsabers, which helped the Jedi lead the politicians away from the war zone. With Dac liberated and Tamson dead, Fisto later witnessed King Lee Char's coronation.[30]
Fisto then helped Skywalker in arresting the Separatist sniper, Captain Shonn Volta, before she was able to assassinate Riyo Chuchi, the Pantoran senator.[31]
Crimson Nova[]
Eventually, the Jedi learned of a bounty that had been placed on all Jedi. To end this threat, Fisto traveled with fellow Jedi Masters Windu, Tiin and Agen Kolar to the Rig—the base of operations for the Crimson Nova chapter of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. While the other three Jedi were wreaking havoc on the bounty hunters, Fisto made his way to the prison cells. Upon freeing the prisoners, Fisto incited an uprising of the inmates by reminding them of the wrong done to them by the bounty hunters before joining his fellow Jedi. The four soon made quick work of the bounty hunters, forcing them to drop the price on Jedi.[32]
Battle of Cato Neimoidia[]
- "Send more droids against the Jedi Knight! Their bodies are making a pile so high that he will never be able to cross it!"
- ―Sentepeth Findos, speaking of Kit Fisto
With a large Republic counterattack against the Core Worlds, General Grievous had ordered all members of the Council to retreat to a rendezvous point in the Outer Rim Territories. However, Republic Intelligence obtained information that Nute Gunray fled back to his stronghold on Cato Neimoidia.[34]
Fisto, accompanied by Generals Kenobi and Skywalker, led an assault on the Neimoidian homeworld of Cato Neimoidia. After a large aerial bombardment, the main clone force, led by General Fisto, landed and began to hammer the city's energy shields. After heavy fighting Fisto and his clones finally broke through to the citadel where Nute Gunray was hiding. However, Gunray escaped before any of the Jedi could stop him.[34]
Battle of Coruscant[]

Fisto's Delta-7 starfighter.
Recalled to Coruscant by Masters Windu and Yoda when Coruscant was attacked by General Grievous, Fisto joined Windu in the ensuing battle on the ground. When Grievous tried to take the Supreme Chancellor by boarding the mag-lev train he was being evacuated in, Fisto and Windu pitted themselves against Grievous's strike force, saving the Chancellor and the countless civilians on board.[34]
In one attempt, Grievous was so bold that he jumped onto the train and tried to pry open the roof of the car in which the Chancellor was in. Fisto was the first to realize this danger and shot through the hole Grievous had made, followed by Windu. While Windu fought Grievous, Fisto took down two MagnaGuards with ease, repulsing Grievous' attempt to take the Chancellor. However, their efforts proved to be in vain. When they heard of Shaak Ti's failure to protect Palpatine, they pursued Grievous' shuttle in a final, unsuccessful attempt.[34]
- "Sleep, all life is a dream."
- ―Kit Fisto

Fisto dies at the hands of Darth Sidious.
In a Jedi Council meeting, the Masters were certain that Palpatine was being manipulated by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious.[35] Setting a mass plan to down the Separatists permanently, Obi Wan was sent on a risky mission to Utapau to eliminate General Grievous, with Yoda being sent to Kashyyyk to aid with the defense of the planet.[2] It was determined that Kolar and Windu would arrest the Chancellor soon after, if he continued an aggressive stance even after Grievous' capture.[35]
On the eve of Kolar's and Windu's confrontation with Palpatine,[35] Anakin Skywalker revealed the Chancellor to be the Sith Lord that the Jedi had been seeking for some time.[2] Immediately, Windu summoned Fisto and Tiin to accompany him and Kolar's to confront Palpatine. Fisto briefly chatted with Kolar and Tiin before their gunship departed to the Chancellor's Suite. Nervous, he claimed it would have been much calmer if Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi had been with them, fondly recounting his mission with Obi-Wan on Ord Cestus as Kolar expressed wonder over Skywalker remaining in the temple. Master Tiin scolded him for this; he maintained that they should be capable of subduing Sidious, and that they were sufficient for the task while Windu tended to Kolar's questions.[35]
Walking into the office, the four Jedi were astonished when the friendly visage of the Chancellor melted and a crimson lightsaber dropped into his hand.[2] Fisto's earlier fears and uneasiness were justified when Sidious,[35] leaping over his desk, made short work of Kolar and Tiin, slaying them with incredible speed before they could react. Fisto joined Windu in the duel and despite surviving much longer than Kolar and Tiin,[2] his Shii-Cho mastery was no match for Sidious' superior fighting skill. Anakin Skywalker briefly witnessed the battle between Sidious, Windu and Fisto from his speeder, as the two Jedi pressed Sidious with a flurry of attacks.[35] Fisto eventually met his end when Sidious, the very man he had "protected" a few days before, cleaved into his stomach with his lightsaber.[2] The fight concluded with Sidious torturing and throwing Windu out the window with Force lightning due to Skywalker's betrayal.
Not long after, Fisto's Force-sensitive uncle, Neaed, was hunted down and assassinated by the Anomid Imperial Assassin, Edge, as part of Order 66.[5]
During his exile on Raxus Prime the Aleena Jedi Knight, Kazdan Paratus, erected junk puppets of the Jedi High Council members at the end of the Clone Wars. The puppet based on Kit Fisto, as with all the other puppets, was destroyed in 3 BBY by Sith Lord Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller, when he dueled Kazdan Paratus.[36]
Around a year or two later, Fisto's name was brought up in conversation between Dash Rendar and Eaden Vrill, a former mentor of his uncle's, who recounted his famous exploits during the Clone Wars.[5]
Personality and traits[]
- "Those who have power should restrain themselves from using it."
- ―Kit Fisto

Kit Fisto's signature smile
A green-skinned Nautolan of Glee Anselm, Kit Fisto wore the traditional robes, as well as leather bands around his several head tails. With a laid-back and accepting outlook on life,[10] Fisto took to his duties with enthusiasm, often sporting a wide smile when events went his way.[15] With a well-developed sense of humility to go with that sense of humor, Fisto mostly kept a low profile, initially uninterested in the idea of appointment to the High Council. Instead, he believed he would be better suited for the Council of Reconciliation,[6] in line with his view that it was the role of the Jedi to use the power they had been given to ensure the social betterment of those less fortunate.[10]

Fisto saves Aayla Secura's life.
Despite his radical combat style and easygoing nature, Fisto was surprisingly conservative on the matter of galactic politics.[1] He was a determined and resourceful Jedi and was dedicated to maintaining peace throughout the galaxy and defending the honor of the Jedi Code. Even though he considered himself well suited to the job of training Bant Eerin, He still harbored doubts about his competence as a teacher and a role model.[6]
Fisto shared a close relationship with the Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, one which, had they both not dedicated their life to the Jedi, likely would have gone even further.[1]
Powers and abilities[]
- "I should have gone closer to the edge. Released myself into the Force, become more unpredictable. More random."
"That would have been dangerous. Not to your body, perhaps, but to your spirit."
"It is the way of Form I." - ―Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan Kenobi discuss Shii-Cho

Kit Fisto, a master of Form I.
A master practitioner of Shii-Cho,[20] Kit Fisto was considered to be one of the best swordsmen in the Jedi Order.[35] His mastery of the form was advanced, and he applied it in many battles and duels, always with his trademark smile. He went head to head with many of the most dangerous adversaries of the Clone Wars and survived. A notable opponent was General Grievous, whom Fisto almost defeated,[7] as Form I's specialization against multiple foes,[37] or in this case, multiple weapons, was well-suited to holding off the four lightsabers Grievous' bizarre mechanical anatomy allowed him to wield. Fisto's quick thinking and speedy reflexes enabled him to recognize vulnerable body zones on his opponents and react immediately, as shown when he cut off Grievous' legs and later one of his hands during their duels.[7] Even so, Grievous had overwhelmed both Fisto and Nadhar Vebb in the first engagement, and Fisto managed to fight evenly with Grievous only after the cyborg had recently been patched up.[7][38]
However, Fisto was not without his weaknesses. Form I was ideal when heavily outnumbered and effective against many opponents, but a single opponent was able to find flaw in it,[37] and this proved to be Kit Fisto's downfall. When he had fought Asajj Ventress on Ord Cestus, she had not only studied his fighting style beforehand;[20] Count Dooku had taught her Form II,[39] which was superior to Shii-Cho.[40] Thus, she had penetrated Fisto's guard and nearly killed him.[20] Fisto's final battle against Darth Sidious ended with his death, as—despite Fisto's own power and skill—he simply wasn't able to compete with Sidious. However, he managed to last longer than his fellow combatants, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, being able to block several of Sidious' vicious blows before falling.[2]
Fisto also proved to be competent in the use of Form IV lightsaber combat,[41] which would fit in well with his acrobatics.[42] His versatility and weapon skill was such that he could ably apply it towards the usage of dual-blades, or even lightwhips.[7][20] He would occasionally wield a reverse Shien grip whenever possible.[22][23] Aside from his bladework, Fisto was reasonably adept in unarmed combat, as demonstrated by his underwater bout with Riff Tamson;[29] it was a method that he would prefer when defeating foes in a non-lethal way, though Plo Koon would criticize it as being "too slow."[22]

Fisto's lightsaber contained two crystals employing a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse that allowed the blade to operate underwater. This proved helpful on Mon Calamari during the Clone Wars. He wielded a green blade, the traditional color of Consulars.
Having been trained as a Jedi Consular,[6] Master Fisto was adept in the use of the Force. For instance, he was capable of creating and manipulating water currents through use of the Force for both offensive and defensive purposes. Fisto developed his own Force technique from this ability, aptly named the Force water orb, which he used during the battle of Mon Calamari. He was the only known practitioner of this power, having created it himself. He also possessed an acute olfactory sense, allowing him to read the emotions of other sentients.[10]
Fisto was also skilled in the use of Force speed and on Ord Cestus, his Force enhanced speed baffled even Obi-Wan Kenobi's experienced gaze.[20] Fisto was also an extremely skilled swimmer and honed his Jedi abilities to take advantage of his amphibious origins, making him a lethal foe underwater as well as on land. Also, he was skilled in hand-to-hand combat, holding his own against Riff Tamson in an underwater brawl although he was unable to defeat him.
Behind the scenes[]

Kit Fisto wielding two lightsabers.
Kit Fisto first appeared in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis. Originally, his character was designed as a Sith, but since the movie did not call for a Sith of a species other than Human, this was changed.[1] Zac Jensen and ILMer Daniel Zizmor played Fisto in Attack of the Clones, but did not replay Fisto in Revenge of the Sith. The role went to stuntman Ben Cooke.
In the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, Fisto was beheaded by Palpatine, not cleaved into the waist. His death was not described firsthand—instead, Anakin found Fisto's head on the Chancellor's table with the Nautolan's typical smile on it. In the novel Labyrinth of Evil, James Luceno incorrectly states that Fisto carries a blue lightsaber.
Nick Gillard, the lightsaber stuntman who played Cin Drallig in Revenge of the Sith, personally liked Fisto's lightsaber hilt so much that he made it his own for his character.
In Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series Kit Fisto has been voiced by Phil LaMarr. His voice was inspired by the voice of "the 7-UP guy" from its television commercials.[43] LaMarr voices the character with a Jamaican accent, even though in Clone Wars Chapter 21, the first source in which Fisto speaks, the character has a Scottish accent.
Kit Fisto is shown with eyelids in the episode of The Clone Wars Lair of Grievous, despite statements in published works stating Nautolans have no eyelids.
Non-canon duel[]
In Star Wars: Head-to-Head, Fisto was matched up in a hypothetical duel with Darth Maul and it was determined that Kit would prove victorious.
Non-canon appearances[]

- LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
- "Sithisis" — Star Wars: Visionaries
- Star Wars: Battlefront II (Xbox Live content only)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Path of the Jedi on CartoonNetwork.com (article) (content now obsolete; new link on Archive.org)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 film
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
- LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace
Aquatic Adventure on StarWars.com (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
Non-canon sources[]
Notes and references[]
External links[]
- Fisto's lightsaber (content unavailable; Backup link on Archive.org)